Thursday 3 March 2016

Friday This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.
I have survived day 2 of the Boot Camp/Rehab, it was hard,
but hopefully worthwhile. And we had lentil and sausage soup for lunch,
and that was really good.

For Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and 99 Faces,
I have another Modigliani 'knock off''. It shows Max Jacob, a French painter and writer. He was of Jewish origin, but converted to Christianity at the beginning of the 20th century. He was one of the first friends Pablo Picasso made when he came to Paris, where they shared a room, and remained life-long friends. In 1936 he moved away from Paris, but was arrested in 1944 by the Gestapo and imprisoned. His brother and other family members were deported to Auschwitz and gassed on arrival. Max Jacob fell ill and died before he could be deported.

I placed the portrait, painted with water colours and pastels, onto a painted, stamped and textured background. The Hebrew lettering means 'Let us praise the Lord' - not for the awful things that happened to him and so many others, but for his talent and that his memory and work has not been eradicated.  'The memory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rot' (Proverbs 10:7)

And on a more cheerful note, another visit  down in the woods, for 

 'Without darkness there's no light. Without night there is no day. And without love there is nothing at all...'Peter Sarstedt

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie
    Such contrasting pieces of art, one bringing thought and contemplation on the suffering and then the quirky element to the second piece which is just so amusing. This post showcases your incredible talent for art of varying styles.
    I hope you are seeing and feeling the results of the Rehab even though it is tough.

  2. Sounds like rehab has been good for you, including the food they are feeding you while you are there.

    I enjoyed both very different art entries today. I was saddened to read about Max Jacob, an artist I have never heard of before. So sad about him and his family. Your painting is wonderful, though, and very uplifting.

    What struck me about the second piece was the "coke" can, which was quite obvious. Seems the bears prefer coke over pepsi! Laughed at this one, because it is so clever.

    Loved the photos from today, too. Beautiful shots of the light shining through the forest and the quote by Peter Sarstedt.

  3. A sad piece and a happy your woodland photos.

    1. and on to day 3! Hope the food will be good.

  4. Your bear series is very cute and funny:-) Max Jacob is a striking piece. Thanks for sharing him and his history- I have never heard of him before. Very fitting verse.

  5. Beautiful design and I am enjoying this series. Lovely photos. Hope all is going well with rehab. Take good care and I hope the food gets better. Have a nice weekend ahead. xo

  6. Love both pieces, but was very touched by Max Jacob, from whom I have never heard. Wonderful contrasts and love the light-darkness theme running though. Hugs, Sarah

  7. I absolutely love your Max Jacob type art. The name was familiar but I didn't know his story. Thanks for sharing your incredible piece. Also, I loved the photos of the light filtering through the trees.

  8. Looove the Modigliani portrait. It's gorgeous. The photos with the light streaming are also lovely. Happy PPF! xo

  9. Your painting is a wonderful tribute to this artist. Thanks for sharing his story, all new to me; but the sadness not to be forgotten. great job on the Hebrew words as well.

  10. I love him!!! And as usual, your photos are divine!

  11. Love the contrasting piece, and always love seeing the photos of your days and weeks.

  12. Love the shadows in that face..awesome job! Adorable journal page I love it!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. Großartig ist Dein Modigliani Gesicht und die süße Seite gefällt mir auch ! Tolle Waldfotos Valerie!
    Gut Reha heute wieder!!


  14. What a great post... I love the painting, the illustration... the Quote! Beautiful!

  15. The contrast of the works is amazing. Love the quotes and the photos also.

  16. Wow what a powerful post this is! I love the story of Max Jacob and the illustrations are marvelous!!!

  17. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie,
    Absolut genial ist dein Bild von Max Jacob, ich kann mich nicht satt sehen... Die Bärensite ist auch hervorragend und toll geworden. Absolut begeistern mich auch deine fantastischen Fotos von deinem Spaziergang.
    Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass dieses Boot Camp absolut heftig ist gerade und hoffe sehr, dass es dir bald ein bisschen besser geht. Toll, dass du eine leckere Suppe bekommen hast, darüber freue ich mich mit dir. Weiterhin Daumendrück...
    Ganz herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  18. Lovely work as always, and I love how you've captured the sun beams in your photos. I can't wait for spring to arrive.

  19. Oh Valerie! I love your knock off but what a sad story! Your journal page once again had me roaring with laughter! What a contrast of the two! Your photos are wonderful and you will be on your way to getting out again! Sausage and lentil stew sounds delicious! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. The story just goes straight to the heart, but your knock off page is a great tribute. Again the other page had me laughing, These pages will make a great book.
    loved the photos and hope rehab goes well again today.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Pleased your boot camps are going well and I love the sound of the soup.

    Great painted face today with so much character.

    Another terrific YOGI reverse page which made me laugh out loud.

    Terrific photographs and definitely have ideas for the woodland challenge with these.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  22. What a very diverse blogpost today, Valerie, the first piece really full of sadness, but then the bears in their own world.
    Hope the Boot Camp keeps going well and that you can get back to your walks soon (I wonder what the timescale is?).

