Monday 10 June 2019

T stands for a Trip down Memory Lane

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start. Here we have a long Whitsunday  weekend and today is a holiday. 

I have a hybrid tag for the Beverages challenge at Tag Tuesday, and once again it turned out to be a coffee tag - no idea how that happened again! 

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's Tea stands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all the ladies of the T gang.

I have of course drunk lots of coffee in the course of the week, one of them at an Italian Cafe in Oberkassel:

I loved this sign:

'Ice has relatively few vitamins, so you need to eat more of it'

The coffee there was great, served with burnt almonds:

And on some days I treat myself to a scoop of bitter-choc ice at my fave ice-parlour here - but only if I have walked more than 19000 steps on that day:

Last week I went 'back in time' and visited the street where we lived when I first came to Germany. Most of the houses, including the one where we lived, have been pulled done and now there are blocks of flats everywhere. A few of the old houses are still at the end of the street:

The old village cross is still there, too:

Then I walked along the Rhine, with a good view of the Medienhafen, Gehry Buildings and Post Office tower from the other side:

This little crow was sitting on a wire watching us:

Here you can see the Altstadt 'Schlossturm'  across the Rhine through the trees:

There are beautiful houses from the late 19th and early 20th centuries there, here a few pics:

Loved this piano sculpture:

Strange beasts guarding the houses:

And some flower photos taken by Harry:

That's all for today. My next post will have lots of  42s for those who are interested!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, glad I caught this before I go out. The kids are wanting to do something fun, that's all I needed! Love your tag, and the photos are great. I must see if I can find bitter-choc ice, looks good. Love the ice-cream sign, my kids don't need encouragement to eat more ice, though! Glad you had a fun trip out, sometimes it's important to'lay ghosts'. Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

  2. Great post down memory lane fabulous pics and my hubby would drool over that icecream.xx

  3. What a great hybrid page Valerie x it looks like you had a great time walking down memory lane and I love the photographs too x 19,000 steps is quite an achievement in a day and you deserved your ice cream xx

  4. Your coffee tag is beautiful, I love the vintage type background it has, it’s nice to look back at places we live isn’t it, especially in this beautiful city you live in, the buildings are so beautiful. The chocolate ice looks delicious! Amazing flower photos!

  5. Nice art today! Not that i am a coffee drinker but I can appreciate to art and the drink. And I can really appreciate the dark chocolate ice cream. Boy that sure looks good. I went out with some of my students last Friday for ice cream, but I only had 10,000 steps at that point, but no walks other than around work for me. Happy new week valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Most of my friends are tea-drinkers - all the more coffee for me. That bitter-choc ice is so tempting, I have to be very strict with myself not to go overboard with it!

  6. The coffee page made me smile. The Eldest is the same way (-: Such lovely architectural and the flowers. Oh and the ice cream! I don't think I'd have the discipline to wait until I had walked a certain number of steps. Harry's close ups of the flowers are amazing. Happy T Day!

  7. Bitter chocolate ice, would love to try that. Lovely post today, stunning photos and the coffee tag is perfect.

  8. Oh how I enjoyed your beautiful Coffee/tea tag :)
    Your photos, as always are outstanding!
    I do have a favorite one today...the house with the painted mural on its' side!!!


  9. What a fun, beautiful post today, Valerie. The coffee tag is wonderful. My drink of choice, also. It's the best, and I would take it over tea in a heartbeat. That made the tag even more special.

    Your coffee choice with burnt almonds looks delicious, too. How awesome to be able to walk to a coffee shop or even an ice cream parlor.

    It's fun to walk down memory lane, but when everything has changed, or much has changed, it can be a bit overwhelming. The photos you shared of the houses, especially the ones with the 19th and 20th century houses, are incredible. Give me Victorian any day when it comes to homes. The ones you showed were out of this world.

    Thanks for sharing these incredible photos, your awesome coffee tag, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

  10. I got a kick out of the coffee beans in your art. The chocolate ice cream looks rich and delicious :) The mix of old and new makes for an interesting landscape. Such a variety! The flower close-ups are stunners!

    I'll eagerly look forward to the 42s :)

    Happy T Day

  11. Well I know my first choice of beverage is always tea LOL!
    BUT I loved your coffee tag, it's brilliant.

    Such a lovely selection of photographs and so interesting to go back to where you used to live.

