Friday 21 February 2014

Stars, clouds and a rainbow.

Hi everybody!
Another week has flown by and it's weekend already, and for me, time to get used to the fact that my Eye OP is on Monday....I have been busy getting stuff for challenges ready as I will not be able to do much for a few days (weeks?).

Yvonne sent me this beautful card with good wishes for my OP, which was a wonderful idea - thanks Yvonne!

This week I made more collages using images from old magazines on painted backgrounds. This is one which I have called  'Faces of the Night'. I chose the faces because they were so expressive. The quote is from Edna St. Vincent Millay.

And I made another zodiac sign piece for  AJJ. The background was a brush wipe page, to which I added some spray inks and glitter, and some scraps of written and printed paper, because I thought of the term, 'It's written in the stars'. The big stars were stamped and embossed with perfect pearls and outlined with a white gel-pen, the small ones drawn with a stencil. The image is from a free graphic from the web, and has been coloured with twinkling H2Os.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Paper Saturdays.

Today was mild, but cloudy, and I was able to get out for 2 good walks again, and clocked up 17000 steps. After I got home I looked out of the window and saw some really dark clouds to my left, on the right side the sun was shining and illuminating the trees. It looked quite scary, but after a few minutes of rain it got lighter again, and then the rainbow showed itself. The whole spectacle was over in quarter of an hour, but I did enjoy watching it from my balcony.

Here you can see a second, fainter rainbow above the first one:

Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful art and photography, best of wishes for your operation!

  2. Love your collage and journal page, and the photos are wonderful, looks really scary! Hugs, Sarah

  3. You can capture such beautiful moments with your camera. These pictures could have been taken in the land over the rainbow indeed (wear your red shoes!).
    A big hug to you for the OP: I am sending you the most positive thoughts and good wishes. I hope you'll be able to come back to collaging and photographing in the shortest amount of time. :)

    1. I was thinking of Dorothy when I saw those storm clouds! Thanks for the good wishes!

  4. Wow what dramatic photos and your first journal page has a real sense of drama too. Hope all goes well with your op, will be thinking of you. Big hugs. Xx

  5. Really beautiful artwork and photos Valerie and wishing you all the best for Monday and my hopes for a speedy recovery.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Love your journal pages and those photos are amazing. Good Luck for Monday.

  7. You have been having fun creating fabulous pages and those storm clouds sure do look menacing. Good luck for Monday, I hope all goes well and wishing you a speedy recovery. If you can have a great weekend. xx

  8. Gorgeous journal pages, loving the star sign one. The sky looks so moody on the photos, you definitely need some red shoes. Positive thoughts for Monday, take care.
    Yvonne xx

  9. The rainbow is beautiful. The past few months I have seen more rainbows than I believe in all my lifetime. In fact there was another this morning, radiant in the sky.
    Fabulous pages Valerie. I have only just completed my first ever art journal page this week and I actually did use colour!
    All the very, very best for Monday. Will keep you in my thoughts for Monday and after the operation.

  10. Wonderful photos and beautiful collage work! Sending a "rainbow" of positive thoughts your way for Monday and beyond! Happy PPF :)

  11. beautiful work Valerie,stunning skies and 17000 steps, you have outdone yourself. Good luck on your eye op I will be thinking of you.

  12. Guten Morgen :-)

    wow,deine Collage ist die Wucht in tüten,soooo genial gemacht,gefällt mir total gut....auch deine Sternzeichen Seite ist ganz große klasse.
    heute gefallen mir besonders der schöne Regenbogen und der zugezogene himmel,das zeigt soviel kraft und Energie am himmel,ich liebe das seehr
    ich wünsche dir alles,alles gute für deine Augen Op und drück dich ganz fest,ich bin im Gedanken bei dir,alles wird gut.
    nochmals herzlichen dank für die besserungswünsche,ich war gestern Beim Magenarzt,der hat ein ultraschall gemacht,und konnte nichts fiunden,der Befund ist okay,ich soll halt viel Magentee mit Fenchel-kümmel_.Anis trinken,und ein paar Tabletten habe ich bekommen,mal sehen ob es besser wird,ich hoffe doch sehr.
    wünsche dir ein wunderschönes We :-)

    GLG Und Knuddels Deine Jeannette

  13. What wonders in the sky for you to photograph Valerie.

    Beautiful card from Yvonne and everyone will be wishing you well for sure.

