Thursday 10 March 2016

Red Hair and Red Riding Hood.

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and for 99 faces, I have another Modigliani 'knock-off'. The original is called 'woman with red hair'.
I painted her on her chair with water colours and pastel chalks, and then fussy cut her and pasted her onto a dripped and sprayed A3 background.

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have another hybrid piece, mixing painting, digital images, and photos. The illustration of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf are from an old book I have here, the birds are from my balcony.

As I didn't get out to take any new photos this week, I am showing some taken on this day last year. The Rehab/Boot Camp is going well, 7 days down and 8 to go - I'm getting there! One of my readers wondered yesterday how I manage to find so much time being creative when I am supposedly working hard at the Rehab....Well, I don't. I prepared all of the things I have been showing in the past weeks in advance, by working really hard.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. She is just a beauty, well done!!

  2. What a great painting Valerie, she's beautiful and I love that Red Riding Hood has a bit of attitude! Keep up the good work in rehab! Xx

  3. The red riding hood is fun, but the painting really did it for me! Stunning background and the way you have painted the lady is Modigliani all over. I specially admire how you did her arm and hand. These are always so tricky...

  4. 'The Girl with the Red Hair" ... I can relate. :o) LOVE her. Great job with Little Red ... beautiful spring photos. Hopeful. hugs, Donna

  5. The lady with red hair is resting her knees I think! Funny take on Red Riding Hood in the woods today. I see spring in those photos, oh joy!

  6. Hi Valerie, working hard preparing your artwork really helps out a lot. Love your gorgeous faces and the woods art with little Red is awesome.
    Great pics from last year!! Glad rehab is going well. Have a nice weekend ahead. xo

  7. Your painting is beautiful, Valerie, and Miss Red belongs in our society today, taking no bluff or hard time from anyone. The photos are delightful and I could look at them over and over. Rest, my friend.

  8. Love this artwork and the fabulous giggles from red riding hood!She's definitely an international woman of substance!! Happy healing...great photos as always!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. I love your art, I love your journal page, and I really love your photos.

  10. Fabulous Modigliani, and I love that RRH has been brought up to look after herself! Hugs, Sarah

  11. Oh, I love your red haired lady, she's so soulful.

  12. Love the red haired lady, and red riding hood was great. Love the photos.

  13. Your Modigliani "knock-off" is wonderful. She looks quite a bit like the original. Of course, Little Red Riding Hood made me laugh and laugh. She has attitude, that's for sure.

    I love the photos you chose to show today. It makes me wish the entire northern hemisphere actually looked like that right now!

  14. She looks fabulous! Love her soft look and the bright red hair against that beautiful background. And your Little Red Riding Hood made me smile! So sweet! Wonderful photos too!

  15. Die Dame mit roten Haaren ist großartig und fabelhaft auch die Rotkäppchen Version heute!
    Du bist eben fleissig und gut organisiert und hast genug Routine und Verstand und Ausdauer-- eben keine "Allerweltsbloggerin" .... so sieht's aus! Dieser Baum muss ja uralt sein..Wahnsinn!Und die Käfer! Toll!

    Schöne Fotos aus dem Fundus!!

  16. I love your pieces, especially that beautiful background in the first one! The little red riding hood piece is excellent too, what a super visit to your part of the woods!
    All the best for your rehab, it must be so tiring, good job you're half way there now!

  17. Liebe Valerie,
    dein neues Modigliani Bild ist wundervoll, mich faszinieren diese roten Haare. Ein filigranes Bild. Auch das Rotkäppchen ist genial und die Bilder die du vorbereitet hast von früher sind absolut genial. Mich würde interessieren was das für rote 'Dinger' sind am Baum beim viertletzten Bild?
    Herzliche Grüsse und ein erholsames, schönes Wochenende, Sichtwiese

    1. They are 'fire bugs' (Feuerkäfer), and I have seen them a lot these past couple of years, and are harmless!

  18. Liebe Valerie, eine tolle Dame in Rot, so unglaublich zart und schön. Auch Deine Rotkäppchen-Collage ist wunderschön! Beide Arbeiten gehen sofort in mein Herz und lassen mich staunen.
    Liebe Grüße zu Dir

  19. Your Modigliani looks very good and Red riding hood gave me a real laugh. That's the girl! Beautiful photos as always. I hope everything is going well.

  20. The page is stunning Valerie--I love the way you did the background as well as the wonderful painting of the lady in the chair.

    You continue to make me laugh out loud with the Woods pages. This one is so funny--thanks for the laugh.

    Great to see some photos revisited. I must have seen them before but can't recall what the red and black things are on the stump--fascinating for sure.

