Thursday 17 March 2016

Another Van Gogh 'knock off'

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday and 99 faces I have combined 2 of my Van Gogh 'knock offs' to make one new picture, as Reha/Boot Camp has taken all my strength and energy this week. Just 3 more days, and then I will be finished and can get back to my quieter life. The background was painted with acrylics and the details drawn with pastel chalks and white Pentel pen. The head of Van Gogh was painted with water colours and pastel chalks.

The only photos I managed to take this week were of the sunrise and birds waiting outside for my 'breakfast bar' to open!

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Incredible Van Gogh. You are amazing. Love your photos. Hope boot ends well soon. Have a nice weekend. xo

  2. lovely morning photos! 3 days...yay! That Van Gogh mixed media 'knockoff' is a work of art, wow.

  3. I love your sunrise pics and the knockoff:)
    You are almost done. Hang in just a bit longer.

  4. Gorgeous background for your Van Gogh and your photos of the black trees against the sunrise are spectacular, enjoy the weekend.

  5. I love your Van Goghs. The photos are beautiful.

  6. ich liebe dein van gogh,wunderschön gemalt,deine sunrisebilder sind auch klasse.
    schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  7. Gorgeous rich, luscious Vincent!!!

  8. Your Vincent painting is wonderful, looks great. Take it easy today, you will soon be finished with Reha, and try to rest at the weekend! Hugs, Sarah

  9. Vincent looks fantastic and Starry Night is well represented, too. I like how you created this. I swear, I don't see how you do it. I'm so far behind I can't find my tail right now. So those photos of the sunrise and birds were especially special today.

  10. Oh dear I hope you're okay. Pain does zap energy fast and furious that's for sure...Here's hoping you have a quick recovery! Your combo art is beautiful although a bit sad... always gorgeous up and feel better soon!!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Was für ein tolles Van Gogh knock off und die Bilder sind auch so schön!
    Gut Boot Camp Liebes!

  12. Your Van Goghs are super and your photos too. I especially love the one with a plane in it, how fun.

  13. Wonderful art and beautiful photos!
    Happy PPF!

  14. Your Van Gogh journal page is wonderful - I love the little bubbles that give the impression he is at the bottom of the sea!

  15. I always scroll down to see your photos and then back up to your art... I love seeing those glimpses of your physical world... then the glimpse of your interior with your art...

  16. Fantastic Van Gogh page Valerie and I surprised you have the energy to do anything after you days at boot camp. Juts hope it has done a lot of good after all the hard yards.

    Always great to see your balcony and wonderful birds that visit there

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Awesome Van Gogh !! and the photos are incredible too :)

  18. Inspiringly beautiful creation...gorgeous colours chosen...
    Enjoy the weekend. {aNNie}

  19. Wow, amazing Van Gogh inspiration and incredible photos today too!

  20. I love your Van Gogh, the background is wonderful and so are the photos. Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. Love the Van Gogh knock offs. You certainly got his style exact! How many more days of boot camp? I know you are just about done and must be excited to graduate! Hugs! Erika

  22. Great work.

    So much sun and light in your photos!

  23. lovely Van Gogh inspirations and creativity. Thank you for sharing

  24. Be very careful, my dear Valerie, or you may be lured into the black market of knock offs. You are getting very good. Starting a new business called "Channeling Van Gogh" might be fun. :o) The colours are so deep and rich. Or "The Sun Always Rises" ... beautiful photos. Hope you survived another day at BC! Not far to go now. hugs, Donna

  25. Fabulous van Gogh piece, Valerie. The colors are so gorgeous. You are almost finished with rehab. My daughter just finished up 6 weeks rehab with an injury from playing soccer (yes, at 51 years old!). Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. love the Van Gogh redo! And your silhouetted trees against the skies are so beautiful. Good luck with your continued efforts at boot camp.

  27. Your Van Gogh picture sparkle's! And, the photo's show the true light of the morning. Keep on!!

  28. Your Van Gogh is beautiful and so are your photos.
    The bird silhouette is just perfect.
    I am sure you can hardly wait to be a free woman again.
    Excited for you and sending all good wishes your way always.
    Happy beginning of the weekend dear one

  29. Thanks Sweetie, I am so happy to have this weekend for myself.

  30. A fabulous page and I love those photos, the light through the trees so magical!

  31. What a fantastic Van Gogh page! Love that background and of course your lovely photos! Happy Weekend!

  32. Love the Van Gogh page and how you fused two master pieces into one. Super photos as well. Have a good rest this weekend, bet you are counting the days now to the end of the boot camp.
    Yvonne xx

  33. Hi Valerie. Your always capture the best photos. Love your Van Gogh page. Glad that the healing process is going on good. Then you can start making your jams and jellies, they always look delish when I see the photos. Get well quick!!!!

  34. Love your painting! And I always love your photos too. It's always a treat to see your beautiful surroundings. Have a wonderful PPF week! Hugs, Rasz

  35. Lovely images and OH! The van Gogh! Great stuff Valerie--thanks for sharing. xo

  36. Liebe Valerie,
    wundervoll dein van Gogh... und deine Fotos sind absolut genial, so herrlich, dass uns der Frühling gefunden hat ;-)... Für deine Bootcamp Tage wünsche ich dir viel Kraft, Energie und Erfolg. Alles Liebe dir.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  37. Wonderful piece Valerie, and gorgeous photos of the sun! happy weekend :)

  38. Your Van Gogh art is fantastic and your photographs are stunning! Have a great weekend!

  39. Lovely Van Gogh! Lovely photos and Happy Paint Party Friday! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  40. What incredible detail you have created in your Van Gogh! I like the various mediums you used to create it. Lovely pictures too!

  41. Love what you have done with the Vincent knock offs! Your photos fabulous! Hugs, Chrisx

  42. I adore what you have done with Vincent...WOW! Your photography is especially lovely, today, too. ((hugs)) Thank you for your encouraging comments. You are such a talented artist, and a pretty special person, too. <3

  43. How do you do it? Wonderful knock off as your knock offs always are. You should really go into the knock off business. In our old house in the mountains - I had an artist come in and paint one of Van Gogh's sunflower paintings on the wall - I even had her sign Vincent's name on the vase.
    So I read that you are almost through with boot camp - know you are happy about that.
    Sandy xx

  44. Your Van Goghs are superb, and so are your photographs - really striking!!

  45. Wow, wow - he looks Van Gogh.
    Sunny greetings from Finland!

  46. Your Van Gogh looks stunning, and what a beautiful sunrise!


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