Sunday 13 March 2016

Norwegian Wood

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had another cold and sunny day here,
and I was able to go walking again along my beloved Rhine,
so I was really happy. On Monday it's back to Boot Camp/Rehab and 6 hours of intensive training. But it is helping, so that's the main thing!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I 
made another hybrid piece, a little blast from the past, using a stencil (stencilry)
of John Lennon over a wooded background.
I am also linking to 99 faces (face 78)

And to get you into the 60s mood:

The day started with a beautiful sunrise:

Mrs Thrush was once again the first in the queue for breakfast:

In the Basilica:

Along the Rhine:

In the castle grounds:

Have a wonderful day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, strange that you made this one with John Lennon, I saw a programme about the Beatles the other day, and they spoke about Norwegian Wood. Love your page, very nicely done, really coool! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your page today is exquisite. I love the background and the overlay of John Lennon is a terrific contrast. Your photos are bright and cheery and I was happy you were able to go for a walk along the Rhine. Take care and onward to boot camp in the morning.

  3. So pleased the weather has been to kind to you this weekend Valerie and that you are getting fit again thanks to boot camp and your own hard work.
    Love the John Page and the great song.
    Wonderful light in the photographs

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Boot camp has its pluses, as you are getting out and about again on your lovely walks. Its a fabulous page using John Lennon, he was a star.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Your John Lennon piece is wonderful. The video was a nice touch. Didn't they look so young at that point?You see photos of Paul and Ringo now and although they don't look bad, it is sometimes hard to really believe that all that time has passed. And the photos of the sunlight through the stained glass in the Basilica is gorgeous. Hope your week at rehab goes well this new week.

  6. Wow, what an amazing stencil! Never seen that one before, makes for a great focal point on that forest background!

  7. I feel like I've been in a time warp when I saw the young Beetles. Although I've never been a big Beetles fan (they were no longer together when I first became interested in music, John looks like I remember him from around the time he died. It was a great page and a nice video, too.

    Of course, I LOVE the rusty pieces along the Castle grounds. My heart always goes pitter patter when I see that sculpture, but the rusty gate around it is fantastic, too. Glad you also made it to the Rhine and the Basilica, too. Hope you are enjoying the rest of your day off.

  8. Nice Norwegian Wood inspiration piece!
    I love to see the crocus coming up like that!

  9. eine tolle seite,gefällt mir sehr und schöne bilder hast du gemacht.
    eine schöne neue woche für dich.

    hugs jenny

  10. Wunderschöne Idee mit Norwegian Wood - ich freu mich für Dich dass Du schon wieder am Rhein entlag unterwegs sein kannst!
    Und zauberhafte Bilder dokumentieren Deinen ersten größeren Spaziergang obendrein!
    Brav schuften im Boot Camp wieder!!! Sei tapfer!

  11. Liebe Valerie,
    du verzauberst mich mit John Lennon, meiner Musik von damals :-)... am liebsten möchte ich hier bleiben und nur noch hinsehen und hinhören... Hab ganz herzlichen Dank dafür!
    Schön, dass du wir am Rhein unterwegs warst und wunderschöne Bilder mitgebracht hast. Das Licht in der Kirche ist traumhaft. Nun wünsche ich dir ganz viel Kraft fürs Boot Camp, drücke dir die Daumen für ein gutes und erfolgreiches Gelingen.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  12. Fabulous Valerie, my favourite Beatles song with my favourite Beatle, gorgeous sunrise pictures.

  13. Your creative artistry is always a source of inspiration. Love the photography. Beautiful! Very creative.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  14. Your creative artistry is always a source of inspiration. Love the photography. Beautiful! Very creative.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  15. Great Stencil isn't it?! Put together - very clever, Valerie. Ah! That piece of music - blast from the past. Love the sitar. Beautiful photos along the Rhine. So happy you are able to enjoy your walks again and the wonderful sunrises. hugs, Donna

  16. Hi Valerie, Love your stenciled work and thank you for sharing the music. So enjoyed it. Beautiful sunrise photo and the sunlight in the Basilica. Have a great week and boot camp. xo

  17. Norwegian Wood: What a clever idea.
    The pictures, as always, are beautiful.

  18. Das gefällt mir sehr - das Portrait von John in Schwarz-Weiß vor dem zarten Birkenwald-Hintergrund! Norwegian Wood ist eines meiner Lieblingslieder von den Beatles.
    LG Rike
    PS. Werden alle verlinkten Bilder in der Gallery angezeigt oder nur eine Auswahl? Weil meines ist nicht dabei.

  19. OH this collage is fabulous in every way.
    Such a great song and singer.
    Brilliant for this month's challenge too.
    Very happy to hear you've been out walking because I know you are doing well and getting back to yourself YAY!!!

  20. Ein wunderbares Bild mit John Lennon vorm Birkenwald zum Songtext, gefällt mir sehr. Auch weil ich ein großer Lennon-Fan bin....und das Gesicht ist ein Stencil? ganz großartig! LG Ulrike

  21. I love that song Valerie, one of my favorites! Well done on your page!
    So happy to hear you are up and about walking, just don;t over do it!

  22. Beautiful piece you created. Is Mrs. Thrush getting a little chubby? Maybe that is the reason why she is first in line, lol! As always your pictures are breathtaking and the sunrise and light into the Basilica are a work of art in themselves. Thank you for sharing your world. Hugs, Rasz

  23. Love the Norwegian Wood collage, one of my favorite Beatles songs. Glad to see you are recuperating and doing your boot camp! xoxo


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