Wednesday 30 March 2016

A collage, a face and more

Hi everybody!

Today is the last day of Chris' theme 'If you go down to the woods'
at Art Journal Journey, and I have made my usual collage, although I think I have forgotten a couple....HUGE thanks to Chris for all the lovely journal pages she made, and for for all the hours she put in visiting all the participants and commenting on their work.
The new challenge is beginning tomorrow!

And I have another doodle face today for 99 faces, number 96 already - just 3 more to go! But I am having fun making these doodle creations, it's relaxing to work without planning and thinking and to see what it turns into at the end.

I had to walk very slowly today, as my knee was very painful, and I was happy to have the walker to hold onto till it is better.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful work Valerie! And gorgeous photos. x

  2. Hi Val, just saw this as I WAS GOING to shut down the computer for the night. Love the collage, and the doodle faces get better and better. Great photos, what a lot of tractors on that boat! Hope you are already in bed resting, hugs, Sarah

  3. I love seeing your collages! I have really enjoyed myself and it has been great to see the way the theme has been interpreted in so many wonderful ways! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I love the doodled face and the fun quote! The photos are fabulous - that's a lot of new tractors heading along the river! Take it easy - walking is good - overdoing it isn't! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. A wonderful collage, and I love the doodle face and quote.
    Pictures of your walk look lovely but hope it's not too painful now.
    Take it easy, Avril xx

  5. A wonderful collage, and I love the doodle face and quote.
    Pictures of your walk look lovely but hope it's not too painful now.
    Take it easy, Avril xx

  6. Always love you end of the month collages- but I can't believe we are at the end of the month already. Sorry to hear about your knee, but I am sure it takes a lot of time to improve, and this is one of those times patience is important. Love your face today too. You must be just a day or 2 away from meeting your 99 goal. That is exciting. Hugs-Erika

  7. Great work and collection, stunning photos too. Greetings in the week!

  8. sorry the knee was not good today. Lovely month end collage. I guess the idea of doodling is without a plan. I tend to plan my art, no good for doodling!

  9. You are quite the doodle artist and I may just have to try! Love it. Sorry to hear about your knee pain and hopefully tomorrow will be better!

  10. Your end-of-the-month collages always make me smile. And you create such lovely pieces (and so many, too) that it's nice to see a review of them.

    Although I love the bird in the girl's hair, I really liked the girl you drew yesterday.

    Glad you had your walker. I can't believe you are even getting around, much less going down to the river. Really enjoyed seeing the tractors and the semi trailer bodies. That green and yellow are very distinct John Deere.

    Hope today is better and your swelling goes down.

  11. Always enjoy your 'end of a theme' collage. Very impressive! This is one of my favorite faces because of the chicken ... makes me laugh. Sorry your knee is giving you grief - enjoyed your photos though. Hope it's much better today. hugs, Donna

  12. DU hast wieder einen brillianten Monat gestaltet und das obwohl Du rekonvaleszent bist! Alle Achtung!!
    Eine süße Idee ihre Irokesen-Art Deco Frisur!Du doodelst super Valerie!!!
    Na ich werde ausschau halten ob ich nicht so einen Traktor dann mal hier bei uns sehe..wer weiß?!

    Ich hoffe Dein Knie ist heute brav und wünsch Dir einen schönen letzten Tag im Monat März!!!

  13. Liebe Valerie,
    ein absolut genialer Monat stellst du uns vor, wundervoll... Die tolle Huhnfrisur hat mich restlos in den Bann gezogen, absolut genial!! Woow, was für ein Kahn mit diesen vielen Traktoren... Ich wünsche dir viel Geduld und Kraft, dass dein Knie gut heilen kann. Sende dir eine riesige Tüte voll mit Sonnenschein pur vom See...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  14. Wenn ich deine ganzen tollen Monatswerke so betrachte, war dies doch (trotz Knie-Op) ein märchenhafter März für dich! Alle Achtung! Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  15. Gorgeous collage and amazing sketch! Enjoy the day, Shirleyxx

  16. Love the collage! And another great page for the adult coloring book.

  17. Wonderful images, and great collage... but that drawing... the bird nesting in her hair as she slept... Just. Love. It!

  18. What a splendid collage, Valerie. Great woods and faces pieces. The doodle face is fantastic.
    Have a lovely day! Hugs, Mar

  19. Valerie, hope less pain makes today much better. Great photo of the boat with the tractors. Thanks for your March collage. We had so much fun in the woods with the Bears and your doodled faces were an added treat. Enjoy your weekend.

  20. Love your collage and face, but sorry to hear you are having pain. Hope it gets easier for you. xoxo

  21. Wow your collage is brilliant Valerie, and so is your doodle face. I hope your knee feels better soon xx

  22. Super art and I especially love your doodle face! Sorry to hear you are still in pain, I imagine these things take time to heal, take it easy!

  23. A fantastic collage of all your awesome AJJ pages. The doodle face is another beauty, I liked the bird seeming to nest in her hair.
    Lovely photos as well, but please take care when you are walking, if your knee is painful.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Brilliant designed pages and the colours are once again gorgeous. your faces and photos and incredible it. Have a wonderful  {aNNie}

  25. I'm singing that song now Valerie! Super pages. x


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