Tuesday 15 March 2016

More bears

Hi Everybody!

Short post today, boot camp was hard, and I need rest!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, the bears are back again:

The last photos from the weekend walk:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great artwork and pics Valerie. Have a good rest and hoping the next boot camp isn't as bad!
    Fliss xx

  2. Marvellous photos from your walk, I like the second last one for some reason, I can almost imagine I am there.
    I am enjoying your teddy illustrations, of course, and the teddy today in the blue knitted pinny makes me laugh.
    Shouldn't be long till Boot Camp is over?

  3. Fun woodsy page today! I have never seen live blooming snowdrops, how nice. The early crocus hyacinth and daffodils are a favourite part of spring for me! And tulips and magnolias and...

  4. Enjoyed in the woods page today, Valerie. Spring is definitely here as shown in your photos. Hope you rest well tonight for another boot camp day tomorrow.

  5. Fabulous page today my friend, you need to rest to get better.xx

  6. Excellent Art work, wonderful photos Valerie.


  7. I LOVE your bears page again, you could make a book out of all the bear pages, hope to see more. Take care and rest, hugs, Sarah

  8. My favorite bears! A great piece - makes me smile. Beautiful shots of the beginning of spring .. the snowdrops remind me so very much of dear England. Hope you survived boot camp again today ... hugs, Donna

  9. What a lovely page and I so like the photos - looks as spring now is really on it's way there. We have got snow again .. and more than in winter...grrrr!

  10. Sounds like gruelling exercise Valerie--hope you come out the better for it.

    Love the page and the wonderful knitted bear images--such fun.

    Great photographs--I just love the one with the bikes it all looks so neat and tidy

    Hope your day went well when you read this

    Love Chrissie xcx

  11. Loving these bears! And how much spring other people have. We are actually having pretty good spring weather (last year we had about 4 feet of snow on the ground at this time) but I forgot how long it takes winter to get to New Hampshire. Hope boot camp isn't quite so bad today, but it seems like for all the work you are getting better pretty fast. Hugs! Erika

  12. Beautiful piece, love the bird in the nest. Great photos. Get some rest Valerie, hugs :)

  13. Liebe Valerie,
    so wundervoll deine Bärenbilder. Deine Fotos zeigen deutlich, dass der Frühling bei euch schon weiter fortgeschritten ist als hier. Der Vogel oder Erpel oder was auch immer auf dem roten Dreieck finde ich absolut genial, super tolles Foto.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  14. Your Teddy Bear collage is sweet ♥
    And what a welcome sight to see lovely spring blooms again.
    I was just out in our garden picking a second bunch of assorted daffodils and a tiny handful of muscari too.
    Ahhh Spring...take care of yourself liebe Valerie oxo

  15. Was für eine zauberhafte Kollage mit deinen Bären! Ganz wunderbar!
    Liebe Grüße und pass gut auf dich auf,

  16. I love all the creatures hiding here! Poor Mama bear!Your photos are brilliant -love seeing the cormorant! Hope boot camp is easier today!Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Sweet page. I like how two bears are hiding from the mom bear. Cute! Beautiful photographs. Our spring is trying to arrive today with a steady rain. Most of the snow is gone.

  18. Hope you are resting all comfortable like. The Bears are back and lookin better than ever! Love quote! Hugz. ~Niki

  19. wow loving those bears, and are those tulips sprouting

  20. Good to see the bears back, looks like they are having a game of' hide and seek' on this awesome page.. Wonderful photos as well.
    Hope today was easier for you.
    Yvonne xx

  21. I love your bears - always so much fun finding wildlife in your woods. You know, the bears never leave our woods!
    sandy xx


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