Friday 7 February 2014

Man's best friend

Hi everybody!
At Conny's Mix it Monthly the theme this month is pets, so I decided to do a page with dogs. I would love to be able to have a dog again, but it's not possible just now, so I will just have to keep walking on my own. The background has once again been made with a brush-wipe page, onto which I did some background stamping and embossing to give some texture. Then I gathered all the doggy pictures I found in my bit boxes, added a few other little animals for company, and a heart as it's coming up to Valentine, and it-was-on-my-table-and-kept-falling-off-and-now-it-can't-anymore-because-I-have-stuck-it- down-firmly! I must have picked that silly piece up at least ten times!

Today was a very wild and windy day, with gale force winds, rain and sleet. I went out for my shopping, and decided to walk home along the Rhine, where I had to keep my head down and battle against the wind. But then I had to cross over 2 open fields to get back to the street I live in, and the wind almost blew me off my feet, at one point I had to hold onto a signpost! But I got home safely, if rather wet and wind-blown. And it was beautiful watching the clouds racing by.

And I promised Sandy and a few others to add my flapjacks recipe, so here it is:

300 gramms of Rolled oats
50-75 gr. soft, brown sugar
about 150 gr. golden syrup or treacle (don't be stingy, more is better than less!)
200 gr. butter
half a teaspoon salt.
You can also add some rasins or nuts.

Melt the sugar, syrup, salt and butter in a large saucepan stirring well. Add the oats and mix well. Pour mixture into a baking tin lined with baking paper, spread out evenly (about 1/2" thick). Bake at 180° for about 25 mins. Cut into squares while still hot and leave to cool.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the bird and the hippo, the little green flower and the funny little green creature with the red umbrella and the tennis ball.
    It's always great to get home to a nice cuppa and something tasty to eat (like your flapjacks) after a wet and windy walk.

  2. love the hippos lol, but the whole piece looks lovely val, well down... love the photos as usual, but be careful walking with your shopping in such bad weather and your flapjacks look yummy...

    Have a lovely weekend in whatever you have planned and hope the weather behaves for you (don't watch the forecasts, I take every day as it comes, so not sure what everyone has in-store) xx

  3. What cute puppies! Such a sweet piece. Please do be careful in the weather you're having! Your flapjacks look yummy.

  4. Wunderbare Seiten, sage ich als Hundeliebhaberin. Du solltest in die Eifel ziehen, Valerie, ich leihe dir gerne einen meiner Hunde zum Spaziergang aus. Die würden sich sicherlich freuen.
    Die Wolkenbilder sind obergenial, aber ich sollte trotzdem mit dir schimpfen: es ist leichtsinnig bei diesem Wetter draußen herumzulaufen. Pass bitte auf dich auf!

  5. Your artwork has me smiling. I just love all those puppies. :) And you know I love seeing your photos. Be safe my friend..


  6. Love that dog page - it's fun and colorful and has a great composition. Even in Beaufort, South Carolina we are tired of this winter. But I know we haven't had anything too bad - especially when I read the entries from others living in colder regions.

  7. Aw cute doggies page. I would suffer mightily without my pups. Gorgeous clouds. xox

  8. Love your MIM entry -so fun!! You must have been exhausted after such a walk fighting the elements-but the photos are lovely :)

  9. Great MIM entry, loving those dogs. Thank you for sharing the photos of your walks. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. Awwww--this is so darn cute!!! I am glad you made it home safely with that wind. Enjoy the weekend.

  11. your page is adorable! Wow, those windy days are uncomfortable and scary. Recipe has been saved, thanks!

  12. oohh was für süsse liebe seiten,bin ganz verliebt.

    schöne bilder hast du gemacht,pass aber bitte auf dich auf bei diesem stürmischen wetter,danke für das leckere rezept,das probiere ich auch mal aus *yummy*

  13. This page is very very cute. A great composition.

  14. I love this dog collage so much. How adorable are those pugs in hats! Happy PPF

  15. Great page, the dogs look so cute too. Love their hats! The skyline was beautiful, sorry to hear you were almost blown away Dorothy, but Kansas is a lot closer than Germany to Michigan though, lol. Hope you warmed up with those delicious flap jacks, thanks for sharing the recipe. Big hugs, ~Diane

  16. Your collage is such fun, like a vision of a playful dog show, and then all the little details, the hippo and all the other creatures, and the little wordful bird, who perhaps wishes he were a dog. I enjoyed this, it made me smile on 'one of those nights' when I have been up sleepless.

