Wednesday 26 June 2019

Too hot to think....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We are still 'enjoying' the extreme heat here. Today the heat record for June, which was established back in 1947, has been broken as the temps soared again. The tar is melting on the streets, trains are breaking down,the farmers are worrying about their crops and livestock, and nobody is sleeping well. My bedroom temperature yesterday was 33°....Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler, before the extreme heat comes back again at the weekend. Next week things will hopefully be more normal.

I have a mixed media paper/textile collage to share, made some time back, using lots of scraps, ribbons and other small pieces on a painted background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's  The wandering camera

I have some photos to share taken in Düsseldorf.
An old clock from the beginning of the 20th century:

This is between Königsallee and Hofgarten:

I didn't like this building from Daniel Liebeskind when it was first built, but in the meantime I love it. You can read more here:

The Henry Moore sculpture,  '2 piece reclining figure', is opposite the building in Hofgarten:

 There are lots of other sculptures, old and new there:

This group of sculptures 'Las Meninas'  (The court ladies) is from 
Manolo Valdés:

And this street art is on the casemates in the Altstadt:

'Flo was here'

We are lucky to have so much art to see here, covering all segments from the sublime to the ridiculous - something for every taste.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. oh my gosh that's so warm! you do beautiful work despite the heat,, I really enjoy the mix of old and new sculptures and buildings,, it adds interest and more pause for thought,

  2. So many amazing sights. That building is awesome.
    Love the collage. Lots of color and texture.
    The tar is melting??? Good grief.
    Hope you get cooler temperatures soon.

  3. Hi Val, hope it will soon cool down for you. Same here, the kids don't want to sleep! Love your beautiful collage, great use of those scraps. The photos are wonderful, I love the building, and the sculptures are amazing, what a great selection. All in all a wonderful post again. Hope you sleep better tonight. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Dusseldorf seems a beautiful town, Valerie. I haven't been there but I will do it one day. In Greece the temperate is around 39 C degrees!!! I lllllllllllove your mixed media page. Really unique and certainly a gorgeous inspiration. Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. The problem is that nothing here was built or made for these temperatures.

  5. That is just TOO hot !!!
    Thinking of you and hoping you will get some cooler weather soon.

    I like your mixed media pieces, they are very colourful.
    Enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.
    I like the different sculptures and street art.

    Take care and stay as cool as you can :)

    All the best Jan

  6. Hello Valerie, I was thinking the very same as your reply to Mia above, as I read through your post... that you're prepared for cold weather but not the extremes of heat which would make those temperatures so much worse to bear. I really hope you have relief very soon.
    Your mixed media art is lovely and it evokes the feeling of a summer's day at the beach :D)
    That is an unusual building, modern but with thought as to how it will be seen. Your photos bring out its many features.
    The sculptures are charming and I was fascinated to see them.

    1. Happy PPF Valerie 💜
      I hope it's a bit cooler for you today

  7. Interesting art work you see along the way, even the building are fabulous.
    Great mixed media project full of delightful colour.xx

  8. It was over 39 C here today. The heat index put it over 40 C. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have AC. It's my salvation. Until the electricity quits. In fact, a power surge was what they are blaming the outage on yesterday.

    Really like your abstract entry today. Sewing makes it even more special. The colors are great and the textures are fabulous.

    I LOVE that building. I like the fact that nature is built into the design. It's wonderful.

  9. I remember that clock from when we visited Dusseldorf a few years ago! Happy memories. Love your art piece, great colour and texture. That is am amazing building too. We get melting tar and train lines moving and bending on the super hot summer days here, it is not something I associate with Germany! Hope it cools a bit for you soon.

    1. Glad you recognised the clock! This is exactly the problem here, the infrastructure was not built for this heat, the people in charge all over the world need to start re-thinking their options and stop the climate changing.

  10. Bardzo ciekawa wycieczka , pomniki są piękne ale mnie zachwycił i rozbawił mural z żabą. Lubię żaby i wszystko co jest z nimi związane;) Pozdrawiam :)

  11. Thanks Lucyna, I liked the frog street-art, too!

  12. Yikes. I hope the heat levels off a bit. Sounds pretty sticky. That sculpture park looked cooler, though. I hope so, though maybe humid!

    I love your mixed media piece. I'm not used to seeing you do work like that and it's lovely. And also your new banner with photos from this series. Great capture!

  13. That clock is impressive.
    Wishing you cooler weather.

  14. I love your textile art, it's beautiful. Those court ladies are fabulous, I love them too.
    Hope it cools down for you soon.
    Alison xx

  15. So beautiful Mixed Media collage.
    That's too warm. Right now it's raining and a bit cooler here (16 degrees).

    1. Thanks Marjut, your weather sounds great to me!

  16. That use of textiles in the collage is wonderful. So many beautiful elements, and it came together so perfectly. I like the heat! :)

    I love the public art y'all have, such striking pieces both in the sculptures and architecture, and I like the mix of old and new.

