Tuesday 1 March 2016

New challenges and More

Hi Everybody!

It's great to be back home again, and I am very thankful to the team 
at the hospital who operated and got me so fit in such a short
time. Thanks, too, to all who sent cards, greetings, mails and encouraging comments, they helped me so much! On Wednesday my Rehab will start, something like Boot Camp, so sounds like fun!! 6 hours of training daily, that should get me back in shape!

Today we are beginning new challenges at Art Journal Journey
and TIOT.

At Art Journal Journey we have a fun theme and Chris is our hostess for the month. She has chosen the theme
'If you go down to the woods'
which of course gives lot of scope for flights of imagination with forests and trees, the animals and birds that live there, fairies, wolves, owls, foxes, and of course, Teddy Bears and picnics. Hope to see lots of you joining in, as this theme really has something for everybody.

I made a hybrid page, layering the water coloured trees from a a digital set over a painted background and then combining digital elements, a Banksy Stencil and my photos.  My Mum is hiding there, and I am too, and a creature from Beatrix Potter has also wandered in to see what's going on at the picnic. 
I am also linking to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday, so a big hello to all the T gang, just sit down and join in the picnic, there's enough there for everybody!

At Tiot our new theme is
Feminine and Fancy.

 I made this hybrid piece some weeks back when I was preparing for the knee operation, and chose the Proverb to try to counteract my worries about the OP.
I am not as lovely as the gal here, but I do think we need to look with hope into our future. For this Hybrid piece I layered digital elements onto a painted and stamped background and layered it with various scripts.
As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to join in.

Here a few photos taken from bed through the hospital window.
I have a few ghastly ones of my leg, but I think I should keep them for myself!
I enjoyed, as always, the ever changing skies, and the wonderful sunsets:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yahoo- you are home! :) Boot camp rehab doesn't sound very fun but it will get you back up on your feet soon I would think. And what a fun new theme for AJJ. I'll have to think up some fun pages. Your Teddy Bear picnic is so much fun, and I love how you snuck yourself into it also. Gorgeous romantic piece for TIOT too. Good luck with your rehab tomorrow. Hugs!

  2. Welcome home, stay strong for the rehab. Beautiful woodland piece and a fun topic for the month. Lovely feminine piece and wonderful sunsets.

  3. Love both pages, totally different, and each gorgeous in its own way. Enjoy being home, take it easy, and take care. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Ich bin verliebt in Deine entzückende Picknik Seite... und Deine Feminine & Fancy Arbeit begeister mich ebenfalls.. vor allem durch die tollen Farben und die vielen übereinandergelegten Schriften!
    Sogar aus dem Krankenhausfenster machst Du tolle Fotos!

    Ja - Du warst wahrlich stark und tapfer ! Gut gemacht Sweetie!!
    Happy T-Day , TIOT, AJJ !

    1. Danke Sweetie. Bin froh hier zu sein, es ist nicht leicht, aber es kann nur besser werden.

  5. jetzt lach nicht, aber ich mach auch so gerne Fotos von kränen! was das wohl für ein tick ist!
    so viel hast du wieder geschafft für heute, ich glaube dein tag ist länger als meiner...
    have a great t-day and rest of the week!

  6. Liebe Valerie,
    sooo toll eine Picknicksite, auch dieses weibliche in die Zukunft gucken ist absolut fantastisch... Deine Fotos, liebe Valerie, sind der absolute geniale Hammer... so toll... mein Lieblingsbild das dritte mit dem Kran im Abendglühen... Absolut genial... Weiterhin gute Besserung und für das Boot-Camp wünsche ich dir alles Liebe, ich drücke dir die Daumen... irgendwie gehe ich da ein Stückchen mit dir, wenn ich in die Physio. gehe...Also toi, toi, toi und alles Liebe zu dir an den Rhein...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  7. Great news that you are back home though not sure I like what you have in store but I know you will do it well.

    Love the theme for AJJ and you wonderful page with all the teddies.

    Terrific page for TIOT as well with so much beauty and an inspiring quote.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I can't say I'm looking forward to Boot camp either, but it has to be!

  8. What a delightful display of everything today...but I just love the teddy bear's picnic..xxx

  9. Boot camp does not sound pleasant - I'll be thinking about you! I adore your picnic scene - such fun to add you and your Mum! Your TIOT page is beautiful both to look at and for the words you have used! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. I'm not sure I like the sound of boot camp and hope they're not to hard on you. I love the teddy bears picnic and the piece that you've made for TIOT is beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Teddy Bear's picnic is fun (how could it not be?) and your TIOT is beautiful, two contrasting pieces. Interesting to see the sky from your window, a different view with the cranes.
    Have a happy day with the exercises, you'll be running about in no time.

  12. Liebe Valerie das sind wieder 2 klasse gestaltete Werke von dir. Diese gestrickten Bärchen sind total lustig anzuschaun. Ja und die Kranfotos sind auch wieder Spitze,mal was anderes. Schön daß auch OP und Krankenhaus dich nicht in deiner Kreativität bremsen können. Ich wünsche dir Alles Gute für deine Genesung, möge Alles problemlos heilen und du schmerzfrei werden. Zur schönen Dame sei gesagt, daß äußere Schönheit die innere Schönheit niemals aufwiegen kann. Die schöne Schale altert, aber die schöne Seele bleibt ewig jung und schön.
    Alles Liebe und gute Besserung.

  13. Hallo Valerie,
    zunächst einmal gute Genesung! GEsundheit ist doch das beste, das wir haben können.
    Deine heutigen Beiträge sind einfach klasse! Ich bin immer wieder fasziniert, wieviel Talent es doch auf dieser Welt gibt.

