Saturday 1 February 2014

Nice weather for the ducks

Hi everybody!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. It poured here today, so it was a wet walk and puddle-jumping day - not that I minded. We have to take the weather as it comes. I had a long walk this morning and a shorter one in the afternoon, and managed just under 16000 steps, so I was happy. There are less people around in 'bad' weather, so it's like having the world to myself. I only saw a few other all-weather crazy walkers and runners, and a couple of dogs tugging their glum looking 2 legged tin-openers along behind them.

The ducks, gulls and geese were happy.

At Gecko Galz there are lots of new papers, collage sheets and digi stamps for February, including images and papers suitable for spring and St Patrick's Day, so it's well worth taking a look. This card has been made with an image from the 'Artsy Jewels' sheet. the images can be enlarged and printed in the size you need. I matted it with a piece of blue coredinations paper, and some hand-painted paper in blue, green and gold. I chose a metallic card blank 7"x4". I added a blue bow and threaded some of my home made paper beads and a couple of glass beads onto the ribbon.

Material List: Image from Artsy Jewels, card and background paper for matting, card blank, ribbon and beads.

Here's wishing you all a great day. Take care, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your card, gorgeous colours. I think the ducks and geese should all know you in the mean time! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful colours on your card, and I love the image. Your handmade beads are gorgeous. The winged creatures look happy and I would be too to walk on ground and see green grass! Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Shirleyx

  3. Gorgeous card, the image is made even more captivation by your use of beautiful papers and beads. It is nice to see water not ice and green and gold colors instead of the white snow here, lol. Stay warm my Marathon Woman! ~Diane

  4. that's a beautiful image, great card in time for St Patrick's Day.

  5. ein wunderschönes tag hast du gezaubert,das bild ist einfach traumhaft und die farben und glitzer sind sooo klasse.
    schöne bilder hast du wieder mit gebracht,ich liibe die seenplatte mit vögeln.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Good Morning Val. Poor little ducks, mind you we will soon be joining them if this rain does not stop.. I generally don't like this kind of drawing, but there is something appealing about this one. It has certainly made a beautiful card. The bright coloured borders certainly make it stand out. Very well done. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Fabulous colours and image beautifully layered together. We actually had a couple of hours sunshine yesterday so much so it was lovely to have the light longer in the day. Woo hoo Spring is on its way xx

    1. Yes, it is, and i am really looking forward to it!

  8. Ha,the ducks look like they're surfing! It's been SO windy here too! That's a beautiful image on your card and I love the shimmery sea green colour. Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

    1. Yes, they were surfing, they like it wet and windy!

  9. The ducks look very happy Valerie :)

    Just love this stunning work of art with the wonderful image and colour combination

    Chrissie x

  10. Love those colors....fitting for a wet day...sweet beaded attachment. xox

  11. wow am so loving this fab tag, so beautiful, hugs Annette x

  12. Your card is gorgeous, love the papers you used and made yourself.


  13. Beautiful sparkly tag!

    I do love your photography and that you share it. The top one is my favourite this morning. Just the right morning moodiness. Hugs, Sandi

  14. Goodness gracious Valerie - isn't this one gorgeous image. I do love her and the way you have done her and I do love the bird. I feed the birds out my craft room window - will have to send you some pictures. I guess some of the beads are handmade by you which I love and keep saying I am going to make some. They are really pretty and much better than store bought I think. Your hand painted paper is so pretty. Your whole card is beautiful!!
    Glad to see we are still walking, wish you could share some of the health benefits with me!!

    1. If I could send you some I would gladly share!

  15. I LOVE this card, what gorgeous colours and style, absolutely my thing! Hugs, Barb

  16. Eine traumhaft schöne Karte Valerie und die Fotos sind klasse wie immer...
    gestern war ich extra NICHT da.. Deine Seite ist genial ..aber Du willst mich doch nicht von meinem Vorhaben ein paar Pfunde abzuspecken abbringen???

    Ich musste sofort wegklicken um eine Heisshungerattacke abzuwehren!!!

    Hab nen guten Wochenstart liebe Valerie!


    1. Die Flapjacks haben KEINE Kalorien - nur Apfelkraut, Haferflocken, Zucker and Butter!

  17. Stunning card! I'm sure by now the ducks have started looking out for you! You are such a dedicated walker! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the weekend.

    1. I think the ducks just get hopeful when they see feet coming nearer and hope that those feet are bringing food!

  18. Traumhaft schöne Karte! Und dieses Farben ... großartig!!
    GLG, Lonetta

  19. Wow, love the card, think that image will be going on my wish list. Lovely photos, I was one of those two legged folk being taken for a walk today, fortunately we had some sun.
    Yvonne x

  20. Love the image and the mats you've paired her up with. We had a bright day today, much better than the rain but it was still quite bitter. x

  21. Wow Val this is beautiful, I love your beads! No rain for us today but it's been sooooo cold xx

  22. Oh Valerie that card is absolutely stunning!!!! I am in love with it ♥ Blue is my color this year...which is a total change for me :)

  23. Hi Valerie, Happy Monday. The swimmers do look happy! Love your card. The colors and the addition of your beads and ribbon is a pretty touch. How wonderful to create paper beads. The image is so pretty with the little bird looking up.

  24. love it val, love the colours too, well done xx

  25. Die Karte ist wirklich super geworden. Wunderschöne Farben und die selbstgemachten Perlen sehen toll dazu aus. Welches Papier nimmst du eigentlich dafür (Gewicht)?

    1. Ich nehme Junkpapier von Zeitschriften oder Was ich halt da habe! Die Perlen hier sind von eine Reklameseite gemacht.


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