Saturday 19 March 2016

This and that for the weekend

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to those who wrote and asked what was up when I didn't
post a blog for today! I was so exhausted after the Boot Camp yesterday
that I was not able to sit down and write a post, all I could do was to
crawl into my bed - sorry! Now I am enjoying the weekend!

For Art Journal Journey,  If you go down to the woods, I made a hybrid piece, using a water colour background that I made back in 1992. The bears are once again trying to have a fun picnic. My Mum and I are hiding behind a tree stump having a laugh at the proceedings.

For 99 faces I have made a hybrid remake of a painting I made some years back for a journal cover:

Still looking for signs of spring here, but not many new ones just now, it's been too cold and frosty:

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fun page Val, I always love your bears, especially Mrs Bossy Mama Bear! Have a nice weekend and take it easy, hugs, Sarah

    1. Love the Buddha too, wonderful colours! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Pleased you are ok I thought you must be tired when you didn't post as usual.

    Beautiful pages, one fun and one so very peaceful and calming.

    Love the photographs with the breath of Spring as it is still dull and very cold here.

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  3. Sorry to hear that you were so tired! Not long now till you are in charge of your recovery programme! Love your page - Mr Ted really is causing Mama Bear some problems! Love the Buddha face and your fabulous photos! Enjoy the weekend! Chrisx

  4. Die Seite ist so süß!!! Ein Gesicht - Du und Deine Mutter - so hübsch...und Deine Buddha Seite ist super!!! Ruh Dich aus!!!
    Du hast das wohl verdient nach dieser anstrengenden Woche!

  5. Still in love with those Bears! Great piece and again a good chuckle. The 99 faces page is exquisite ... very beautiful. Like the "Diablo" boat -- we had a restaurant in SMA called Donna Diablo ... hmmmm. Hope you had a restful day off and enjoyed yourself. hugs, Donna

  6. love you two peeking out at the picnic, lol. Beautiful quote for 99 faces and I enjoyed the photos!

  7. Was wondering where you were earlier with a post, but glad to hear it was just exhaustion. How many more days of boot camp is it?Love these teddy bears. They are very fun and clever too. Your hybrid is also nice, and you have a few more signs of spring than I do here- and they are saying we might get snow Monday. Lordy! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  8. Sometimes we all crash and burn. Don't feel bad. It happens to us all, and you have a far more legitimate reason than most.

    Gotta love the bears. They are having so much fun. It's a joy when you bring them out to play.

    It turned cold, cold, cold here and SNOWED yesterday when I was out and about. I had about a dozen errands to run and snow was not on my agenda. However, nearly as soon as it landed, it turned to water. The weather looks similar in your photos, but I hope yours improves soon, especially since we are supposed to be in sleeveless outfits by Tuesday.

  9. Hope you have had a restful day Valerie, sleep and rest are good healers. Fabulous pages, I have had a good chuckle at those bears, you had a good view of their antics from behind the tree.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    zwei wundervolle Bilder hast du gemacht, sie sind wundervoll. Ich glaube auch, wie Susi, dass du dir dein Gestern verdient hast und dir auch mal Zeit und Ruhe für dich nehmen sollst. Ich liebe dieses Bild mit dem Buddha...
    Nun wünsche ich dir ein sonnenschönes Wochenende und viel Freude.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  11. Momma Bear is the bees knees! Hilarious again and someone looks a bit green around the gills. Hehe! Such a fun design in both! Awesome sauce pictures! Hugz. ~Niki

  12. ooohh deine seite mit den bären ist sooo goldig,und deine buddha seite ist fantastisch.
    gönn dir einfach mal ruhe,so eine woche kann sehr anstrengend sein.
    seitdem ich angefangen habe zu singen bin ich jeden tag am üben,das schlaucht auch sehr,aber man hört schon kleine fortschritte was mich echt freut,ich hab bald gesangsunterricht und freu mich drauf.
    einen wunderschönen sonntag für dich.

    hugs jenny

  13. Two very different pieces but fun and beautiful! Hope you have recovered fully from boot camp now. To be honest, why apologize for not posting for a day??? Surely blogging should only happen when you feel like it? I never understand how people can find the time and energy to blog every day.... commenting is hard enough, I don't even manage that. No pressure in art is my motto.....

  14. Beautiful page and gorgeous seeing your creations..xx

  15. I hope you are well rested now after boot camp, I love both pieces especially the teddies.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Love the pieces and the photos! That picture of you and your mom is so sweet. You were/are such a cutie pie.
    Are you done with therapy now?

  17. Oh my - your sky photo is really gorgeous!!! I get such a kick at looking at your woods makes. So much fun to "find" the surprises at the picnics. And your bears are hysterical!
    Yes, once again it it catch up Sunday. Every time I get caught up I fall behind again.
    You really needed the rest - both physically and mentally.
    Sandy xx

  18. You are TOUGH as nails dear Valerie and if you are like me - giving in and going to bed is almost like a sin - so on the rare occasions when it happens it is NECESSARY. Totally get it. Sooooooooo... just want to say... I'm proud of you.

    You have been more than amazing thru all this - big wow. You have my complete admiration for how you have handled it all. Such an inspiration - yes you are girl.

    And speaking of inspirations - fun art work today. You and your Mom may be hiding behind the tree stump but you are awfully close to those bottles too. Mayhap you helped a bit to contribute to that little bears stack!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehhehe. Hugs. j.

  19. So happy you took a day to rest and feel much better. Your two pages are terrific. We are all loving the Bears and their picnics. You know I would love the face page as it is gorgeous. Good luck on Monday for another fun day at boot camp. It's okay to rest and catch up when you can. Be kind to yourself.

  20. Glad you are enjoying the weekend! You just really needed the rest on Friday. Those Boot camp Rehabs can be very tough. It's cold here again with a heavy snow this morning that has melted already but it's suppose to freeze tonight :( My plum trees are in bloom so I"m sure it will kill the blooms and no plums this year. Oh well the darn squirrels probably would have eaten them all anyhow.

  21. Beautiful pieces today Valerie. Love the photo of those clouds! Hope you had a great weekend. hugs :)


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