Monday 21 March 2016

T stands for Tuesday This and That.....

Hi Everybody!

Tuesday will be the last day at Rehab/Boot Camp for me.
Today I got assessments from some of the therapists, and they are all very contented with my progress, as I am too. 14 days down, just 1 to go!!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have another hybrid piece using a poem written back in 2008 or 9, which I also made into a book back then. I will re-show it when I have the opportunity. The background was painted with acrylics and has lots of drips and runs. I added the mask and figures digitally.

Today is time for T stands for Tuesday over at Elisabeth's blog, so welcome to all the T gang. A friend sent this lovely quote in the mail, so I think it is most appropriate for this occasion. My drink is, as always, coffee.

Here is another double page with pencil drawings and doodles, also made while I was in hospital. I am linking to 99 faces, this is number 87 - nearly there!

The photos of the herons and storks were taken last year in spring, it was such a wonderful event to see them striding so majestically over the meadows
 by the Rhine. We do have a lot of herons here, but the storks are really rare hereabouts:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely post. Your magical journal page is enchanting, and I love the face and doodles. The coffee/ wine explanation made me laugh. Great photos, too. Enjoy the last day at boot camp! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Glad to hear the docs are happy with your progress - your hard work has paid off! Your fairy poem and doodles are lovely. Treat yourself to a nice cake and coffee tomorrow! Take care. Xx

  3. What great news about your therapy. And it won't be long now, and you can kick this old routine good-bye.

    That's a beautiful poem, and I really enjoyed the way you turmed it into a perfect piece of art, too.

    Coffee and wine. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a day and evening. I'll take the extra coffee and you can have my wine!

    What incredible birds. I've never seen storks before, at least I don't think I have. They are magnificent and majestic.

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous art, your beautiful bird photos, and your fun drinks inspired by the poem with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. So glad you are healing. Keeping a candle going for a complete recovery.
    Love your art, love the photos.

  5. one day left! yay!

    I love your 'Fairy Good' tale complete with a magical unicorn! Your hospital pages have such a free feeling. I don't think I've ever seen a real stork before, sort of a mythical creature to me.

  6. Yippee on your last boot day! And wonderfuk designs you have shared today. That poem is awesome sauce! Hugz. ~Niki

  7. You must be so excited to have the end of bootcamp finally here!
    You've done great and I'm sure you were a star student.
    Your Nature Beauty pages are really wonderful ♥!!!
    Lovely poem and collage in your first piece too.
    You deserve a celebration...Happy T day liebe Valerie.

  8. This post has everything, happiness, magic and beauty.

    So pleased to hear you have done so well with the boot camp days and that they are almost over.

    Beautiful artwork and poem on the fairy page.such talent.

    Had to smile at the coffee quote it is just brilliant. The drawing of the beautiful face shows that you can do art anywhere it is built into your soul Valerie.

    Wonderful photographs and well worth a second posting for sure. I bet they will be out and about again when you are

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Traumhaft - was für ein entzückendes Gedicht - eine tolle Seite hast Du damit gestaltet Valerie und der Spruch mit Kaffee und Wein ist spitze, und wenn er von einer Philosophin wie Dir kommt kann er nur wahr sein, oder? Happy T-Day! Herrliche Tiere sind das - die Reiher und Störche .. wobei ich den Storch nicht mehr direkt zu Besuch haben möchte ..Du weisst warum, oder?
    Bussi -- good very last day of rehab my friend! You are a Super heroine to made such good progress! I am proud of you!

  10. What a beautiful Fairy Kindness Good Tale. Your creation is just so dreamy and thoughtful. Love your drawings, you are so wonderfully artistic and your art always rejoice about the beautiful things in the world. Great nature photos too.
    Lots of healing hugs
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  11. toll, das du die Reha nun bald geschafft hast! dein bild mit dem dunklen hg wirkt super, toller Kaffee spruch und schöne vogelbilder!
    schönen t-day wünsch ich dir!

  12. A beautiful page, love the poem about Fairy Good, I also love the coffee/wine quote, it made me smile. Good news from the therapists about your knee.
    xxx Hazel.

