Friday 25 March 2016

Saturday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today has been a wet and drippy day, so I stayed home, made some nice food, read, slept and kept my nose out of trouble, which was all very enjoyable.

I had fun playing with the stencils I made some time back for my 'Nanas', the wonderful, rounded forms immortalised by Niki de Saint Phalle.

I placed them on a rusty background and let them dance around with some lacy shadows. 

This is another of my 'hospital' doodle faces, which really helped me keep sane there - doing nothing is not really my thing!  I am linking to 99 faces (Number 91). By the way, somebody told me that the doodle faces don't really look 'real' - well, what a surprise!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have a hybrid piece combining lots of photos with digital elements:

The trees were dripping wet all day, tomorrow is supposed to be better!

Not even the birds were were in their tree.....

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Die Nana - Kunst - Deckchen Seite ist fantastisch Valerie ..und auch die hybride Waldseite ist sooo unglaublich schön!
    Na und Deine bezaubernde Doodelschönheit gefällt mir auch - die gedoodelten Haare gefallen mir besonders gut.
    Hoffe der Regen verzieht sich damit Du Sonne hast zu Ostern!


  2. What a lot of lovely pieces today, hard to choose a fave, but I think those sympathetic Nanas have won by a hair's width. Have a nice weekend, keep resting, hugs, Sarah

  3. Love that rusty background Valerie and those wonderful shadow dancers look amazing. I love your doodle faces too. Beautiful collage make and lovely are certainly busy

    Sending my best wishes
    Annie x

  4. Beautiful work! Our Saturday promises to be better too!

  5. Gorgeous artwork! Love the face and figures. We have icicles on our trees but at least they are melting.

  6. Love your nanas journal page and the face is really pretty, looks like more than a doodle...and your down in to the woods journal page is gorgeous...sending healing vibes to you!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. I have had a wonderful visit to see you latest awesome art work. The Nana's sure look like they are having fun, the background is a realy rich colour. . The doodle face is beautiful as is the hybrid journal page.
    Have a good Easter weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Fun exudes from the first piece of art!
    Love the doodle face for the beauty of the art and for the therapy it brought to you while you were in hospital.
    Then the hybrid, so gorgeous.
    Take care - sorry I haven't stopped by for some time but haven't managed to visit blogs.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  9. I love that saying,, " keeping my nose out of trouble, lol, I say that all the time lol,,,,
    your work is beautiful, the lacey stencil women are amazing,, wow, beautiful pages, keep dry and warm and keep your nose out of trouble, lol,,

    ( couldn't resist lol, )

  10. Glad you kept your nose clean and shared every one of the deliscious designs! It's news to me that doodle faces dont really look real. Love your face! And of course your pictures are amazing! Hugz! ~Niki

  11. All three pieces are wonderful, Valerie -- however the first one! Absolutely spectacular! WOOOOZa ... Fabulous. Hugs, Donna

  12. I admit I had never heard of Niki de Saint Phalle before, but you had me at RUST! But I recognized the images, and now I have a name to put with your inspiration. These are wonderful and your stencils are incredible.

    I didn't think the faces you and Susi created NEEDED to be realistic. I know if I could draw even 1/10000th as well as you, I'd be over the moon, whether the face was realistic or not. Your art is phenomenal.

    It's windy here and Kansas is on fire. We could take some of that rain you have and it might put out some of the wildfires that have taken over the state. It's the worst fires ever in the state and some of the worst in the US. It's a perfect storm of no rain, low humidity, and a ton of wind that shifts before the fires can be contained.

    Happy Easter, dear, because it will come to your place while I'm still sleeping!

  13. Hi Valerie, love your artwork and your doodled lady with the springy hair is wonderful but I really popped by to say thank you so much for the wonderful parcel that arrived yesterday with all the fabby doozy goodies and my stunning pages... thank you so much. hugs from Annette

  14. Wonderful pieces all of them! The background on the first one is just stunning!! Great work with those home made stencils. Love your doodle face too, and that "not looking real" comment made me laugh out loud, duh.... Hve a restful weekend and Happy Easter!

  15. Liebe Valerie,
    soooo atemberaubend schön deine Bilder, dass ich mich gar nicht entscheiden kann, welches mir nun am besten gefällt... Soooo absolut genial die Nanas, und absolut kreativ dein Doodlemädchen, die Journalsite und die Fotos mit den zauberhaften Wasserperlen... Ein Traum alles...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  16. Love the lacy shadows! Beautiful work. Wet and drippy, tis that time of year isn't it. Hope is doesn't freeze up on you like it did here. A day indoors sounds just lovely! Wishing you a Happy Easter! hugs :)

  17. Everything is luscious, but I especially have a soft spot for your forest pieces:)
    May your Easter be joyous, my friend.

  18. What wonderful artwork today with so much variety today.

    Sorry about the weather but ours is awful with bitter cold wind and rain forecast.

    Beautiful photograph

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. Ganz klasse deine Nanas - hast etwas ganz Tolles draus gezaubert!
    Hier war es zwar sonnig, aber leider noch immer viel zu kalt.
    Schöne Ostern, dir Valerie! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  20. I like all that I view on your blog today. Real or not I love the faces you create. Each one has had a saying or design that varies and the stars in the heart are wonderful today. Hope the rain stops for Easter services. We just colored eggs with our grandson.

  21. It does look a bit on the wet side there :) Love the Nana's !!! THe colors are fantastic and I really like the lacy ones. Your doodle face today does look a abit under the weather which I'm sure is exactly how you felt the day you drew her. Take care my friend and hope your week id full of fare weather.

  22. Wow, so many beautiful pieces today Valerie. I love the Nana's. They are a fantastic. the photos of the water drops on those buds are great too. Happy weekend. :)

  23. Wow! What another brilliant post this is! Your dancers made me feel happy! Your beautiful girl has real heart (maybe just as well if she's not real!) I love your hybrid page with so many gorgeous creatures and the beautiful woodland fairy! Glad you got some rest although looking at the rain through the window ( we had horizontal rain at one point yesterday!) perhaps just as well! Hoping you have a lovely Easter Day! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. Heheheheh - doodle faces don't look real - dear me... who woulda thunk it girl!!!!????!!!!!!! Heheheheh love that!!!!!!!!!! You always make me smile in one way or another Valerie!!! I, for one, love your doodle faces - real or not!!!

    But what caught my eye when you posted this was your 'Nanas' - I totally ADORE these. I love every one you put on this page, the colors the sentiment - it one of my favorite posts EVER... just love it. Ok - so, are you ready.... (although I think I have told you this before!!!). Any one of your 'Nanas' could be me!!! Rounded Immortalized is SPLENDID!!!!

    And you are so right - nothing is more lovely than the woods right before a full sunrise - the sounds, the big and little creatures waking up to potty (hehehe) and the night creatures saying goodbye to the moon. I love that time of day!! And your project here portrays it so well. It could have been me at the ranch if you would have put a 'Nana' on that stump - eheheheheheheh!!!!

    Hope I got you to chuckling!!! Much love!! j.


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