Monday 24 June 2019

T stands for hoT TemperaTures and more

Hi Everybody!

We are still 'enjoying' very hot and humid weather here, and this week we should break the all-time record for June with the temps climbing to over 40° thanks to hot air from the Sahara which is being blown over to us. Not my thing at all, I just wish I had somewhere cool to hide till it's over.

Tuesday is always time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang. I am sharing an A3 Mixed Media piece made back in February and forgotten about till I cleared away a pile of stuff that was cluttering a chair. I used lots of scraps of linen, burlap, painted tyvek, corrugated card and serviettes, collaged and sewed onto craft paper:

I will also be linking to Paint Party Friday.

And there was a lot of coffee drinking and ice eating again, but I always did my required steps before eating my ice:

Lemon-basil ice this time, also very yummy!

And a few photos from my walks this week. At the moment I am not sleeping well because of the heat, so go out for my first walk early in the morning and then again in the late evening when it is not quite so hot:

Have a great week, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely mixed media piece. Always enjoy your walks, seems the ducks are friendly too! Great supply of hay there for a farmer.

    1. I always have something tasty in my pockets for ducks, geese or horses I meet on my walks!

  2. Fabulous piece, your photos are also so sensational as is the lovely coffee...xx

  3. Good Morning Val! I was wondering where you were over the weekend, probably hiding out from the heat! Another gorgeous post, so much to see and enjoy. Love the journal page, it looks very vintage, great use of all the various materials. Wonderful photos, too, I can picture you and Nelya tucking in on your walks! Love the poppy header, too. Have a great week, and try to keep cool, hugs Sarah

  4. In here, in Poland, it is really hot these days too... It is more than 30 C. I love your pictures as always, have a lovely week:)

  5. Oh, I lllllove horses!!!! Beautiful photos, Valerie.
    But your A3 mixed media page is stunning! You combined so many things in a lovely design. Really inspiring for an amateur like me, my dear friend. Kisses!!!!!

  6. Oh Valerie that is too hot, I have somewhere cool for you lol, come see me! Your tag is beautiful, the photos amazing, unusual duck, the cold treats and coffee look delicious!

  7. Your posts are always full of "eye candy" I love your mixed media post very much, and I enjoyed all of the photos your ice creams looks so delicious and perfect for very hot and humid days. Here in Missouri we get allot of those days too in the summer months. Happy T hugs Kathy

  8. I find it fascinating how the heat even seems to show up in the colors of photos. Must be the look at the sky and how my brain knows how it looks in the hot. That ice cream looks yummy. Lemon basil sounds good, especially when it's hot. Fruity flavors always taste so good then. and I really like your stitched layout. So many cool items work together very well. Happy early T day. Hope It cools off soon for you. Hugs-Erika

  9. Beautiful mixed media, wonderful textures. I remember you suffering in the heat last year too, global warming perhaps. The chocolate ice looks particularly good.

    1. Yes, we had three months of the extreme heat and no rain last year, so I'm hoping it won't last so long this time.

  10. I love the variety of elements that come together so well in this piece. I always enjoy your walks. So many sights to see, and again, so much variety :)

  11. Beautiful textures in that mixed media piece, Valerie. Summer has been rather shy about making her appearance here in Prince Edward Island. But I agree with you about the truly hot weather. On the other hand, I would just like to put my jackets and sweaters away for a few months.

  12. love love your textured mixed media piece, really beautifully put together. We are just about to get the hot weather here in the UK later this week although not as hot as you, I don't envy you! Thank you so much for your kind well wishes on my blog recently, it was very kind of you, Eleanor xx

  13. Gorgous Mixed Media Artwork with all the nice kinds of fabric. Like that much. Wonderful photos again, always a pleasure to walk with you.
    Happy summertime.

  14. Love the poppies in your header, and you've shared some wonderful photographs again.
    Stay as cool as you can!

    All the best Jan

    PS I do like the textures in your art piece ...

  15. Gorgeous artwork! The lemon basil ice cream really sounds yummy! Beautiful photos as always!
    Happy T day!

  16. Your mixed media page looks amazing Valerie! Great photos too.
    Alison xx

  17. so many wonderful textures on your page Valerie- love it!! Supposed to be quite hot, humid, and muggy here the next few days- but as we do have central air in our home I can always go out to warm up, then come in to cool off:). I really like your way of thinking to get the steps in then enjoy a treat like that yummy ice. Lovely photos. Happy T day!

  18. Your mixed media piece is amazing! I love the texture as well as the words. And all the yummy drinks and desserts you shared really have me drooling. Beautiful photos today.
    Happy Tea Day,

  19. Your weather sounds hot and unpleasant. Lovely art piece. The coffee and ice looks delicious. Wonderful bird photos at the park. That brown horse is beautiful. Great mix of photos. Happy T-Day!

