Monday 7 March 2016

Strange picnic

Hi Everybody!

Today was Day 4 at Boot Camp. Hard, but hopefully good!
The metal staples were removed today, the wound is healing well, and it feels better without all that heavy metal!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I 
altered a painting from Thomas Cole, (1801 - 1849). I have placed a few characters and things which don't really belong there, I am sure you will find them all.

Today is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big hello to all of the T gang. My drink is, as always, coffee, but there does seem to be a lot to eat and drink spread out at the picnic, too.

This morning we woke up to a white and snowy world. The traffic slipped and slithered in deepest chaos, the drive to the Boot Camp was loooong!
But it did look nice, even if it disappeared after a few hours:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Liebe Valerie,
    herrlich dein Bild, so lebendig und lebensfroh wirkt es auf mich. Deine Fotos sind wunderschön. Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass du den Weg laaaang empfunden hast. Ich wünsche dir, dass es täglich besser geht.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  2. Great to get the staples out isn't it! I will have to wait to see this on a bigger screen - but I spotted the frog straight away! Your photos look so beautiful! Have a great T day! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. Heavy metal. My kind of music, but I wouldn't want it in my knee. Glad it is gone.

    I laughed at the telephone. SO OLD SCHOOL, and fun. It's a great and very, very strange picnic, indeed. I like the way your mind works.

    I'm so glad to see that happiness mug. It's definitely a motto (and way of life) I can live by.

    I can't believe the snow in your area. Wow, it's been so warm here, it's hard to envision what would happen if we had ice and snow covering the ground now that everything is in bloom. Those frosty photos are beautiful, though.

    Thanks for sharing your strange picnic, your snow, and your happiness mug of coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. The boot camp is going along quickly, day 4 already. Beautiful altered painting in the woods. I am ready for the snow to melt away, but that nice cup of coffee helps!

  5. Hi Val, love the altered painting, and the funny people and things you have added in there. Have a good day, take care, and take it easy. Glad you are making progress. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Super ist das veränderte Gemälde! EInes meiner Lieblingsstücke zum Thema von Dir . WIr haben auch Schnee gehabt in der Nacht wieder ...
    Jetzt wirst Du ohne das schwere Metall noch besser turnen im Rekrutenlager! Bravo!

  7. bleib tapfer mit der rehab! ich drück dir die Daumen, dass es schnell vorwärts geht!
    hab eine schöne Woche und einen happy t-day!

  8. So pleased you got the staples out and that all went well at boot camp. You have done really well with everything.

    Love the page and would have liked to be at that party for sure.

    We had snow as well yesterday but it soon went away and its place came the rain. This morning is very cold with a thick frost and later the forecast is -------rain :( Love the birds--are they stuck on your window?

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Yes, the birds are meant to stop the pigeons crashing into the window!

  9. I'm glad your 'boot' is improving! Well done.
    I smiled at your picnic scene. That is fun.
    Oh snow! We haven't had hardly any this year. Usually we get a lot. Luckily for the ski area nearby, they have got a lot of snow at their altitude so it doesn't prevent the skiers coming.
    I love your photos of the snow.
    Have a great week,

  10. Wow, after that mild winter now you get snow. How pretty and glad it didn't last. Glad to hear the surgery is to feel good to know you are moving forward...and what a funny piece of art today. How fun! Happy Day! Hugs.

  11. This is fabulous and fun, I love it. I'm glad the staples have come out and that your knee is heeling well, the photos are lovely, we've not had any snow yet where I am.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. the trees do look so pretty covered with snow but I hope I don't have to see any more of it here in PA! We are being teased into spring with beautiful warm weather and I do hope it stays. I love all the fun your having with your picnic and bear images-such a happy scene!