  17. Love the layered art Valerie which us perfect for your lovely collection of dogs. Beautiful photos of those wild cloudy skies, glad you got home safe xx

  18. Deine Collage ist echt klasse und lässt mein Herz als bekennende Hundeliebende höher schlagen! Echt cool geworden!!!!
    Ja bei uns war es auch sehr stürmisch aber nun hat es sich beruhigt aber ist grau und truebe.
    Dir einen schönen Samstag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  19. Fantastic page Valerie -so colourful and jolly. Can't help but laugh at the dogs red hats :)

    Some dark clouds for you but they do make such wonderful photographs.

    Yummy flapjack and it looks easy to make from the recipe which I have saved. Even saving it means I will have put on 2 lbs lol. Thank you for sharing it

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  20. A fabulous doggy piece.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. WOW deine Seite ist wieder der Hammer, ich bin begeistert on dem Farben Mix und besonders die Hunde in der Mitte sind der Kracher. Auch die Fotos sind wieder wunderschön.
    Ein schönes We wünsch ich Dir,
    liebe Grüße Anja

  22. LOVE, love the dogs page, I can understand your feelings for these faithful friends, we have never been with out one for the last 43 years. Thanks for the recipe, will be giving it a go.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Oh Valerie die Seite ist ja zuckersüss geworden!! All die kleinen Kerlchen :) Ganz besonders mag ich den kleinen Schwarz-Weissen in der Mitte links und unten die zwei Nilpferd-Rabauken!! Dann der schöne Vogel..ach es gibt so viel zu Entdecken!! Deine Fotos sind mal wieder Spitzenklasse!!! Man kann richtig die Kraft des Windes am Himmel sehen!! Genial! ich freue mich sehr, dass Du wieder dabei warst bei Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  24. Deine Hundeseite ist der Knaller schlechthin Valerie.. und tolle Fotos ..und schon wieder eine Versuchung.... gut dass ich grad pappevoll vom Mittagstisch bin!

  25. Oh I love dogs too and had them 35 years...Now I babysit one instead. Could you be a dog sitter...many people love that!! Gorgeous page showing your dog love!!

    Hugs Giggles

  26. Your page reminds me of my neighbours, they are real animal lovers and amongst other things, they have 3 dogs, one of which is a pug. Your flapjacks look yum but if I made them I would just eat them! Like I am currently munching my way through a whole carrot cake! Xx

  27. Love this Doggy Art Valerie. Its so lovely and colourful and the pooches look so happy. ... Now I need to go and try those yummy Flap Jacks. Hugs Rita xxx

  28. I never know where to start with you Valerie. Thank you for the recipe - I am definitely going to try it. I am not real clear about the syrup you used. I do believe we have a syrup here called Golden Syrup but it is a fancy corn syrup. I do not have a clue what treacle is.
    Your page is gorgeous - there is something about the red with the white writing in the background that really draws me in. Tell me, is that hippo flirting with the Yorkie? I can hear the laughing hippo saying "Oh get on with your now - I'm just not in the mood."
    Love those white squirrelly things too. You sure do have a way with color.
    Your walk certainly was an adventure. I can see you holding your head down, holding on to your shopping bag, holding on to the sign post and watching the sky -- I certainly hope you had a nice cup of coffee when you got home!
    Sandy xx

  29. YUM, YUM. Your recipe is gluten free so definitely something I want to try. My mouth is already watering.

    You have oodles of dogs around you with your new project piece. The main images are fantastic!

  30. Love the furry babies, such a cute adorable page .
    Thanks for the FlapJacks recipe, will give it a go.

    Annabelle : )

  31. Love the composition, drawing and color of your doggie pages. Great work.

  32. Love your collage page. The doggies look so adorable.
    Happy PPF

  33. I love the doggy valentine page! Beautiful work!

  34. So much fun eye candy to look at on your wonderful art! My favorite is their red hats!

  35. Hi Valerie, just now getting your post in my inbox from follow by email. I don't understand why they arrive so late all the time. Anyway, I love your sweetie puppy page. So precious. As always I enjoy your walking pics. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I need gluten free and this is one I will try.

  36. Birds and Dogs are my very favorite. You did a wonderful and creative painting. I love the background, thanks for sharing how you did it. The pictures of clouds (I do that everyday on my other blog Happy Valentines Day. Blessings, Janet PPF

  37. I am sorry I am a bit late but happy belated Paper Saturdays for last week and hopefully see you again today. ManonX


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