  13. I agree with that comment. But instead of coffee make mine tea. I see you also have storks. How cool. Do they really build nests on rooftops or is that just a wive's tale? I also love your art pieces today- the digital one is really beautiful. Have a wonderful last (BIG SMILE) day of bootcamp! Hugs-Erika

  14. Adorable designed creation. So love the colours too. Great news on your well being...keep it up.

  15. Glad to hear you're healing up at a good pace Valerie! Wonderful artwork. That sentiment about the coffee and wine had me bursting at the seams! Love that blue bird, is that a heron? Gorgeous! hugs :)

  16. Beautiful page and poem. Reminds me of the wonderful walks in the woods with my mother when I was a child and she would tell me all about how faeries lived. Your faces would make a great adult colouring book. The coffee/wine quote ... that's about it! Enjoyed your wonderful photos. LAST DAY AT BOOTCAMP! YAY> You made it. hugs, Donna

  17. I love the poem of the fairy good.
    But even more I like the stork. The nest I. High places and always in the same place. The pair up for life. It is amazing. We have many storks in southern Spain. I love seeing them. Have they come back this spring yet?
    Have a good week,

  18. Great to hear your recovery has gone so well. I enjoyed the poem and the art pages and the wonderful bird photos.

  19. Oh Valerie your woodland art and poem are pure magic!! So striking. Love your doodled girl too. Those birds are pretty cool. We see an occasional heron but have not seen a stork in our area. Congrats on boot camp graduation-enjoy your new found freedom and time, and a happy T day too-I need that sign:):)

  20. Congratulations on your excellent progress!

    We have the occasional heron here but never a stork. That'd be so cool!

  21. Love all your art and photos! congrats on surviving therapy will surely open up your schedule for more photo trips! happy T day!

  22. also deine seite die du in kkh gemalt hast ist heute mein favorit,die fairy tale seite ist auch toll geworden.
    schöne naturbilder hast du wieder gemacht,klasse.
    ich hoffe es geht dir besser und wünsche dir gute besserung.
    ein schönes ostern wünsch ich dir.

    hugs jenny

  23. I love everything, Val. Your poem is wondrous, the background magical.
    Your drawing is so delicate and light. And can I borrow the coffee meme?
    And you know I love the bird pics.
    Woo Hoo on kicking boot camp bootie!

    1. Yes, please use it. It's not from me, unknown from the internet!

  24. Boot camp complete! Now you get your life back to do as you feel up to it. Your blog has so much beauty in your a poem,pages and photos. I to will copy the coffee quote because that fits me to a tee

  25. This page is so gorgeous Valerie! A lovely composition of images.
    Your drawing of your 87 face is very beautiful. Well, three more and this challenge will be a success!
    Love your bird photos! Hugs, Mar

  26. I love your magical page and your poem! The doodling along with the beautiful face are wonderful too! The coffee quote is brilliant and made me smile - but I confess to being jealous of you having Storks in your neighbourhood! I know where to find them now, having only seen them in captivity so far! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Your art is wonderful today and I really love the poem you wrote. It would make a fantastic children's bedtime story. I'll have to save it for when the next grandchild arrives. ♥ LOVE, LOVE, Love the Heron photos as I'm sure you know
    already :) Very good stork pictures too. We don't get them much around here either. So happy you are done with boot camp!!!!! No matter how good it was for you I know you super happy to say good bye to it ! :) Have a great week!!!

  28. A magical journal page Valerie, lovely combination f images and an awesome poem. The pencil drawn faces are beautiul.
    Hope your last day at Boot camp went well.
    Yvonne xx

  29. I really like your fantasy portrait. That quote from your friend's gift is very clever. Blessings!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Wunderschöne Bilder und wunderschönes Gedicht! Auch die Bleistiftzeichnungen gefallen mir sehr!

  32. Wenn man mal eine Woche weg ist, hat man richtig viel zu tun, deine ganzen Posts anzuschauen... Du warst ja wieder mächtig fleißig und schöne Bilder sind entstanden!
    Diese Fotos des Reihers sind toll, weil er in Bewegung ist. Meistens steht er ja still da... Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  33. Full of woodland magic, a beautiful post and magical poem to go with your fabulous art!
    So happy your rehab nearly over and all going well!


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