    1. Thanks! If you like it hot you would love it bere just now....

  17. Hallo liebe Valerie, ja Heute war es hier auch viel zu heiß und ich bin mit Kopfweh erwacht und fast den ganzen Tag damit rumgelaufen, das denken fiel schwer. Erst zwei Kaffee und etwas kühle Brise am Abend haben Abhilfe geschaffen. Deine wilde Bändercollage sieht super aus und paßt zu meiner Verfassung Heute. ;) Die Fotos vom Liebeskind-Gebäude sehen super aus, toll diese Spiegelflächen. Aber auch die Graffities sind sehenswert, echte Kleinkunst und nicht nur Schmiererei. Du hast immer ein gutes Auge für alles Sehenswerte. Hoffe du bekommst bald etwas kühle Luft. Hab noch eine schöne Sommerszeit mit viel tollen Fotomotiven.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  18. Beautiful textures and layers, itS a fantastic mixed media page Valerie.
    The photos look lovely. I'm not a fan of modern buildings but they do seem to mellow with age. THE sculptures look great, you are really lucky to have so many interesting areas to see when you are out for your walks. I hope you qre sticking to walking the shady paths during all the heat, stY Safe.
    YVONNE xx

  19. Nice photographs. I like the clock.

  20. Hi Valerie love your mixed media work,so pretty. as always I enjoy your photos,I am still travelling and where we are in Darwin it's that hot to ,but we are enjoying the hotter weather,have just popped in to say hi as we don't have a lot of internet xx

  21. I hope it passes soon for you. The mixed media paper and textile collage is so playful, lovely colours! Beautiful photos of Düsseldorf. What a fascinating building. I specially liked the Las Meninas sculpture.


  22. Fabulous page! The textures and colours of all the fabrics and ribbon is amazing 😁. Such beautiful architecture and statues too! Happy Friday and Weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  23. I'm sorry you've been enduring such awful heat. It hasn't been nearly that bad here. We haven't hit triple digits yet, and my feelings won't be hurt if we never do.

    Your photos show something really special. I love the juxtaposition of old buildings and art with the new and shiny. It gives the area so much character. It's such a shame when cities remove old buildings in the name of progress.

    Have a super weekend! (Try to keep you cool...)

  24. Wooww I looove this textile collage Valerie !! Incredible how you so well combinate the colours, absolutely Gorgeous ! So lovely photographs you share today, thanks so much. This building is special, with some attraction may I say, just different! love the sculptures too and the street art.
    Yes this hot weather will continue here too. Fortunately, we have the sea breeze, otherwise we would be fried with heat.
    I wish you a very nice weekend
    Big hugs, Caty

  25. what a lovely fabric, fiber and stitch collage. Just so many marvelous sights to see in your parts- love it all! Hope you can cool off a bit soon. We're having very hot, humid days right now too.Happy PPF!

  26. Cheerful artwork, perfect for summer! Happy PPF!

  27. You and I seem to be sharing the same kind of weather these days - hot! I love the textures in your collage, as well as your soft color palette. Happy PPF!

  28. Luv your whimsical fabic art. The sculpture photos are wuote interesting. Happy PPF. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  29. Beautiful header ~ gorgeous fabric collage and wonderful photography ~ love the sculptures ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Simply a fabulous post thank you for sharing all the beauty.

  31. Hope you have a great weekend.

  32. I hope the weather improves! I love your mixed media piece, there are so many lovely details. I also greatly enjoyed your photos, the 'Las Meninas' pieces really grabbed me.

  33. Your mixed media piece looks nice and cool- beautiful colors. Sorry it has been so hot there lately. I hope it will cool off a bit so humans, animals, and plants can all be a bit more comfortable. :)

  34. It's always wonderful to scroll through the photos again.

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera, Valerie!

  35. Love the dynamic lines on that very modern building! Love stepping into your life via photos for PPF! Keep up the great work!

  36. I hope that creating that lovely textile mixed media piece gave you some relief from the heat (and hope things do cool down for you!).

  37. I love the collage with reminds me of the sea.

  38. what a gorgeous textural creation. i hope things cool off some for you soon! xo

  39. Pretty sights😘💙💜💚

  40. wow! das war bestimmt schön der ausflug für deinen sohn, das Daniel liebeskind haus,schön was tolle werke es zu sehen gibt,deine srapseite finde ich einfach toll,toll!!!
    einen schönen sonntag für dich,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  41. The heat sounds terrible - same for my mother in the Czech Republic - hope you are finding ways to stay cool somehow (lots of ice cream!). I'm surprised you wanted to play with all those fluffy woolly textures, but I'm glad you did - it's a wonderful collage piece. Great photos too, as always - I adore the woman sculpture in her panniered dress.
    Alison x

  42. Your mixed media piece is gorgeous. I love the colors and textures in it! Beautiful photographs too. Looks like a wonderful day of getting out and viewing some cool buildings, sculptures and wall art. :) I feel your misery with the heat. I think it is definitely worse if you don't normally have such extreme temperatures. I hope your air cools off soon and you all get some relief! Have a blessed week! :)

  43. I love your mixed media piece! So much fun! I love all the colours!
    Please take care in the heat! I can't even imagine!
    I love all the buildings and statues!! You have such amazing art where you live!! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks. I Wish I could send you Dome Heat!

  44. A fabulous collage Valerie and wonderful photos, I love the statues especially the court ladies.
    xxx Hazel.

  45. I love your gorgeous textural piece Valerie, and your photographs today are really special. I can see that the building would have been a surprise when it was built, but it really does have a certain something doesn't it xx

  46. Another wonderful collection of photos, those are gorgeous buildings and love the flowers on the windows x #wanderingcamera


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