Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tag Tuesday

Oh dear, I think I will be sent to the naughty step! I thought that our theme this week at Tag Tuesday was autumn leaves, and it's autumn fruits..... Anyway, my tag is done and I don't have time for a new one, so this week it's autumn leaves from me! The background has been made with 7 Gypsies paper. The leaves have been die-cut from miri-card and gold paper using a Sizzix die. The miri-card leaves have been embossed, sanded down a bit, and then distressed with green ink. The bird on the branch is a TH die-cut. But I see there are a couple of berries hanging on my tag, woohoo! And perhaps the bird ate the rest of the fruit, or stashed it behind the leaves for later!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Terrific tag and very autumnal. The 2 berries save the day and look beautiful hanging on the branch.

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. I love your tag, with leaves or fruits or whatever! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wonderful tag Valerie :) looks we we have the same pesky birds eating the fruit
    Have a good day
    Von ♥

  4. A beautiful autumnal tag Valerie and yes, that birdie looks well fed! Have a lovely day. Suze xx

  5. Loving your arty and dimensional tag, x

  6. Love this tag Valerie - such rich autumnal colours. Hugs xx

  7. Great tag, the bird will enjoy the berries, so you saved the day .
    Yvonne x

  8. i am loving the Autumn theme!

  9. Woza! Stop the presses, I adore this tag. And what do you mean it doesn't meet the criteria for the challenge? You have berries (fruit) on the tag, and obviously the bird is full of them! hehe. A gorgeous job, Valerie. Love it. hugs, Donna

  10. This tag looks gorgeous, Valerie! I admire your attention to detail.

    Have a great week!

  11. When a tag is as terrific as this does it really matter?!!!

  12. Gorgeous tag and the berries really did save the day! Such a beautiful tag, love the molded face with the flower too! So well thought out and put together!

  13. I love your tag, don't know how it could have been better! Hugs, Barb

  14. Tsk, tsk! Your tag is lovely anyway, and I do believe I see some imaginary apples hanging from the tree. Love the flower tucked under the face!

  15. Gorgeous autumnal tag Valerie.... love how you used the flower


  16. Well, berries are certainly the "fruit" of whatever bush...so I say you did a great job with this tag!

  17. Fabulous tag in such lovely colours and love the quirky face.
    Just spotted your fairy canvas too - it's absolutely stunning!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  18. Well there would be no Autumn Fruits without Autumn Leaves! And who is to say that the birdie did not eat all the fruits? They do it here! Great tag, Valerie! Love the colors and those awesome leaves! Hugs!

  19. Love the tag today Val. I would say the fruit is just hiding under the leaves. LOL. take care, gerri

  20. What an amazing tag my friend. Love all the layers..


  21. Leaves , fruit , you should have said it was the leaves from the fruit ! Gorgeous tag and love the dimension and warm autumnal colours. That folded flower could pass for a bunch of bananas !



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