Friday 11 March 2016

Through the window of fantasy

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, which means I have 2 Boot Camp free days,
The hard work there is showing results, I can walk  better from day to day, and that's the main thing. Rehab is now 8 days down and 7 to go - that's more than half way!!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I  have another hybrid piece, made from various photos and some fantasy elements:

We had a wonderful sunrise again this morning, and sunny weather
nearly all day:

The photos here were taken 1 year ago today:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think this one is probably my fav of your woodsy pieces! Yay for the weekend and a little break from boot camp. Enjoy!

  2. very gothic feel to your page today! Lovely photos from last year!

  3. I love this piece, so wonderful, one of my all time faves. Hugs, Sarah

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Eine ganz fabelhafte Idee mit dem Gothischen Bogen ... das sieht ganz toll aus ! Genieße Dein "freies" Wochenende! War die Natur letztes Jahr um diese Zeit also schon weiter -- oder kommt mir das nur so vor?


    2. Ich glaube dass die weiter war, sieht so fruühlingsmäßig aus!

  5. I love this because it's like I'm looking through arched windows into the fantasy woods. This is really fun.

    I'm surprised how green everything was a year ago in your area. I guess you are in a more temperate zone than I.

    Have a GREAT rehab free weekend, dear.

  6. Fabulous photographs and so good that you find the ones from last year on this day as well.

    Love the way you use them in your projects to make the very beautiful pages. The one today is stunning

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. WOW, its all beautiful Gorgeous creation, love the colours used and the imagination is so lovely...xx

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    ein wundervolles Bild ist dir gelungen, wie in einem Eulenelfenmärchen... traumhaft. Wunderschöne Fotos die den Frühling einfangen, als ob sie ihn nicht mehr loslassen möchten oder so wie wir ihn ersehnen. Ich bin begeistert, dass du schon die Hälfte deiner Reha durch hast. Alles Liebe für zwei freie Tage an denen du die Seele baumeln lassen darfst.
    Herzliche Grüsse und ein schön-sonniges Wochenende, Sichtwiese

  9. Such a lovely 'woodsy' piece. The Arched windows give it such a beautiful frame, and the owls are precious. Great photos -- hoe you enjoyed your little walk today. So happy you have a 'day off'. hugs, Donna

  10. Was für eine bezaubernde Kollage! Einfach toll komponiert ... das passt alles!
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin gute Fortschritte bei der Reha. Du schaffst das! Liebe Grüße, Annette

  11. Beautiful piece, love the window arches!! I'm so in awe of your sun photos. I've been trying to catch some pics like that but I just end up with a big orange blobby blur in the photo!! Someday I'll get it right. hugs :)

  12. Beautiful window arches and the peaceful scene on this page. Lovely sunrise photos. Hope you are having a restful weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  13. I know you will be so happy to go out for your walks again camera in hand. This is really a neat make Valerie - the woods and birds are a natural cathedral.
    sandy xx

  14. Wie schön, dass es voran geht gesundheitlich!
    ...und ich staune, dass die Natur bei dir schon viel weiter ist als bei uns, hier ist es noch immer lausig kalt!
    Schöne Idee mit den Vögelchen im Fensterbogen! Gute freie Tage von Ulrike

  15. Love how you do these hybrid pieces ♥ So glad the boot camp is showing results and it's great that you are half was done with the beast.

  16. Gorgeous piece Valerie, Love the fancy details. So glad you are more than half way done with rehab. Great job and I'm glad you have a couple days off this weekend.
    Lovely photos as always. xo

  17. Hi Valerie, enjoy your last day of rest before you return to boot camp. I am so happy you notice improvement and before long you will be ready to capture the world and take your walks and enjoy your surroundings.
    Your page with golden arches is marvelous and I always enjoy viewing your photos, even ones from last year are delightful.

  18. What a fabulous fantasy world you have created! I love seeing the photos -we have had a very misty day today! I am not sure whether I have linked correctly to AJJ- could you check for me please - connection coming and going all the time! ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I have corrected your link, now it's working! Hugs!

  19. Oh your fantasy piece is beautiful, I love it! Gorgeous photos too. Congrats on being halfway through boot camp.

  20. Lovely page, Valerie. I really like those windows. It's also nice to see your gorgeous photography and I am so glad your rehab is going good well.

  21. Wundervoll gestaltet mit diesem Sonnenaufgang!
    Liebe Grüße

  22. A lovely hybrid piece Valerie! Love the window effect!


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