Wednesday 11 April 2018

Mid-week this and that

Hi Everybody!

We had an evening filled with thunder and lightning and torrential rain,  and it was pretty to watch from the safety of my living room. But I'm glad I wasn't out in it....The leaves on the trees have sprouted in the past couple of days, and I love the delicate, spring green everywhere. And I do feel very sorry for all those in the USA stuck in a winter time-warp. Hope it soon passes!

For Tag Tuesday, our challenge of black, white and a spot of colour, I used one of my home-carved stamps:

And I made a hybrid piece to celebrate spring, using elements from Serif and me. I had one of those little birds in my living room yesterday, and it was not easy to get him back out again:

These photos were taken on Saturday - still waiting for the leaves:

These last 2 pics were taken this morning from my window:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie love your cute tag and lovely page the bird is very cute,love the pics too my friend xx

  2. Love how you made your muffin tag, really sweet, I could do with some muffins here. P forgot the alarm this morning, so we all overslept and then there was the usual mad rush to get finished! Love the spring photos, so nice to see green again. Sorry about the thunder and lightning, we didn't have any here. Have a fun day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your photos are so pretty today. Oh elusive spring. What a long winter this has been. They say we will be warm starting tomorrow, but it is getting hard to believe. :) I love your tage too. Your homemade stamps are fun and came out so well. I love the chunky wood block print look. And that's a beautiful journal page. Glad you were able to get the bird out- I am sure it wanted to go out as much as you wanted it out too. Happy Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

  4. Love the journey into your word via your photos, your tag is amazing and your hybrid page is oh so the amazing beauty of it. I hope you are okay.xx 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  5. Your post certainly brightened my sneezing and coughing day. Welcome Spring!

  6. What a fun cupcake tag, and your hybrid piece is so beautiful! Wow, so much green grass and flowers already! Still cold and grey here, but I'm hopeful for nicer weather soon. hugs :)

  7. Cute cupcake tag. Sweets sure are a mood booster. Your hybrid page is very pretty rivals the photographs you took. Everything looks so fresh and full of life. I really love those little blue flowers peeking through the green. It's still cold here, but the sun is out. Have a good day!

  8. I like both pieces, Valerie -- very different and I admire that style switch. Living vicariously through your spring!

  9. Your cupcake tag is such fun Valerie and I love the journal page with it's lovely spring images.
    It's always amazing how quickly the trees burst into colour and the picture of the cherry blossom is beautiful, we've no blossom on the trees yet and just the slightest hint of greens on some of the bushes.
    Avril xx

  10. Spring has really arrived in your world, both on a hybrid page and in your photos. They are both incredible. And of course, so is that lovely hand carved stamp you used to create the tag. I hope you are well, dear.

  11. I enjoyed the first piece. It made me smile, but the second takes my breath away. It's so soft and pretty.
    What a lovely walk!
    Have a day filled with sparkle, sunshine and energy.

    1. Those are things I need, especially the energy!

  12. Cute tag and a lovely page. Wonderful spring photos!

  13. Great hand carved stamp Valerie, makes a very useful tag. Your hybrid journal page is phenomenal reminds me of some very expensive wallpaper i saw recently.
    Thank you for showing us that that nature has not given up on us and there is hope we will all be seeing new growth very soon.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  14. Its a fantastic cupcake image with your own carved stamp, a great tag.
    The journal page looks so beautiful, it looks so calming and serene, a place where you can forget the world and dream.
    I loved seeing the photos showing signs of spring, maybe soon nature will change here as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. A lovely tag and a gorgeous journal page, beautiful photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Dein originelles Schwarzweiß Tag gefällt, die Idee mit der Kirschen darauf als farbiges Element ist genial. Deine digitale Komposition ist auch wieder ganz zauberhaft. Von deinen Fotos der sprießenden Pflanzen gefallen mir die Sternmagnolie und die schönen rosa Kirschbäume am besten.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. Bei dir ist das Blühen viel weiter da brauchts mehr wärme und nicht diesen eiskalten Ostwind .. tolle, schöne Fotos sind das alle.
    Dein tag ist so simpel und doch wieder ein Blickfang und das andere mit dem Vogel und dem Spruch ist wunderschön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  18. Love the hand carved stamp - and the pretty pop of pink too!!! Great tag!!

  19. Your page is lovely with the birds and pretty flowers.
    The blooms on the trees are beautiful with the promise that Spring is around the corner!

  20. eine wunderschöne seite,mit den vögeln und blumen,gefällt mir sehr gut,dein tag mit dem muffin ist auch schön.
    schöne bilder hast du gemacht,wunderschön der see und die kirschbäume,hier blüht auch alles und es scheint die sonne.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    schöne grüße jenny

  21. Thunder and lightening sounds spectacular if a little scary.

    Love the tag and sweets certainly help one through the dull days :)

    Such great photographs with the blossoms and flowers. Everywhere in Bridlington seems to be daffodils-it started years ago with the WI planted then and now we all seem to have caught the bug and there are blazes of yellow all over the place. Can't wait for us to catch-up with you and see some sprouting leaves.

    Have agreat day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Forgot to say your Spring page is amazing


  22. Love your art today!!!! Sweets!!! YUM!!!! Love seeing all of the photos of your Spring there. It's been warm the last two days but colder weather is returning over the weekend. Today is supposed to be wonderful so I'll be back outside playing :) There is still so much to clean up out there. :(

    1. I am so sorry you are all having such chaotic weather over there.

  23. So nice to see your Spring photographs - the blossom looks lovely.

    All the best Jan

  24. Great tag with your homemade stamp, and I love the hybrid piece. You are way ahead of us, the hawthorn is coming out, but no sign of life on my magnolia yet.

  25. Such lovely pieces, and WOW you have Spring! We will turn to dust here if the sun ever shines :-) xx

  26. Love the tag and your hybrid page! Your photos look great! My SIL in France had a thunderstorm too- we are still getting grey days but I gather that its about to change!Hugs,Chrisx

  27. We are in the middle of an ice storm! Yucky!
    I love your sweets tag! So cute! And, the hybrid piece is so pretty!
    You live in such a beautiful place! I love all the nature photos! Big Hugs!

  28. Sweets can definitely boost my mood! Beautiful tag and I love the hybrid piece.

    Spring is all around you. I am glad the thunder and lightning is over. Down pouring here right now. I am ready for warmer weather.


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