  23. I love learning about this painter.I had never heard of Max Jacob but looked him up. And I am loving your bear pieces. They give me a big smile! Happy Friday- happy weekend- hope day 3 of boot camp goes well.

  24. All shades and sides of life in this post, from sadness to happiness.

  25. Fabulous pieces today Valerie! Hopefully the hard part of rehab is over now. Never had lentil soup but it sure sounds good. hugs :)

  26. a wonderful portrait Valerie! I have not really attempted a masculine face yet-scary to me. Darling bear vignette, and I love your photos of the sun streaming thru the trees!

  27. I am really liking your Teddy bear picnic pieces! Glad to hear you are managing boot camp. It may be hard each day, but will no doubt be worth it in the long run!

  28. I adore your portrait - fun and beautiful at the same time.

  29. So much going on in this post. Your portrait is a work of art. The bears are adorable and your photos are stunning. All showing different sides of your emotions. Wishing you every good thing.

  30. Valerie, each day will get better or you. Your painted page today is a reminder that we will never forget the past atrocities and loss of so many. Your bear page continues to make me smile and I am enjoying each day of their picnic in the woods. Hugs,

  31. Wow, that is some powerful art you are sharing today! The portrait is truly stunning and the sad story adds another layer to it's beauty. What a fun contrast to that is the bear piece! And your photos are simply magical. Happy PPF! xoxo Silke

  32. A fabulous post and artwork here today. The Max Jacob portrait is amazing... all the colours and tones are incredible.
    The bear piece is completely different which shows just how versatile and talented you are!
    Happy PPF to you

  33. Amazing work Valerie and thanks for the history info about Max Jacob too. Your woodland piece brought a smile to my face and your woodland photos are stunning!

  34. So much to love in your post! I am quite fascinated that your Boot Camp provides in the states rehab is usually an individual appointment, not an all day thing. It must be exhausting! As always, love your photos and art work. I didn't know much about Max Jacob--you've done a touching tribute. The inclusion of the Hebrew lettering is perfect. and well, I think you could just about write your own book about Picnicking with bears-from their viewpoint! adorable!

    1. Rehab here is usually a three week intensive programme with 6 hours of training per week day.

  35. Love the strong colours you used on his face, in contrast with the more muted background. Such a sad story ...

  36. those photographs are so beautiful... almost surreal in their light... and the Modi face is wonderful... hope the rehabv gets easier

  37. Lovely quote about Light and Darkness.
    Your Modigliani face is super and the piece is very moving with your description liebe Valerie.
    I like the way you are getting into the bears heads with your funny collages.

  38. Very lovely! Loving all your work and loving the painting with the meaningful words. Love the Bear's Quote. Lovely photos of the sun rays. So beautiful! Happy Paint PArty Friday!

  39. BOot Camp Rehab does not not sound enjoyable at all but you'll come out of it all better . Love the art!!! The first one is so touching and with a dark story. SO glad you followed it with fun and smiles :)

  40. Really love your portrait and the Hebrew too Valerie - it's really an interesting creation. The history was fabulous - thank you so much for sharing.

    Hehehheheeh- your down in the woods creations are just soooo darn adorable. Smiling!!! There is never a dull moment with your artwork sweet gal!! So fun!

    Rehab is sooooo tough. And you ARE tough - so that really tells the story. You are still in my prayers every day... and yes - it will be worth it in the end. At least the lentil/sausage soup was a bit better than some other meals!! XX j.

  41. Hello Valerie, What a interesting and diverse post you have today. Such a moving and sad story of Max Jacob next to your art journal entry of the adorable bears and beautiful photos. All very creative. Thanks so much!

  42. of course!!! the kite ones i luv best

    Thanks for dropping by my blog

    much love...

  43. Wow! Fantastic artwork! Thanks for the inspiration! Happy PPF :)

  44. Cool work again. In your photos I can see the light :)
    Have a great week!

  45. What a wonderful post! I love your painting--and I was deeply touched, reading about the artist it represents. I am going to go online and look him up, now. I am SO curious. Your funny bear cartoon is delightful, and as always your photography is exquisite.

  46. Grown up human do not bite, but little kids surely do. I remember being bitten as a little girl and was sososo upset. This is so cute and you are so clever with your art. I just love it. That little guy in his cap is darling and the little bear... precious.

  47. Your pictures are beautiful and your bear journal page is delightful. So much humor in your bear posts!
    Your art work is fabulous Valerie -- your painting could not be better and I am attracted to the Hebrew letters.
    Sandy xx

  48. I appreciate your tribute to Max Jacob and his story. The painting is lovely. The quote and photographs are awesome. Blessings, Janet PPF

  49. Beautiful and meaningful all in one! The photo's are lovely, too. I've enjoyed seeing your work!

  50. Valerie, such a poignant piece! And you must know by now how I love your Modigliani "knock offs" These are of my favorites!
    So glad to hear boot camp is going well
    hugs xo


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