    Das neue AJJ Theme muss ich noch mehr verinnerlichen; dann möchte ich auch einen Beitrag er"spielen". Ich fand es mehr als seltsam, dass mir kurze Zeit, nachdem ich vorhin das Thema gelesen habe, dieser wunderschöne Kurzfilm über den Weg lief. Den muss ich - da passend - unbedingt mitteilen:
    Viel Vergnügen!

  14. First, it's so good that you are home. Boot camp sounds strenuous, but I suspect you will be up to the task.

    Second, you have picked a fantastic host for March. I look forward to joining in a few times this month. And of course, your first entry was wonderful. I loved spending time with you and your mother drinking tea and coffee at the teddy bear picnic.

    How different from the frolic of the picnic was the TioT romantic and obviously vintage inspired feminine beauty. Such a difference, but both were quite fun.

    Nice to see the view from your hospital bed. Lots of construction, which I think is a good sign for the economy, too.

    Thanks for sharing these lovely photos out your window, as well as your gorgeous art with us for T this Tuesday. And WELCOME HOME!

  15. I didn't realize just how long it has been since my last visit to your blog. I am happy to hear that the op went well and you are home and well on the road to recovery. I know we shall soon be treated to more beautiful photos of the Rhine, ducks and your walking areas.

    The teddy bear picnic is adorable! Happy T Day!

  16. So glad to hear that you're back home now Valerie. Great pieces, love the feminine piece with those gorgeous roses! That sunset is just mesmerizing! hugs :)

  17. A wonderful homecoming post Valerie. Boot camp, now that sounds like it will be strenuous, hope they let you go slowly. Super photos quite a diffent outlook to your home.
    Fabulous journal pages, I wanted to join in the picnic.
    Take care
    Yvonne xx

  18. Glad to read you are home, hope the recovery goes well. Your "down to the woods" page is great. Fun to see you included yourself and your mother. Very creative.

  19. good to know you're home again Valerie! Love the fairytale picnic in the woods-just darling! And I especially love that beautiful feminine piece-such lovely imagery and words. Gorgeous sunset!

  20. Love it, love it love it -- I told Chris when I posted to here blog that what came to mind for me was my favorite song when I was growing up. The Teddy Bear's Picnic. You do and I dream .. but I am trying!!!!
    I could get lost in your Art Journal Page -- I do love your vision here Valerie and everything fits together so well. I will be back Sugar -glad you are home - I always sleep better in my own bed!
    Sandy xx

  21. Love both pieces today Valerie. You are always so creative with your pages :) Beautiful pages again.

  22. Hi Valerie, So glad you are back home and doing well. Best wishes on the boot camp to begin. Love your beautiful art work and window shots. Blessings for a great month of March!! xo

  23. The first piece is so sweet and the second simply beautiful.
    The pics from your window were breathtaking.
    Have a healthy day.

  24. So glad to hear things went well and that your now home. Rehab will start out difficult, but I have no doubt you will "skip" right through it....;))

    I LOVE the Teddy Bear picnic page!!!!

    Of course your photos are always top notch.......even from a hospital bed!

    Thanks for the earlier visit and the comment.

  25. Ganz viel Spaß in der Reha, es wird sicher lustig, auch weil du wieder neue Menschen kennenlernen wirst!
    Die romantische Dame sieht sehr hübsch vor diesem Hintergrund aus --- und super Fotos! Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  26. Welcome home! I appreciate the invite to the picnic with all of the bears and I see a bottle of wine too. It appears to be a very happy day. Your second piece is stunning and worth framing. You certainly were well prepared in advance of surgery and I have enjoyed each of your posts. The photos of the sun from the hospital are magical and I also noted the cranes busy with new buildings in progress. Rehab is so important and I know how dedicated you are to every task so you will surpass expectations and be up, strong and out for your walks.

  27. Glad to hear you are back home, Valerie, now you take care of yourself!
    The first page is so adorable, teddy bear's picnic looks so fun, I really love it! Your TIOT piece is totally gorgeous and feminine.
    A great post! Hugs, Mar

  28. So cute teddy bears
    and so feminine.

  29. Have fun at "boot camp" :) Rehab isn't always fun but they can do amazing work to help you.
    Great hybrid page.

  30. Glad you are back home Valerie! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Both projects are (as always) stunning! Hugs!

  31. Glad you are back home Valerie! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Both projects are (as always) stunning! Hugs!

  32. oh, your teddy bear picnic is so charming, and the sweet lady is delightful! glad you are doing well and good luck with the therapy! happy T day!

  33. Glad you are home. Good luck at boot camp (a necessary evil). Try to laugh as much as possible. ;) Lovely woods picnic! Happy T-Day! :)

  34. Hello Valerie. Glad to hear you are home and the op is over, now the hard work starts. Lovely pictures. Hugs Rita xxx

  35. Lovely to know you are now home Valerie and the rehab sounds fun!!
    Beautiful page for TioT and the woodland scene is such fun with it's mix of images and photos.
    Take care, Avril xx

  36. Lovely to know you are now home Valerie and the rehab sounds fun!!
    Beautiful page for TioT and the woodland scene is such fun with it's mix of images and photos.
    Take care, Avril xx

  37. It is awful to be in the hospital facing surgery, but having a room with a view makes it a bit more bearable.And who would even consider going to the hospital without their camera. These shots are out of this world.Your Feminine and Fancy and Into the Words works are awesome. I am still a child at heart at 77, so I absolutely adore all of the pictures of your Woods artwork. It is so whimsical and makes me feel so happy inside after a day where everything went wrong that could go wrong. Hope your PT got well. Be sure to do those exercises. Happy week.

  38. So sorry you are at hospital, but I guess you will heal. Absouletly a lovely sun set from your hospital window, wow!! Nice to see your art work, those first so warm and playful. and I love the piece with the woman!
    Wish you a good recovery.


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