Thursday 20 February 2014

Memories are like rusty, brown shadows

Hi everybody!
For the past few days I have been playing around with this little canvas, (6x6") on which I have used many photos of my family - great aunts and uncle, my mother, my great grandmother, a distant cousin and even one of me, which is hiding behind the layers, I covered the canvas with strips of old book paper and painted it with gesso, and then applied various photos by transferring them with gel medium. When it was dry, I rubbed  and wiped some parts off to make them more faded, and then added the next layer, together with some random stamping (some large numerals from TH). After that I put on the top layer, using a mix of gel transfers and images printed onto paper. This was once again wiped and rubbed, partly crackled, and then inked and rusted round the edges. Finally I added the fragments of the old letters, and stamped the dragonfly, which I embossed with copper EP. I wasn't too happy with it at first, as it did not stamp perfectly over the other layers, but then I decided that the partly broken and fragile look fitted well to the rest of the canvas. It did take a long time for such a small canvas, but I am happy with the results. Memories fade and become indistinct, and are layered and merged together, but they are still all there. I once asked my great Auntie Fanny what memories were, and she said that they were like rusty, brown shadows that never went away, therefore the title of this piece.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to Moo Mania. book pages (which are there, although you do have to look hard to find them under all the layers!)
Yesterday the weather was very mild, it was cloudy, but good 15°, so I enjoyed my walks and clocked up 14,5000 steps.

At the Rhine:

At the little lake - the white blob in the middle is a swan, I couldn't get nearer to take a better photo:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your canvas has a very ethereal feel to it Valerie, you have created fabulous layers of book paper and colour in which to embed your photos. Love it xx

  2. This is a wonderful piece, love all the layers and the images visible as shadows, and the book paper peeking through. It must have taken a long time to bring it all together. Have a nice day, I'm off to the dentist with the kids! Hugs, Sarah

  3. A dark sky in the first photograph and it always adds drama to a picture I think. Love the one with the swan framed through the trees.

    The canvas is terrific with so many memories for you and all on a 6x6 canvas as well.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I really love when you use your old family pics in your art, a beautiful little canvas Valerie. Have a lovely day. Xx

  5. Eine fabelhafte, sehr persönliche Collage - absolut gelungen!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag!

  6. Stunning canvas Valerie and so evocative, yes just like real memories, - amazing with all those many layers! The close up photos show all the wonderful detail, wished I could see this IRL!!

    Your other photos, like always are so beautiful, and wow, that was one big lot of steps!!

  7. This is a perfect illustration of memories, the way you have merged the people, the text, the colours and the textures is very skilful.
    Brilliant artwork, Valerie.

  8. Boah, das sieht fantastisch aus, Valerie! Die lange Arbeit daran hat sich wirklich gelohnt! Die vielen Layers, die man erahnen kann, es sieht wirklich umwerfend aus! Du hast recht, dadurch dass die Libelle nicht so hundertprozentig ist, verleiht sie dem Bild einmal mehr den alten Look, das passt super!
    Aber so langsam mache ich mir Gedanken. Eine ganze Woche ohne Entenfotos? Da stimmt doch was nicht.

    1. Die Enten sind morgen dran, hab' sie gerade wieder besucht....

  9. oooh wow,was für ein toller Canvas,etwas Myterious,und das gefällt mir seehr.
    die Baumbilder sind herrlich,ich liiibe Bäume doch so seehr.ich danke dir sehr für deine liebe Mail,das gibt mir kraft,danke dir,meine liebe.
    leider hab ich noch nicht geschafft schöne Bilder von deinen wunderschönen Sachen zu machen,das licht war immer nicht so gut,und ich möchte gute Bilder zeigen,ich hole das auf jeden fall nach,nicht das du denkst ich hätte es vergessen.

    GLG Jeannette Und Knuddels

  10. You have made a great memory art work from youramily. Love the fragile result and the rusty colours.
    Great work, Valerie

  11. Awesome canvas, love the title, its magical how all the photos seem to blend and intertwine with each other.
    Yvonne x

  12. Beautifully layered work today Valerie. You usually do about 16000 steps.

  13. Loving your wonderful atmospheric canvas Valerie. Happy PPF, Annette x

  14. Loving all those juicy layers...history blooming on your page. xox

  15. Stunning canvas, I love the layering and the ghost like characters. Well done on your walk and beautiful photos too. ~Diane

  16. This is stunning, and what a beautiful theme!

  17. Hi Valerie. This piece is stunning. As for memories, that is all we really have. Memories and lots of them. They never go away, just fade a little but there is always something that may bring them back to the forefront. This piece is very intense work-outstanding job. Thanks Val.
    Have a wonderful day.

