Sunday 16 February 2014

Star signs and clouds

Hi everybody!
The weekend here went by very quickly. We had another great day, very windy, but sunny and quite mild, so I enjoyed my walks. This afternoon was crafting time, I need to get my Dt projects for next month done now before I go for my eye OP, as I will have to take a break after it for a few days at least.

This is a journal page I made last week for the 'Zodiac Signs' challenge at AJJ. This didn't turn out as I was hoping, but that's nothing new, and I think it's something we all often have to cope with. I painted the background with metallic colours, which look good, but are always hard to photograph. I drew the constellation for Sagittarius and wrote all the negative and positive attributes. A lot of them seem to fit me well, especially the negative ones! The large stras have been stamped and white embossed, the rest has been drawn with a white gel-pen.

The day started off with a wonderful morning sky:

People were once again out for walks, with their kids and horses....

The Rhine ships always take their cars for a cruise:

And the clouds were once again magnificent. I like how the rays of the sun are shining through under the dark clouds:

The park is full of crocuses:

And the evening sky rounded off a beautiful day.

Hope you all had a good weekend, too!
 Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What fabulous pages Val. The vibrant colours are so eyecatching. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever do something like this. Maybe that is why I have not started my journal. More of your scenic journey too with those beautiful pictures. Its been lovely here today as well. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Love your journal page, what are you moaning about??! I think nearly all of the attitudes fit you really well, especially the positive ones! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie, your AJ Zodiac page is awesome! I think we have ideas that maybe don't come out exactly as we thought, but others don't see what was in your mind only what is on your beautiful page. Beautiful colours, images and great idea. Your scenery again is beautiful, I'm envious of crocus blooming, we still have 2 - 4 feet of snow on the ground. Take good care, Shirleyx

    1. Sorry you still have so much snow! Perhaps it's good that thers can't see what's in our minds!

  4. What a gorgeous page, I love all your journal pages, they are always remarkable! I think we are always more critical of ourselves, especially when we see a project in our head and it does not come out as we expected, but most times it is like this one, equally beautiful. I don't think I would want to know someone who had only positive traits, that would make them so boring! It is good that we all have a mixture of the positive and negative in each of us, that's what makes us interesting. Gorgeous pictures from your walk, they really do make me jealous of your good weather! Big hugs, ~Diane

    1. Well, I sure have a lot of negative attributes, and I am happy to say they are not all listed on my journal page! Hope you soon get nicer weather, you have all had enough snow!

  5. Love you zodiac piece, Valerie! Beautiful pictures of your walks too :)

  6. Just gorgeous Valerie and love the bold colours.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. Love those stars, and your opposites. Beautiful spread. xox

  8. Another fab vibrant page, please send some of your good weather over here.

  9. Now, now Valerie, we must focus on the positive and not the negative! :o) Of course I have no negative attributes, as being a Virgo, I am perfect! ROFL! A fabulous page and wonderful cloud pics. Xx

  10. Very cool page! I doubt that any of those negative traits fit you. It was wonderful to spend the day with you, virtually, of course!

  11. Wonderful page with the vibrant colours and astrological traits. Good luck with your op.

  12. gorgeous pages and stunning photos Valerie!

  13. wonderful zodiac page Valerie, and thank you for sharing your photos. Annette x

  14. The journal page us fantastic Valerie, I love how you added the attributes for the star sign. Your photos are beautiful, I especially love the last one where the pink sky is framed by the trees xx

  15. Ich finde die Journalseite fantastisch Valerie!

    Die Bilder sind wieder herrlich... man kann richtig den herannahenden Frühling schon spüren!
    Du also ich denke wohl, dass Du bestimmt die positiven Seiten des Schützen in Dir trägst--ganz sicher!
    Auch wenn ich Dich nicht persönlich kenne ... das spür ich auch so!

  16. Großartige Seite zum AJJ-Thema! Wunderschöne Farben und deine gezeichneten weißen Sterne gefallen mir sehr gut!! Eine tolle Komposition!
    Alles Gute für dich!
    LG, LonettA

  17. Love your art work, it's gorgeous with beautiful details.
    Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.

  18. Wonderful photographs--the sky and clouds with a sunburst one, would win any competition I reckon.:)

    Love the ideas you have manage to fit onto your journal page and I can't imagine you as any of the negatives traits at all. I see you as freedom loving and optimistic though :)

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. love your star sign piece and the clouds

  20. wow,deine Sternzeichen seite ist ganz großartig,ich denke auch das du die positiven seiten eines schützen in dir trägst,das spüre ich einfach.
    toll wie du die Sterne dazu weiß Embosst hast,das passt so schön zum dunkelblauen Hintegrund,ich finde es eine ganz tolle idee wie du es umgesetzt hast.
    deine bilder sind wider herrlich und man spürt den frühling förmlich,hier scheint auch die sonne,und morgends zwitschern schön die Vöglein,hach wie schöööööön,freue mich schon auf das warme wetter... dann möchte ich mehr Rad fahren und schwimmen gehen.

    GLG Jeannette

  21. You must have a wonderful camera,Your photos are fabulous.Great job on Your challenge.I like Your sketches.I'm so glad You visited Me,and thank You for Your sweet comment.Have a wonderful week and more beautiful sky's.

  22. I really love your journal page, even if it didn't turn out as you wanted. It's very beautiful - love the stars. hugs, Donna

  23. I have told you before but a good twenty some people got here before I did and your post JUST came into my mailbox.
    I have known you a little while now through e-mail and I do think we get a sense of each other by our posts and what we say. I do NOT think you are one bit superficial nor do I think you are irresponsible. Anything but I would say. Your page is really neat - I do love your use of color.
    Your pictures today were particularly awesome. It would be hard to say which one I liked best but once again you do see the sky so well. The dark cloud picture is really grand. Look at those little flowers just a blooming away. I always picture Germany as German Alps and lots of cold and snow. Of course the Rhine is quite famous and the castles and the beer. Well it looks like I could go on and on doesn't it.
    My best to you sugar!
    sandy xx

    1. Sorry, Blogger sometimes takes a long time to deliver the mails! Thanks for not believing all those bad attributes! The alps are in the south of Germany, here in the Rhine Valley it is very flat, and mostly mild. Hugs to you Sandy!

  24. What a fun theme, the Zodiac. Your piece turned out so well and the photos are enjoyable too. Taking a horse for a walk?


    1. Yes, this is something I have seen a lot these past weeks - but today I saw people actually riding their horses!

  25. Die Journalseite ist so genial - diese tollen Farben!!!
    Hier ist es auch Frühlingshaft und im Garten blühen die ersten Krokusse ;o)
    Liebe Grüße und dir eine schöne Woche, Dagmar

  26. This is another spectacular page, with the glowing "suns" on one of your special backgrounds and the stars and the Sagittarius traits.
    Each of your skyscapes is glorious, especially the one just before the crocuses. They would look marvellous framed along a hallway wall.

  27. Hi Valerie, Your journal page is stunning. Love the color and the theme. Beautiful pics and so nice to see it looking like springtime is coming to you. We hit a warm 73 degrees today and it was so welcome. Have a great night.

  28. Tolle Seiten Valerie! Und du gibst uns ja einen tiefen Einblick in deine "dunklen Seiten", wenn du sagst, dass vor allem die negativen stimmen. Ich glaube das aber nicht so ganz.
    Die Bilder sind wieder super, und ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass jetzt schon die Krokusse blühen. Alles scheint verschoben, hoffentlich friert es nicht noch in die ganzen Blüten, die jetzt schon kommen.

  29. Love your journal page the colours are gorgeous.Love the pic's you have taken as well


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