Tuesday 18 February 2014

Double Tuesday

Hi everybody!
Today is double Tuesday again, which means for me that's it's time for a tag at Tag Tuesday and for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday.

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is insects - not my fave creatures, as I always think of little things creeping, flying and crawling around, but I do know how important many insects are for us, and some are really beautiful. I love watching dragonflies and butterflies, with their varied colours and shimmering wings, so I have them on my tags. I made 2 large tags, which belong together. The beaded dragonfly is one that Donna sent me from Mexico, and it made a nice decoration here.
The tags were distressed with DI in crushed olive, dried marigold and tumbled glass and then spritzed with water and dried. I stamped some little swirls in the bakground, but they are here hardly visible. The flower and dragonfly stamps I have used are from a set by Laurence and Morgan, and have been stamped in Archival black. I did a bit of colouring with prismalos and gel pens, and gave the wings some shine with Viva glitter liner. The large dragonfly is a diecut from TH, and has been made with hand-painted paper, the smaller one on the left is one that Diane made and sent me some time back, and fits here perfectly. The leaf and flower are from Prima. The lovely quote on the right tag is from Leonardo da Vinci.

I am aslo linking to FSC, build it up challenge, and have used 6 different stamps.

 At Try it on Tuesday our theme for the next 2 weeks is 'handmade', and must have some handwriting on it. I painted a large tag, and sprinkled it with fairy dust. The clouds, moon and houses were drawn with gel-pen, using a stencil that Sue sent me. The text has been written by hand, and the beads are also handmade.

The background has also been stamped and embossed with gold perfect pearls.

 I was able to enjoy 2 nice walks by surprisingly mild weather today, and clocked up 17000+ steps on my little gadget. When I walk along the towpath by the Rhine I love looking up at the little houses hidden behind the walls. But can you see what's on the wall?

Yes, it's a little canon, a reminder of the good old days when strangers were not always welcome!

I can't remember it being used recently!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous tags. I too love dragonflies with their shimmering wings, and I think butterflies must be everyone's all time favourite insect. You have incorporated so many lovely things into the small space of each tag - and I love to see your hand-made beads. I have never seen the da Vinci quote, but it is a lovely expression. He longed so much to fly - I think he would have most enjoyed hang-gliding and microlight planes, the one-ness with the elements ….. and perhaps even base jumping.
    A really interesting post - I like the idea of the cannon on the wall to repel all boarders.

  2. Very pretty tags! Interesting that cannon.

  3. Meine Güte in Deine Libellentags bin ich verschossen und auch das Haustag ist toll geraten... und beeindruckend diese Mauer - wahrlich!
    Sei mir lieb gegrüßt!


  4. Both tags are little works of art, but the dragonfly one is breathtaking, love how you have made it! Great photos, too, love that canon! hugs, Sarah

  5. Fabulous makes Valerie, the dragonflies are beautiful on your tags and the starry night tag has some wonderful shimmer on it. Lovely photos too. Xx

  6. Ich liebe Libellen und deine Tags dazu sind traumhaft schön- und das zweite ist so wundervoll in der Farbwahl und strahlt so schön! Wieder super Werke die du uns da zeigst.
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  7. Your dragonfly tags are lovely Valerie and I haven't heard that quote before either. The friends quote is so true too! Have a lovely Tuesday. Xx

  8. Oh my goodness Valerie. These tags are just magnificent. I want to touch them now. What an artistic talent you have for creating . Love today's pictures. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Wow a feast for the eyes this morning :) Your tags are beautiful, I love dragonflies, they are such delicate and beautiful creatures. I love to watch them outside in our garden. The beaded dragonfly is beautiful and so are your embellishments and handmade beads. The words on the bottom tag are quite meaningful. Cheers, Shirleyxx

  10. I don't like the creepy crawlies either but dragonflies are another thing altogether. Marvelous tags. Canons, hope they are shooting the passers by. What a wonderful wall...xox

    1. Our little town is surrounded with wonderful walls, I walk round them at least once every day, I love the old bricks and stones

  11. Lovely quotes and beautiful tags, always so much details to admire. The canon on the wall looks great, burglars beware!!!!
    Yvonne x

  12. For someone who does not like insects, you have done a glorious job with your tags. Everything that surrounds Mexico is so colorful - wouldn't it be fun to go visit Donna!
    Your blue tag is really fantastic -- Love your handmade beads and those are spectacular. I also love houses - You just have to wonder who lives in them.
    Glorious pictures today. I had to laugh because when you asked could we see what's on the wall - my eyes went to the moss and black and I thought wow - old and lovely. You had to tell me about the cannon. My eyes still go down to that beautiful brick wall. You always find something new to take pictures of.
    Sandy xx

    1. That's why I added the close up! The walls are wonderful to look at, you're right there!

  13. Wonderful tags; I love the dragonflies you used on them and the shimmer you added to the wings. Great effect.


  14. The tag is lovely, the colours are stunning and the beads are super. Hugs Bee

  15. Gorgeous tags, I am sooo jealous, they look perfect! Love your quote too, on friends being like stars, that tag with your hand made beads is so beautiful too! Better be careful where you walk we would not want you getting too close to one of those canons, lol. Great pics. ~Diane

  16. Your dragonfly tags are just exquisite and your printing is so neat. I like the names of the inks you are using.
    Your blue tag is gorgeous too, with the stars and the village and your lovely printing again.
    Superb artwork, Valerie.

  17. Fabulous tags. Especially love your insect ones - stunning colours. Nicola x

  18. Back with my FSC hat on, thank you for sharing the beautiful dragonfly tags with us over there.
    Yvonne x

    1. Could you show us a photo of yourself with your designer hat on? Thanks for coming back again!

  19. Both tags look great Valerie, specially love the dragonfly one! The colour blue on the other one looks amazing too though as do the stars and houses! And the photos? What can I say, you live in such a beautiful area of the world...

  20. Loving your tags Valerie, beautifully designed, hugs Annette x

  21. Hi Val, love your tags, they are both really special! Hugs, Barb

  22. Hi Valerie, Darling tags and so spring inspiring. I love dragonflys and the friends tag is special.
    Great walking pics today. Love the old bricks with the moss. You have so many interesting sights to see on your walks.

  23. Deine Libellen Tags sind wirklich bezaubernd! Ein Hauch von Frühlingsluft!
    Ganz toll finde ich auch deinen dritten Tag mit diesem wunderbaren Spruch! Tolle Kreation!
    LG; LonettA

  24. Beautiful artwork again today! I especially liked the dragonfly cards, and of course, my eye went right to the beaded one!

    You find the most interesting things on your walks!

  25. Lovely tag for TioT but your dragonflies are gorgeous as well!! The cannon sounds like a good idea to me....... Hugs Cindyx

  26. Ich finde alle drei Tags spitze, liebe Valerie! Libellen mag ich sowieso total gerne und die Sprüche dazu sind klasse! Das blaue Tag gefällt mir wegen der Kontraste sehr gut, der Spruch ist ebenfalls toll und ich mag besonders die gestencilte Häusersilhouette.

  27. Fabulous makes Valerie...I especially looove the glitter effect on the dragonflies. Gorgeous!
    Thank you for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges this fortnight.
    Dot x

  28. HI Valerie, such fabulous tags, love the little scene on the one for TioT and such gorgeous beads.
    Love how you've combined the stanping and quote on the tags for FSC and the die cut looks stunning.
    Thanks for linking up to FSC
    Avril xx


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