Tuesday 4 February 2014

Double Tuesday with Double Shadows.

Hi everybody!
It's time for another double Tuesday at Tag Tuesday and Try it on Tuesday.
At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is Australia. For my tag I used  a painting in Aboriginal style which I made for a challenge last year.I cropped the image, and then reduced it to tag size. I gave the image a coat of clear varnish, and matted it with black card. I added the map of Australia and some ribbon and beads with a gecko charm which I had stashed away in one of my boxes. I knew I had it, the surprise for me is finding it at the right time!

 At Try it on Tuesday our theme is travel. As usual, you have 2 weeks to join in with the challenge. I have once again used TH's Mr UM, I don't know how often I have used this die cut, but it was a lot, and fits well to this theme. I have used a stamp from Scrollswork for the Sandwich-man, I love this combination of the 2 men, which I have also used many, many times. The background is corrugated card, painted with white gesso, and matted with burlap, ribbon and DP, and a liberal coat of embossed Utee. The image with the sentiment and cases is from CI. The ball-chain is also from TH, the beads have been made from dictionary paper.

 I am also linking to Artful Times - Tim Holtz tags, and Moo Mania, embossing.

My neighbour went walking with me again today, I think I have infected her with the walkie-bug.
The lovely avenue of trees along mossy grass verges was taken in the sculpture park, as was our double-trouble shadow picture.

The second double pic was taken along the Rhine Embankment.
We walked over 14000 steps, and this afternoon I went for a second, shorter walk, bringing my total to almost 20000. It was cold and frosty, but wonderfully sunny, and we really enjoyed being out and about.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Loving both these projects Valerie :-) fab and colourful Australian tag and of course I love the second one, which has one of my favourite dies on. How I envy your walk on The Rhine....stunning and a favourite of mine, particularly Rhudesheim and Heidelberg

    Best wishes
    Annie x

  2. Loving both of your gorgeous tags Valerie and am loving the photos. Annette x


  3. Lovely work Valerie, so nice to have a walking companion!

  4. Love both of your tags, and the photos. The TH tag is beautifl with the gold, and your little geckos on the other one are fab! Hugs, Sarah

  5. I love your geckos. I have a few climbing my walls as they are a favourite of mine. Not real Lol!! Your walks look beautiful. x

    1. In Israel we always had geckos on the walls and ceilings - real ones!

  6. Fantastic photographs and works of art Valerie. What beautiful colours on the photographs it looks like a really beautiful sunny day.

    Wonderful that you can do so many steps. We did almost 16.000 yesterday and I feel a wreck today :(

    Fantastic entry for our challenge at Artful Times and always good to have you join us there.

    Have a nice day

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Love your Australia theme tag, fabulous geckos and mr umbrella man looks good too, perfect for our weather. Glad to see you're enjoying your walks with a friend and love the long shadows, just like the trees xx

  8. Great tags Valerie, love the aboriginal art work and the embossed utee. However, my favourite of today's post is the pic of your shadows in the trees! Such a great photo. Xx

  9. Boah, das sind zwei tolle Tags. Das Australische besticht durch seine Farben, das andere durch den liebenswerten Umbrella Man.
    Wie schön, dass deine Nachbarin dich nun begleitet auf deinen Spaziergängen!
    Und die Schattenfotos sind -wie immer- faszinierend.

  10. Love the vibrancy of your aussie tag and the tag for Artful Times Valerie :)
    You must be getting super fit with all your walks
    Von ♥

  11. I love the colors on the first tag, great piece! Your other tags are so creative. Xo

  12. Both of your tags are gorgeous! Love the Gecko's and the Utee gold looks delicious on the second one along with the beautiful hand made beads! Beautiful pics from your walk, so nice that you have spread your walking infection, its nice to have someone to walk with. Congrats on the 20,000 steps, you are amazing! Big hugs, ~Diane

  13. A super tag so evocative. Hugs Bee

  14. Love those dotted geckos....omg you are such a walking inspiration but what a place to walk, nice to do so with a buddy. xox

  15. Two fantastic tags, great warm colours on the first one and of course Mr U. looks Fab as well.
    The photos look great two shadows, wonder who else may join you on your travels? Mr U for a start.
    Yvonne x

    1. Mr UM would be very welcome to join me, especially on rainy days, I do hate having to carry an umbrella!

  16. The Queen of Tags has been busy; they are all fantastic, Valerie. How wonderful to have a walking partner. It makes the time go by so quickly and now both of you will be healthier. Beautiful photo of the trees and the shadows of the two of you.


  17. deine tags sind fantastisch,das australische mag ich ganz besonders gern,ich mag die aborignins und lese gerade auch ein buch über sie,es ist sooo großartig und ich beginne langsam zu verstehen.
    das umbrella tag ist auch super,ich mag den geist der unter dem schrim steht,sehr mysterous,aber sowas mag ich ja sehr gern.
    schön das dich nun deine nachbarin begleitet,zu zweit macht es doch gleich mehr laune,nicht wahr??Ich treffe mich am sonntag auch wieder mit meine freundin,sie kommt zu mir,und backt extra für uns einen rübli kuchen *yummy*den esse ich sooo gern,sie ist auch eine ganz liebe und wohnt nicht weit weg von mir,wir haben uns lange nicht mehr gesehen,und freuen uns natürlich beide.

    GLG Und einen schönen abend :-)


  18. Hi Valerie, Love these tags and the Gecko is too cute. We have so many around here in Texas. They are all hiding now from the cold. Your walk pics are great today and how fun having a walking buddy.

  19. Diese beiden Projekte sind fantastisch Valerie und Deine Fotos sind einfach immer sehenswert!

    Sei mir lieb gegrüßt !

    ( die heute zum Aufstreichen nur mehr taugt - 4 Stunden Zugfahrt - 4 Stunden EIkaufstour in Wien...drinnen in den Läden HEISS - draussen eiskalt uff... ich brauch mein Bett)

  20. HI Valerie, love the vibrant colours on the Australia card. Fabulous TioT piece, love the 2 men - on that great background.
    You will be super fit with all the walking - love the pics with the shadows.
    Avril xx

  21. Great tag with the lime green and the red. Imagine actually having a gecko charm handy - a magic stash indeed.

  22. Zwei wunderbare Tags! Der Australien Tag ist mein absoluter Favorit! Tolle Farben und naja ... ich war vor über zwanzig Jahren mal in Australien! Deine Schattenbilder sind wieder sehr schön!
    LG, LonettA

  23. Wonderful artwork and photos. You said it was cold and frosty, but one would never know it from how green the grass looks.

  24. What a wonderful background with your glorious gold! Mr. Um is a popular figure - I must admit his is slightly mysterious. Your makes are always wonderful Valerie with so much creativity.
    I was surprised to see two shadows. Is your neighbor keeping up with your walks? I do envy your walks and need to start back walking again. I am afraid my view is always pretty much the same - woods, woods and more woods!
    Sandy xx

  25. Fabulous tags, wonderful colours. The photographs are excellent as well. I don't think you would be walking much in the UK at the moment, it has rained every day this year in our part of Wales.

    1. I go out whatever the weather, if I waited for good weather I wouldn't get much done. My wellies are my fave shoes!


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