Tuesday 1 March 2016

In the woods again.....

Hi Everybody!

My first day at home was not easy, but slowly by slowly I managed.
I Just need to think of new ways to do things just now!
On Wednesday the Rehab-Boot camp is starting, so I am
sure I will learn some new tricks there!

For Art Journal Journey,  if you go down to the woods, I have
another hybrid page, using a photo as background, which was taken at the castle in the woods which I visited last Autumn, as were the other photos shown today.
My bear family is once again having fun, and Daddy Bear seems to have drunk too much, so Mummy Bear is not amused....

And for Elizabeth's second on the second a face made last year, in the original version, and in 2 altered colour versions. Also linking to 99 faces

I am trying to get round to visiting as many people as possible, just having problems as I still have to spend a lot of time flat on my back, and everything
I do is very exhausting -but sooner or later it will be better!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot fr coming by.


  1. Oh Valerie! Will I settle down for bed now I am laughing so much!? This is BRILLIANT! The photos are beautiful and a lovely reminder of the warm Autumn days we had! I had to spend time propped up slightly, but on my back for around two weeks after my op - once I could turn even slightly on my side without it hurting too much, things began to get better! I wish you well for tomorrow! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. This is such a fun page. I love that Daddy and mama bear. What a hoot. Hope rehab boot camp isn't too bad and that you feel a little better (well a lot better). I can't imagine the patience it takes to recoup. Hugs to you!

  3. Very cute page for AJJ and gorgeous photos! Poor Valerie, you will be well before you know it, easy for me to say though.

  4. Love your funny page today, this is fabulous. Good luck at boot camp, remember you were always team leader at school, so don't let the side down! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Ich mag diese fröhliche Seite so gern und Dein second look on the second Gesicht und seine Farbversionen sind super - Alles gute für's bootcamp Sweetie!

  6. Fabulous shares again today lovely teddies once more. I'll not be around for a few days so will see yu when we get back from a short break.xx {aNNie}

  7. How fun to see your sense of humor even when you are "down and out." Those bears made me smile and laugh. I'm sure their antics will be seen again throughout this month, too.

    Love the autumn photos and so glad you shared them while you are in boot camp. I'm surprised you are even up and out of bed. Thanks for joining us at Second on the 2nd with thes

  8. I apologize for not finishing this, but my computer froze and I was surprised it posted. To finish, I wanted to say thanks for joining us at Second on the 2nd with these lovely autumn photos. They show such beauty and it seems so long ago, even though I know it wasn't.

    Have fun at boot camp. At least you won't be on your back. And please don't worry about responding to us. We have all been there before. Not necessarily flat on our backs, but unable to respond to posts and comments.

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    es fasziniert mich immer wieder, mit welcher Kreativität du diese hervorragenden Bilder machst... Faszination total fällt mir dazu ein. Für dein Boot Camp drücke ich dir ganz heftig die Daumen, viel Kraft dafür...
    Ganz herzliche und daumendrückende Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  10. HA!! Love the quirky comment on your collage. Too funny! Your faces are fun in the different colors...esp love the last purple/pink version. And of course your photos are as always...amazing.
    Here's to a speedy recovery.

  11. Wow, great post Valerie!! I love your little teddy bear picnic scene!! That photo of the sun rays peeping through the trees had me oohing and aahing! Great pics. hugs :)

  12. So pleased you are home again and I hope boot camp has lots of good ideas.

    All terrific work today and amazing photographs. Love the saying on the bear page and the wonderful,effects on the face

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Really funny, Mummy Bear looks very cross and the children are pretending they are not there. You'll be glad to know my teddies enjoyed this one.

  14. Valerie you know how much I love the Bear's Picnic. Lot of fun in this one too. Does Mama always know best - I don't think so. Sometimes we just have to tie one on!!!!
    Sandy xx

  15. Valerie,relax and you can catch up with everyone when you are stronger. Love the Bears today and your face page. The photos are always an extra treat.

  16. So lustig ist deine Bärenfamilie anzusehen!
    Und: Du schaffst das alles schon, ist doch klar, dass es zur Zeit nicht so einfach für dich ist. Ganz liebe Grüße - Ulrike

  17. I REALLY enjoyed your BAD Papa Teddy & Family painting! SOOOOO cute!! And your lady's face is awesome. The dreamy yearning look on her face is really good.
    Thanx for sharing,
    Grandma Nancy in central IL

  18. That first one is so cute:) And the face is lovely and has character. She's mysterious.
    You really caught the sunlight in your pics.
    Concentrate on getting better. We'll leave the light on for you.

  19. I'll be glad to hear when you're recovered. I love your photos. What beautiful woods!

  20. Here you are needing some laughs (especially with boot camp beginning OH MY!) and your cute bears in the forest made me giggle.
    Lovely second look too.
    Lots of changes in your world right now.
    Take care of yourself Missy and soon you'll be better than new.

  21. I love the bears and the story, look forward to further days with the bear family. Its a beautiful face painting as well.
    Take things slowly.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Mummy Bear sure is correct! Haha! Too funny and awesome! Wonderful design and I am happy to hear that you are doing okay. The road to recovery is a long one. PT stands for pain and torture but in the end, it's worth it! Have fun at boot camp. Lol. Hugz. ~Niki

  23. I love your gorgeous photos...so inspiring! and what a lovely 2nd showing of the girl's face :) as for bears' picnic...we seem to be on the same wavelength as to stuffed teddies and so on! (grin, Pooh would agree I think) do take care and grow stronger every day!! ♥


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