Saturday 26 March 2016

Happy Easter

Hi Everybody!

I am still enjoying my lazy few days here, and today I was very happy to see that the sun had come out. It was great to watch the sun dispelling the morning mist and frost and inviting us to a day of blue skies.

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, Mama Bear is back again.
She has been hiding eggs for Easter, and then she sees that the chicks and rabbits have already found them all!

 This is another of my hospital doodles. I have another 2, but perhaps I will
make some more, as they were so relaxing to make, and I still have lots of empty pages in the journal. I am linking to 99 faces (Number 92).

I was happy to get out for a walk again. The skies and the Rhine were blue, and it was even possible to sit on a bench by the river and not turn into an ice cube.

I was even able to sit in the square and enjoy a cup of coffee.

Have a great weekend, Happy Easter to all who celebrate it,
take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh I love mama bear! Such cute art! Beautiful face and lovely photos too.

  2. Another lovely post. The fantasy Easter page, the very beautiful face and the gorgeous photos. Thanks for always sharing so much. Hugs, Sarah
    Keep resting!

  3. So pleased that you had some nice weather Valerie and great that you enjoyed better weather today.

    Great and fun piece for AJJ and another beautiful face from your hospital collection.lots of colour and texrtures in the photographs. Love the one with the benches..

    Chrissie xx

  4. So pleased you enjoyed a walk in pleasant weather. Its stormy here tonight.
    Love your fun, AJJ page, the animals hunting the eggs, the sweet little rabbit in the cup a magical page that tells a lovely story. The beautiful doodle lady is awesome and i noticed you are nearly reaching your target.
    Easter wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Great Easter page Valerie, love the collection of images. Love your doodle face, so beautiful.
    Gorgeous weather for your walk - coffee outside sounds good.
    Happy Easter,
    Avril xx

  6. Great Easter page Valerie, love the collection of images. Love your doodle face, so beautiful.
    Gorgeous weather for your walk - coffee outside sounds good.
    Happy Easter,
    Avril xx

  7. Our day was gorgeous too. I got out and raked and then sat and read a bit in the sun. Love it. And I can't believe you are almost at face 99. That is fantastic. :) Love your teddy bear piece today, and Happy Easter to you. Hugs- Erika

  8. Lovely Easter page, and your doodles are so good. It seems your weather is mirroring ours, lots of us were walking around outside today in the bright sunshine.

  9. Poor Mama Bear! After all that work!! Your face doodles are lovely as usual and I'm happy you were able to walk in sunshine today and enjoy the views. hugs, Donna

  10. So süß ist die Seite und Dein Doodelgesicht ist spitze! Ja.. mach ganz viel davon - !!! Schöön sind die!
    Du hast die Sonne auch zu mir geschickt..heute scheint sie---

    Einen wunderschönen Ostersonntag!!!
    oxo Susi

  11. Liebe Valerie,
    deine Seite ist wundervoll, wie im Märchen, das fühlt sich so intensiv und wunderschön an... Deine Doodelgesicht fasziniert mich, ich liebe diese doodeligen Zeichnungen einfach total. Ich freue mich, dass bei dir die Sonne scheint und hoffe, du kannst einen wundervollen Sonnentag erleben.
    Ganz herzliche Ostergrüsse, Sichtwiese

  12. Happy Easter. Lovely work of art to view again, I just adore these bears Valerie, you are awesome.xx...xx

  13. Happy Easter to you too Valerie and your Easter egg page is so sweet!
    Love your doodled face too and love her hair.
    Glad you got out and it's not great here as storm Katie is on the way, we've had strong winds, rain and hail so far!
    Fliss xx

  14. Wow, I can tell you are feeling better. This is a wonderful Easter page with the bears in the woods. Everyone seems to be enjoying this Easter Sunday as the bunnies are running through the grass and the fox and duck watch nearby. However, your little bear seems to be a bit stressed.

    Love the face. Her hair is incredible. I've never had hair that long, so that was a fun thing to see.

    Gosh, it snowed here. Glad you didn't have that kind of morning, and was able to walk around and even sit near your beloved Rhine. Hope your Easter is going well. I'm off to cook and greet guests.

  15. Love your sweet little bear and friends Valerie x Your Doodles are stunning too.
    Have a Happy Easter and here's hoping there's more sunshine to just feel so much better xx

    Huge Hugs Annie x

  16. Good Day my FRIEND! So glad you are feeling better and were even able to get out and about for one of your loved walks. The photos are beautiful. Your Easter art is adorable and I do love the face doodle. You are almost done with your 99 Faces challenge but I do hope you continue to make your lovely faces ♥

  17. Amazing doodling Valerie, and a wonderful Easter page. Happy Easter my friend!

    Love and hugs

  18. Hope you have enjoyed your Easter. Your page is so fun; I love the Bears and their tales. Your "doodle" face is exceptional today and I'm eager to view the last one. Photos of a nice sunny day make all of us feel happy. Have a great week. Hugs,

    1. I love Mama bear, too, she reminds me of my grandmother!

  19. Sitting in the square enjoying a cup of coffee - how good to hear that!
    Amusing about you and the ice cube, what a great emoticon, did you make that one? (You know how I love these).
    I can just hear mother bear sighing, but getting on with it all the same.
    And your drawings are definitely not doodles, oh no. She is very attractive with stars in her hair.

    1. Yes, freedom to move about outside is really worth a lot. Glad you like the face!

  20. More lovely projects, always enjoy your doodle faces (even if they don't look "real" , that still makes me smile lol)

    Enjoy your lazy days and Happy Easter, hope you had a great day!!

  21. Frohe Ostern für dich, liebe Valerie!
    Deine Journalseite ist ganz bezaubernd und besonders gefällt mir dein Doodle-Portrait! Es ist wunderbar!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  22. Hi Val. Your digi collage, your face and your photos all resonated with me today so I stop by to comment. I am happy that you got to sit in the sunshine for a bit and tour the ruins again. I find that taking it slow makes it easier to be mindful and aware of each day, each moment. Hope you are enjoying that. xoxo

  23. Wow, blue skies, I barley remember what that looks like. lol. Beautiful shots and art today Valerie. Happy Easter! hugs :)


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