  18. Such a fabulous canvas Valeri, the depth the layers and the beautiful memories.


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Wow Valerie!! What a smart lady your Aunt was. I'm sure she would have been so proud to have her words give title to this piece. This is one of my most absolute favourite pieces. <3

  21. Hi Valerie, this is stunning and I love the title. The photos look so time worn and aged giving this so much old charm. Another great walk for you and great pics.

  22. Gorgeous mixed media art with beautiful texture, colours and photo transfers. I tried photo transfers once and found it difficult and have never tried it again. Have a great weekend, enjoy your mild weather! Shirleyx

  23. Lovely pictures but your canvas takes center stage. Rusty, brown shadows. I wish I had remembered your title when wrote you a short e-mail earlier. So fitting for how I emotionally reacted to your canvas. A small canvas to you but a big one for me. I do believe that your canvas is a work of art and I do hope you find a special place for it.
    sandy xx

    1. Hi Sandy, I have mailed you, please let me know if the mail arrives!

    2. Will do - are you talking about snail mail?

    3. No, an email, but I know your provider doesn't like my mails for some reason unknown! Snailmail will follow when I get back from the hospital!

    4. No sugar - I have not received your e-mail.

  24. Einfach großartig!! Sehr harmonische und aufwendige Komposition! Mir gefallen die vielen Details und die Farben sind fantastisch!

  25. I love what you wrote about memories. Beautiful rusty canvas, Valerie and thank you for taking us for a walk with you again. Have a lovely weekend!

  26. Deliciously exquisite compositions of memories, very artistic and creative!

  27. Your piece's personal imagery makes it so much special than when people use borrowed images. Blessings!

  28. I really like how some pictures are more faded than others. It looks like a memory of far away places and long gone people. Beautiful!

  29. Pure awesomeness..beautiful and powerful..this tribute to memories is gorgeous and deeply what she said ..yes that beautiful rust color ! Fabulous photos..beautiful as ever!

  30. What a fascinating painting! Beautiful.

  31. this is such a gorgeous collage depicting family and faded memories-it all blends so well!

  32. oh love these colours!!!! Happy PPF and I wish you a wonderful weekend!!!!

  33. I love the title!! This is such an amazing collage and what a gorgeous tribute to your family members! I love everything! Hugs!

  34. Valerie, your collage is beautifully vintage as it is beautifully colored. I love seeing collages that depict memories. Great job.

  35. Oh Valerie I so love your Memory canvas ♥♥♥♥♥ It's a very moving piece that speaks volumes on how our memories so fade and blend. Thanks for sharing with us .

  36. What a marvelous piece! Textual textured depths just like our dreams and,memories indeed! I recent friended a distant relative on Facebook and he had all these amazing family photos, from the 1930s and beyond. What a great subject for art!

  37. Your canvas piece is wonderful, so rich and full of details, i am impressed.

  38. You absolutely captured the title in this piece. Your aunt is a very poetic woman. Bravo!

  39. Hauntingly beautiful this artwork!! Wow was a cool method!! Thanks for sharing your process!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. I think this is my absolute favourite image of all the collages tou have made. Memories and the idea of rust express so well the past, and I love the way the figures recede more and more into the past, and become more and more misty. Wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to see it. And lovely photos as always.

  41. This is a stunning canvas - it reminds me of the work of one of my favorite artists - Lynn Perrella

  42. Valerie this has already become a favorite of mine. The red, brown, copper shades are beautiful love the layers and texture you have created.

  43. Your canvas piece is fabulous. Love the technique.

  44. There is so much depth in this piece. Memories fading and then coming back to life. Wonderful piece

  45. I have been a genealogist for a number of years. This is a perfect way to show off the old pictures and/or my art of them. Good collage. . . .very striking, interesting and innovative for the ancestry. Blessings, Janet PPF

  46. Magical! Love the layering of these images... just fabulous.

  47. Memories of the past faded and worn and now remembered. Love the mystery, depth and feel you created within this collaged mixed media piece! Lovely, lovely work!

    Annabelle : )


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