    Love both of the journal pages--the bold figures on the first one really make a statement. Love the way you do stars all different shapes and sizes

    Have a great weekend

    Chrissie x

  14. Fabulous pages Valerie. I love how you bring your collage to life. Beautiful pictures , I love the rainbows. Sending lots of positive vibes for Monday. Hugs Rita xxx

  15. Oh my, I hope nothing serious and your get well soon.
    I love your photo's, as always =) and the starry night with the signs. Love the collage as well, especially the lady with the butterfly over her mouth.
    xx Monique

  16. I can't do this kind of art and am always in awe of it. And I love your red phone boxes too. Happy PPF.

  17. boah VALERIE .. Du hast Dich selbst übertroffen.. absolut geniale eisterwerke .. jedes für sich!

    Und die Fotos sind spektakulär schön!

    Hab nen schönen Sonntag Valerie!


  18. Your faces of the night are very powerful faces, that's a great use of magazines and I like the giraffe wandering in.
    Your zodiac picture is superb, great blues and golds and a magical brown-maroon and all your golds and stars and text and all your additions make it terrific.
    The sky in the second picture is a bit ominous but what a colour you've captured.
    Best wishes for Monday.

  19. gorgeous art work-love the collages! And a double rainbow- they sure are such a magical sight to see and enjoy. Best wishes regarding your eye op- I think the rainbows have sent you all the luck you need :)

    1. As I was reading your comment another rainbow appeared in the sky - really magical!

  20. RELAX Valerie. You will be surprised at how well you will be able to see and how quickly you will recover from the surgery. I have had surgery on both eyes and was amazed at the results. You will too. Beautiful photos today. Best to you and your surgeon. Warm hugs,

  21. Faces of the night - I think of the Phantom of the Opera and hear that fabulous organ music.
    The colors in your zodiac piece are quite dramatic and beautiful. Perhaps I should learn to read the stars to find inspiration. You have taught me to study the sky and I'm seeing more interesting cloud formations.
    The 24th will come and go before you know it. This will be the longest period while you wait. I am looking forward to you being on the other side of this eye surgery and back to your walks and and your art work.
    All good thoughts being sent your way kid!
    Sandy xx

  22. OHHH such gorgeous photos of the rainbow! magical light.

    love all the details in your art!

  23. Wow, these journal pages are awesome, your work belongs in a fine art store! The photos are magnificent, the double rainbow is a beauty! I will keep you in my prayers for the operation, I am sure all will go well, soon you will be walking the miles away again. Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. Wow lots to see here :) The card from Yvonne is very beautiful, love the embellishment. The rainbows and your collages are beautiful. I wish you all the best with your eye OP. Take good care of yourself, Shirleyxx

  25. Beautiful collaged pages Valerie and love the photos. Wishing you well for Monday and look forward to your return. Happy PPF, Annette x

  26. I love your collage pages - you have a wonderful eye for composition. The butterflies over the mouths reminds me to say things to build people up and never to cut them down. Those storm photos are fabulous

  27. Your Art pages are amazing ♥ but I am totally captivated with your photos ♥♥♥♥♥ Those clouds and then the beautiful . The rainbow is a sign of good luck and I"m sure that your OP will go well for you :) Sending you lots of warm hugs and positive thoughts !

  28. Hi Valerie, your art pages are stunning and I love the rainbow in your pics. I think it is a sign that all will go well for your OP. Wishing you a prompt recovery and blessings for Monday.

  29. Beautiful collages Valerie, those faces are wonderful. Your photographs are stunning, it must have been great to watch xx

  30. Hope everything went well yesterday....wishing you a swift recovery....xox

  31. Wie schön, dass jemand an dich gedacht hat, liebe Valerie, und dir Schutzengel vorbeigeschickt hat!
    Deine Nachtgesichter gefallen mir sehr und vor allem die Zeilen von Edna St. Vincent Millay. Bis vor ein paar Monaten kannte ich sie gar nicht, aber dann habe ich ihr Gedicht "What lips my lips have kissed" kennengelernt und war hin und weg.
    Dein Sternbild ist wieder sehr schön geworden, aber am meisten beeindrucken mich -ehrlich gesagt- heute die Fotos. Die haben etwas sehr Unwirkliches und ziehen mich magisch in ihren Bann.

  32. Hi Val,
    Hope your EO went well. I adore those photos of the ominous clouds and love those TWINKLING H2O'S, they make the stars magical.
    Best wishes for a quick recovery.

    Annabelle : )

  33. Great to see you linking up again I really value your input at Paper Saturdays and I always come away feeling really inspired to take more photos from when I go out, one day I will! ManonX


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