Saturday, 7 April 2018

A blue sky day

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday was cool, but we had blue skies and sunshine, and I enjoyed my walk down to the Rhine. We have been promised good weather over the weekend, so I'm hopeful!

I have another hybrid page for my family scrapbook. The picture shows the wedding of my great uncle Benny and his wife Mari back in the 1920s. My mum and her 2 sisters were bridesmaids. My mum - 2nd from the left -was thrilled at having such a wonderful dress, and tried to sneak out to school wearing it, but was stopped....She is the only one smiling on the photo! I used elements from Serif and me and a freebie from Foxey Squirrel.

Yesterday was a real blue sky day:

I love how the new leaves are sparkling in the rising sun:

The neighbour's magnolia tree:

Men at work:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by:


  1. Hi Valerie, oh i love your page ,such a wonderful memory and loving your pics the blossoms in the tree are beautiful xx

  2. Fantastic post Val. Love the first piece starring your Mum, it's a fantastic photo to use and I love the surroundings you made for it. Great photos, we had sun here, too, it was good to feel some warmth. Enjoy your day, we're off to visit my sister. Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

  3. your family page is fantastic,and the trees in the sun are beautiful.
    happy weekend.

    hugs jenny

  4. Absolutely gorgeous, soon we will have spring in Denmark

  5. A beautiful memory within a memory, how funny to know your Mum had tried to sneak out to school wearing it, how proud she must have been. Maybe that is why she is smiling in the picture thinking up the plan hee hee! Wishing you sunshine today and more walks among Nature.
    Hugs Tracey x

  6. A lovely page and a beautiful memory. Your mother has a beautiful smile and she looks so pleased to be grown up and in a pretty dress. It's a lovely photograph. So nice to see Spring has arrived in your corner. We had some snow yesterday and it's still on the ground. Flowering trees, leaves, and pretty pansies are a long way off. Today is January 97, 2018. Enjoy the sunshine and blue skies for me.

  7. Wow, what an amazing photo! I love your mum's dress and that lovely hat too, she looks so beautiful and happy 😀. Thanks for sharing such lovely memories and of course your pretty blue skies! Happy weekend! J 😊 x

  8. You are so lucky to be the keeper of all these wonderful photos. And your digital entries put them to good use, too. I hope future generations appreciate these mixed media scrapbook pages as much as we all do. This is awesome, and I love how sweet your mother looks in that photo.

    Spring has arrived in your world. We got ice and snow last night and this morning. That means all the buds on the trees and flowers are now dead. Record low temp they are telling us. Hope it's warm in your world today.

  9. I love spring!!!!!!!! Beautiful photos, Valerie. And what a fabulous family page! Kisses, my friend.

  10. Wonderful family page, looks like spring is here everything coming to life.

  11. A very beautiful family wedding photo, your mum's dress looks so pretty and she has a lovely happy smile. It is good to see spring coming and and the photos all looked wonderful with the blossoms and buds showing.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Your mom's dress does look fabulous. I can see why she was so excited. Such a beautiful picture and the page you made is just gorgeous. What a lovely keepsake.

    Seeing signs of spring always fills me with such hope. Lots of signs in your pictures! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I love the family photo. The background is so warm and pretty and your mom is a picture herself. She had good reason to be proud of her dress. And look at those designer nylons/leggings on the person on the far left. Wondrous!
    Oh you have magnolias in your corner of the world too! They are the standard of the South:)
    Hope your weekend is filled with sunshine, sparkle and spring flowers.

  14. Schön wie du das schöne alte Foto digital dekoriert hast, so ist es ein dekoratives Erinnerungsstück.
    Deine sonnigen Fotos sind auch wieder gut gelungen. Hier waren es heute 25 Grad in der Sonne und wir waren den ganzen Tag im Garten um dort Alles her zu richten. Da war viel altes Laub und Moos zu beseitigen. Jetzt ist fast Alles fertig und die Gartenzeit ist eröffnet. Die Sonne und Wärme tat richtig gut. Hoffedu hattest auch so schönes Wetter.
    Liebe Grüße und schönen Sonntag.

  15. Das Familienfoto ist so romantisch in dieser Zeit was sie an hatten so wunderschön ach herrlich dass du solche Familienfotos hast und das Layout hast du bezaubernd ausgedacht dir!
    Toll deine Fotos vom Spaziergang am Rhein und ich wünsche dir einen schönen warmen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  16. You have spring! I love seeing those flowers blooming. And that is a great vintage photo. Your mom is so cute and I can see why she wanted to wear that dress to school. She must have been very excited to have such a pretty dress. you made a gorgeous page perfect for the photo. happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  17. That's a beautiful vintage family photo. Really gorgeous!

    I'm jealous of your weather and all of the blooms. We still have snow so it's wonderful to see others enjoying the spring already! :)

  18. Your hybrid page is so lovely! The sepia tones really lend it a vintage flair. I love that photo of your mum as a bridesmaid.
    Spring has sprung for you!!! How beautiful are all those trees and blooms. It gives hope to those of us still having snowfall in April.
    Happy Weekend,

  19. Oh my goodness, Valerie! Your page is so amazing! That photo is an absolute treasure and I love the way your mom is smiling!!! Your hybrid page for you family scrapbook is stunning and will be treasured, I am sure! And as always, your beautiful photos blew me away today! I long for Spring and you gave me a touch of it!!! Thank you!!!

    1. I wish I could send you all some better weather.

  20. Hello my lovely. I am naughty being busy cleaning my craft stash and not doing all of my here I am and wow, love that gorgeous photo of the sparkling leaves on the tree, that is amazing and you are an amazing photographer. A treasured photo show and I love old photos of mum and dad...all in a scrapping album I did where the photos too are original....hugs.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  21. what a beautiful family photo. I love really looking at the fine clothing everyone is wearing. Your digi collage is gorgeous Valerie!! Wonderful spring looking scenery. Our flowers still aren't yet blooming-so late this year...

  22. What a gorgeous page Valerie, and you are the spitting image of your mum. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Too true, sometimes I think my mum is looking at me out of my mirror

  23. A beautiful page Valerie and what a fabulous photo of the wedding group and your Mum with her lovely smile.
    The pictures of the magnolias look stunning,
    Avril xx

  24. Your family book just knocks me out. I love that photo of your mum and the story behind it, too. What a lovely wedding that had to be!

  25. Your page is just gorgeous ...

    Isn't that a wonderful blue sky, I do hope we get lots more days like this.

    All the best Jan

  26. Your scrapbook page really is brilliant - what a great wedding! The Spring colours in your photos really are uplifting! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Such a beautiful layout, and what a great memory to capture in a scrapbook page! Beautiful photos, love that shot of the sparkling leaves. Cold and snowy for us the last few days. hugs :)

  28. Such a beautiful post! I love seeing your family! Your mom is so cute! I have to say, that "era", is my favourite for the style of clothing! I think the women dresses were so beautiful! Love your nature photos! Big Hugs!


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