Wednesday 26 June 2019

Too hot to think....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We are still 'enjoying' the extreme heat here. Today the heat record for June, which was established back in 1947, has been broken as the temps soared again. The tar is melting on the streets, trains are breaking down,the farmers are worrying about their crops and livestock, and nobody is sleeping well. My bedroom temperature yesterday was 33°....Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler, before the extreme heat comes back again at the weekend. Next week things will hopefully be more normal.

I have a mixed media paper/textile collage to share, made some time back, using lots of scraps, ribbons and other small pieces on a painted background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Soma's  The wandering camera

I have some photos to share taken in Düsseldorf.
An old clock from the beginning of the 20th century:

This is between Königsallee and Hofgarten:

I didn't like this building from Daniel Liebeskind when it was first built, but in the meantime I love it. You can read more here:

The Henry Moore sculpture,  '2 piece reclining figure', is opposite the building in Hofgarten:

 There are lots of other sculptures, old and new there:

This group of sculptures 'Las Meninas'  (The court ladies) is from 
Manolo Valdés:

And this street art is on the casemates in the Altstadt:

'Flo was here'

We are lucky to have so much art to see here, covering all segments from the sublime to the ridiculous - something for every taste.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 24 June 2019

T stands for hoT TemperaTures and more

Hi Everybody!

We are still 'enjoying' very hot and humid weather here, and this week we should break the all-time record for June with the temps climbing to over 40° thanks to hot air from the Sahara which is being blown over to us. Not my thing at all, I just wish I had somewhere cool to hide till it's over.

Tuesday is always time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang. I am sharing an A3 Mixed Media piece made back in February and forgotten about till I cleared away a pile of stuff that was cluttering a chair. I used lots of scraps of linen, burlap, painted tyvek, corrugated card and serviettes, collaged and sewed onto craft paper:

I will also be linking to Paint Party Friday.

And there was a lot of coffee drinking and ice eating again, but I always did my required steps before eating my ice:

Lemon-basil ice this time, also very yummy!

And a few photos from my walks this week. At the moment I am not sleeping well because of the heat, so go out for my first walk early in the morning and then again in the late evening when it is not quite so hot:

Have a great week, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!