    Hope your day goes well and that all this hard boot stuff will make you strng and well again

    We have sun today--yipee

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. Gorgeous and funny sentiment love your work..xx

  22. Oh, that Red riding hood, there's some attitude!!

  23. I love your woodland scene, it brought a smile to my face and your Modigliani lady is beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  24. Those bugs look awesome what a vibrant photo. Your lady is lovely love the drips and splotches.
    Happy PPF 6th birthday celebration..
    Vicki-Ann :)

  25. Wow- you were so green last year too. I get to March and I literally crave green and can't take this grey and brown anymore. And sometimes still snow, but not this year. Those bugs in that photo are amazing. And I love Little Red- that is girl power for you. And you always do a wonderful job with your Modiglianis are always gorgeous. Happy PPF! Hope boot camp goes well today.

  26. Great work, just love the little red riding hood piece. Gorgeous photos, seems the weather last year was just as lovely! Hope you're healing up well. hugs :)

  27. your Modigliani is just beautiful Valerie! There is a fragile quality about her. I adore your red riding hood scene too, along with all your lovely scenic photos. Happy PPF!

  28. Modigliani is a favorite! Nice job on the interpretation!

  29. I am loving your Modigliani series! Your red haired lady is a particular beauty!

  30. I like the girl's spunk. The Modigliani lady is beautiful. Speedy recovery.

  31. I never get tired of your pictures Valerie - you have such a good eye.
    I just cannot get over your Modigliani knock offs. You are amazing. An artist in your own right.
    Your into the woods series has been such a delight - so funny - you must have been working your fanny off before the surgery!!!!!
    I have not been a very good friend -- they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions -- I must be going there for sure.
    sandy xx

  32. Love the art!!! The red haired lady is amazing and I love that background. The red ridinghood is a hoot!!! Glad you are feeling better and boot camp is working well for you. Those bugs are amazing too. Thanks for sharing.

  33. The Modigliani redhead is gorgeous, Valerie. And I love it that she is sitting in a matching red chair. The Little Red Riding Hood piece is darling. I love the caption!

  34. I'm not sure I have ever met anyone quite as incredible as you dear Valerie. I just have to say - thank you for your dedication to your art work, your blog, and to all of us that are forever hungry for you creativity. It definitely had to be a lot of work to prepare all of these things so far in advance. But happy that because you did - we have been able to communicate with you during your recoop. YOU are SUPER WOMAN to me!!!

    LOVE your gal - your remake is soooo good and the background is luscious. You know my fav posts are always when you paint your creations. I like your digital work too but there is just something special that occurs when you take brush in hand!!! And this lovely project proves it!!!

    Red Riding Hood made me giggle - hehehehehe!!! And I have never heard the phrase "Bog Off" either but I understand it as you used it!! Pretty cute!!!

    Beautiful photos too! Much love, j.

  35. Your work is beautiful and I love the way you photo the red headed girl! The angles make her portray a slightly different look. I had to look close to see it was the same work. Little Red Riding hood draws me in to take a closer look, too! And your photos are amazing! I've never seen or heard of a Firebug! Thanks for a very fun look at the world through your lens!! I'm glad you are making these days better for you and will be cheering you on!

  36. Lovely! Everything looks wonderful!!! Not sure that i like the bug picture. are those beetles? omg I hate bugs and one thing I dislike about spring and summer is bugs. Not happy about those. I know they are important in the life chain but I dislike them. LOL They are pretty in colour. I truly need to get over my fear. :D Happy weekend!!! happy PPF!

    1. I must admit that I don't like them either!

  37. hello,
    your Modigliani is beautiful
    Little Red made me smile
    and that bug photo was a big WOW!

  38. I love the pieces and the photographs. Is that some type of lady bug in the photo. That was amazing. Have a great one, Valerie.

  39. Your red head lady is beautiful and I have been laughing as I am reading your post. The words you addded for Red Riding Hood to say to that wolf are brilliant.
    Lovely photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  40. Hi Valerie! I love the lady with the red hair. She looks so relaxed. Your Little Red Riding Hood is SO cute! I love the thoughts you gave her...too cute. As always I enjoyed the pictures of your world. It is so beautiful. Hugs, Rasz

  41. I love the way you are always experimenting with new techniques. This splattery effect really works, creating a sort of extra aura, a heavy emotion around, maybe of melancholy!
    Happy PPF

  42. Thank you so much! You know what for.

  43. Beautiful artwork and photos - as always!! Happy PPF :)

  44. Hi Valerie. Hope you are doing better. Your girl is awesome. Really very nice. I always love your photos and you know that. Have a great week ahead. Heal soon.

  45. Deine Lady mit den roten Haaren ist einfach wundervoll und deine Rotkäppchen-Version läßt mich schmunzeln! Wie immer ein sehr inspirierender Post!
    LG, Annette

  46. Du läufst Modigliani bald den Rang ab... wieder toll gelungenes Bild! LG Ulrike

  47. Oh, wow, the lady with the red hair is stunning!! Beautiful!! And the art journal image made me laugh out loud!! Love the nature photos from last year! xoxo Silke

  48. heeheeehee Lil Red is just too funny!
    I love your lady wit the red hair- gorgeous!

  49. I am so using bog off from now on lol... glad that spring has arrived and love the modi... so sorry I am so late getting to visit this week!!!


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