  20. das wetter und die bilder die du gemachst sind wunderschön,deine seite ist großartig,ich liebe vintage und .

    das lemon eis scheint es warm zu werden*grin*lecker,lecker!!
    ein schönen sonnigen tag wünsch ich dir.

    hugs jenny

  21. That is so hot, I think I'd melt in that heat especially with the hot flushes I've been experiencing of late 😉. Your page is beautiful, I love the vintage style and all the texture from the layers that you added! Those ice creams looks yummy and as always your photos are wonderful! Stay cool and wishing you a very happy T Day! Jo x

  22. Hi Valerie, poor you having that hot weather, apparently it is heading our way, we had our air con last night for the first time, summer is here!
    I love your page with all those layers and textures. Lemon and basil ice cream sounds refreshing.
    Have a great week
    Jan x

  23. I am envious Valerie - we have cold and wet weather so if you want somewhere cooler just hop over to the NE England!
    Loved your collaged piece today, so many gorgeous textures and interesting images and the photos from your walks look lovely - it was nice to see blue skies and sunshine!
    Avril xx

    1. Don't be envious - it's 38° outside and 35° inside just now, really no fun at all not being able to breathe!

  24. Beautiful page, Valerie. I love all the fabric and texture. I can't believe it got put aside and forgotten! When I actually finish a page, I celebrate. I always leave a page where I can see it until I start a new one. It helps motivate me.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. This often happens. In my small apartment I sometimes need to clear my things away so people can sit down, and this way things get mislaid and forgotten!

  25. Wow -- a lovely new banner! I really love your tratoria art and that duck is the coolest one I've ever seen. What kind of chocolate was that ice cream? It's the darkest ever and looks fabulous!

    1. It's bitter choc ice and the most delicious ever, ever, ever. That duck was a real cutie!🐥

  26. Out of frustration, I am at my neighbor’s house across the street using her computer. I told her I would be brief and leave this quick message. I have been without electricity AGAIN, this time for over 18 hours. I can’t ask my foodie friend Sally, because she lives on the same side of my street and her electricity is out, too. I will be by to visit once my electricity has returned, but for now, please be assured, I would be sharing a drink with you right now, if I could. Thanks for understanding.

  27. You have such lovely places to walk! My three mile walk every morning is a bike path beside a highway, very noisy! Sometimes I take the Redbud trail, a rail to trail path, and it is better. But nothing compares to your wonderful scenery! I love your art project. I am glad you found it and showed us. It is pretty amazing. Happy T Day!

  28. Oh I love your project, it has so many wonderful textures and elements to it! The ice looks very yummy, good for you for getting your steps in first. Lovely photos as well.

  29. lOVELY PHOTOS AND A FANTASTIC PAGE. i LOVE THE LAYERS OF Ttextures you added, they look very touchablr.
    I WAS WONDERING HOW YOU WERE WITH ALL THE Continental high temperatures. Take plenty fluids with you when you go for your walks.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I never go out without a bottle of water, drinking is so impose especially in this heat.

  30. Love the ducks and horses. Everything looks so serene
    Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well. Trying to sleep in the heat is the pits.
    Enjoyed your piece and all the wonderful contrasts.
    Try to stay cool.

  31. Really love this piece Valerie, glad you found it to share. It would look great as a stand alone canvas or even attached to a tote bag if primed for all weathers. Although it sounds like you are getting the best of the sunshine, we've had a mixed bag here (no pun intended) with glorious sunshine then thunder lightening then heavy downpours. The weather reports say that Hot hot hot is coming our way.. so I may need a lick of that delicious Lemon & Basil ice if your sharing of course xx
    Hugs Tracey & so sorry i've been awol again, Mom's been unwell and my Daughter's friend from Sweden has been over so no me time xx

  32. I promised I'd be back. Your art piece is incredible. I makes T day extra special. I love the textures, the layers, the different elements. It is great.

    You had a LOT of cappuccino this week and lots of ice cream, too. I loved it all and every cup was so special and made T Tuesday extra special this week.

    LOVED the photos, especially the ducks, the hay that has been harvested, and the horses. Thanks for sharing these and your wonderful art and various cups of cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  33. Ooh I love your fabric piece Valerie, such lovely textures. I do not envy you the heat at all, especially when it comes to sleep time. We've had rain, rain, and more rain, but at least we can sleep. Take care and keep cool xx

  34. A wonderful piece Valerie, lovely photos, the ice cream looks yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  35. OOhh this is a Fantastic Art collage Valerie !! I looooove it, the colours you have chosen are wonderful, Great your Art !! Happy belaaated T-day !! that a lovely place, and thanks so much for the so beautiful photographs you share with us.
    I wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  36. Please take care with the heat! I love your art piece! So creative! Your treats look so yummy!! Love the nature photos! Big Hugs!

  37. Ooh, that collage is right up my street - I just love the earthy colour tones and rustic textures - a brilliant piece of fabric art.
    Alison x


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