    I just wandered do you have a daily target on steps you walk?
    I know many people do … have to say I don't count steps and the length of my walks do differ depending on time, weather etc. But it is so lovely to be out and about :)

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

    1. I have 10000 steps entered on my tracker my minimum, but mostly I walk much more. Last week's average was 18000 a day, and sometimes it's more when we don't have so much rain!

    2. Thanks for answering my question both here and on the low carb diabetic blog :)

      Hope the weather today has been dry, ours in the UK has been very mixed … umbrellas needed at times!

      All the best Jan

  12. Another fantastic coffee tag Valerie, I guess we know its your favourite drink.
    It was good to see the cafes and the chocolate ice cream looked delicious.
    Lovely photos and thank you for taking us with you on your trip down memory lane.
    The piano sculpture looked amazing and so did all those wonderful buildings.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Love the coffee tag...of course it's coffee of me every time! I love the photos you took on your nostalgic walk and then the walk by the river and the flowers! Happy T day Chrisx

  14. Beautiful tag, coffee seems to be your drink of choice! Love the old buildings, it is sad when they get pulled down. That street art is amazing. The flower photos are great too, such a lovely place to walk.

  15. Wow, what a fabulous post! Your hybrid coffee art is a treat as is that yummy looking ice cream, you certainly deserved it walking 19000 steps 😉. I'm loving all the beautiful photos too and it was so nice to step back down memory lane with you too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Jo x

  16. Your coffee page is great. Seriously Valerie, your photos would be terrific for an online Germany tourist zine. You make me want to visit and I don't like to travel.

  17. Your artwork is lovely. The coffee from the shops always looks so decorative. That chocolate ice looked decadently delicious! I always enjoy your architecture photos. I like seeing the flowers growing by the houses and buildings. I like the gargoyles. Happy T-Day!

  18. Very fun coffee tag, Valerie. I'm so impressed with how many steps you clock! I've only beat 10,000 two days since I got my Fitbit watch. Of course, I know you log a lot of steps on your photo outings and walks that you share with us. I enjoyed touring your old neighborhood. Harry's a great photographer too! Lovely flower photos. Happy T-day! Eileeen xx

  19. Valerie, thank you for the correction of my Latin. Guess I'm a bit rusty after 50 years. 😉 Eileen xx

    1. Yes, our school days are long past. I've been reading Harry Potter in Latin to refresh my knowledge.

  20. Love the tag--of course--, the architecture, flowers and stroll down memory lane.
    I could go for the bitter chocolate ice cream, even though I've already had some chocolate ice cream today. Heh.

  21. Gorgeous photos! 19000 steps! I was so proud of 15000! LOL Happy T Day!

  22. Great tag..I can almost smell that cream looks scrummy too.

  23. deine cafe seiten sind klasse,die gemalte feder auf dem cafe ist genial.
    das bild von deinem freund ist toll,er schaut sehr freundlich und er strahlt freude aus.
    die eisbilder machen appetit auf eis.
    schöne woche für dich.

    hugs jenny

  24. A great Hybrid tag for the challenge, I could imagine it painted with black coffee a great medium to work with and smells delicious. Beautiful skies to greet us in your photo's Valerie, you always bring sunshine when the days are so grey here. As you know I have been away for a couple of weeks for a well needed break, playing catch up is like two steps forward and one step back so i'm starting from today and looking forward to getting back into the swing of it all. Feel like I could do with a lick of that ice cream for a boost of energy hee hee!! So glad to be back and visiting.
    Hugs for the day Tracey xx

  25. Your tag is absolutely gorgeous Valerie !! I love the coffee cup, and the colors are wonderful. What a beautiful place to come back, although the houses have changed, it is always nice to remember beautiful moments of the past. Happy belated T-day!
    Your ice-cream is ñam ñam, delicious, and, and .... I can be on the top left of the ice-cream, like a tiger running ..... and a face with red eyes .... ohhhh !! it's my mind !! Haha..
    Love the fabulous photographs you have shared with us, they are great, the houses are really lovely. The little crow is adorable. Love this piano sculpture. 19,000 woowww, congrats !! Wonderful flowers !
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugs,

  26. Ach der Kaffee mit den leckeren gebrannten Mandeln macht mir hier den Mund wässerig. Beim Eis nehm ich lieber Fruchtiges. Eure Fotos sind, wie immer, ein Träumchen. So schöne alte Häuser liebe ich auch sehr und muß sie auch immer fotografieren.
    Liebe Grüße


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