  13. Fabulous piece, love the frog all relaxed! Beautiful snow pics, I'm so jealous! lol. hugs :)

  14. SNOW ! Its the one thing i didn't see this year.... again... Moved to Arkansas in hopes of the occassional snow but not this year... A week of rain is expected this week though and we need it. Its been a dry winter... So glad you got the heavy metal out. LOL :) Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  15. Das ist aber eine lustige Gesellschaft, die du da im Grünen versammelt hast, super gemacht. Schöne Schneefotos und deine Fenstervögel sehen super dazu aus. Hier hats auch etwas geschneit, ist aber nicht liegen geblieben.
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Your picnic in the woods is very creative and looks like it would be a lot of fun to attend.

    Glad you are on the mend and thanks once again for the photos of your landscape.

  17. What a fun gathering of friends at your picnic. Love the lounging frog :) A white snow that clings to the trees like that is always lovely but unwelcome this time of year. Glad it didn't stay long ♥ Take care and get stronger my friend.

  18. lol! I love your picnic picture. I'm glad you're progressing and on the way to mending. Happy T Tuesday!

  19. Hey Sugar - I know I have been absent from your blog and is my face ever red. I have enjoyed every single make for this months journal journey. All of them have made me laugh. You know, that was one of my favorite songs when I was little. I still sing it to this day. I can tell that you have had so much fun with these bears. Where in the world did you find all of these images. They are hysterical!! I sure to hope those pesky old crows don't poop all over the picnickers!
    Boy it sure looks cold there. I do miss snow and hate you have to get out in it to go to your therapy. After two broken hips I know what it is like to get back to normal. Whatever that is!
    Sandy xx

  20. Hi Valerie. Good - the staples are out and the wound healing. Great news before I attend the huge picnic in the woods, a very fun page. Your black birds are making the rounds as they are hoping for some leftover biscuits. Sorry you are getting snow so late. Be really careful on wet surfaces.

  21. Pretty snow covered branches.
    We had a similar snow that lasted just one day last a winter wonderland.
    Too bad you had to go out in it BUT how great to have the metal removed.
    Your progress continues AND you keep making fun art too!
    Take care sweetie.
    Happy T Day oxo

  22. I would really really really love to be at this picnic Valerie. Love this painting! And IF I were there - I would snuggle right up next to that nice long legged lizard!!!!!!!!!!! He made me totally cackle!!! You are just too much girl!!! I soooo enjoy you and your art.

    I sure don't enjoy you having to take your drive to boot camp in the snow though. It is definitely beautiful to see in your photos. So glad you are home safe and sound. And thrilled the staples are out - that IS a big relief for you. Mostly - I loved seeing your fluffy coffee because it gives me peace that you are safe and sound. XX j.

  23. Love your additions to the picnic scene...that bear with the keyboard is a hoot! and the frog's pose is strangely reminiscent of paintings of nudes (at picnics?!) great fun...glad to hear you are mending well, gorgeous snow photos!

  24. Wonderful news about your staples and Boot Camp. Hehe! This design is like a treasure hunt-I find something new every time I look at it. Awesome sauce and fun design! Hugz. ~Niki

  25. Beautiful painting. I like all of your whimsical additions.

  26. Die Idee, das alte Gemälde mit diesen Figuren zu besetzen ist großartig und sehr witzig. Weiterhin alles Gute von Ulrike

  27. Glad you got the staples out and had a safe trip there and back in the winter wonderland. :)
    Happy T-Day! :)

  28. Good news getting the staples removed. I loved the extra guests you includes in the scene. It would be an interesting fun gathering with that mix of company. Super snowy photos.
    Yvonne xx

  29. Hi Valerie,
    Glad to hear you're on the mend. Love seeing your posts.
    Take care. Hugs

  30. Hi Valerie, Love your art work. Such a fun piece. So glad day 4 went well and the heavy metal is out. Love the quote on your cup!! The photos are amazing. Hope you continue to heal nicely. Have a wonderful day! xo

  31. yikes, I got a chill just thinking about the hardware removal! Good for you though! Another step to improved healing!! xo

    1. ps...funny picnic! i love the lounging frog! heehee


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