Friday 21 September 2012

Dubai and PPF

It's Friday again, and that means it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, where our participants are off to Dubai this week.

Jason and Shannon are still overwhelmed by the success of their shop. Queenie is a bit miffed that they seem to get more trade selling their ‘junk’ than she does with her second hand clothes and accessories, although she has to admit that her shop is doing ‘ bloody well on the whole’. Cissie has been reading a lot, she has bought herself a Kindle reader, and is addicted to it. This has Thelma feeling a bit fed up, as she is not so fond of reading, and her knees are still hurting a lot. But Cissie often reads the juicy bits to her, and Thelma does like that!
They all meet for lunch at Latif’s Chippie, and enjoy their usual, large portions. Then Jason says, ‘I’ve got an invitation to the annual meeting of the Antique Shop Dealers!’
‘Bet you’ll get good food’ says Cissie.
‘Where is it?’ hisses Shannon.
‘Well, it’s being held in a hotel, like always.’ answers Jason.
‘WHERE IS IT???’ spits Shannon, her green eyes glittering dangerously. ‘
Jason smiles and says, ‘Funny you should ask that! It’s in Dubai!’.
 Four strident female voices say in chorus, ‘You ain’t going!’
Shannon sobs. Thelma tries to comfort her little daughter. Queenie and Cissie just look daggers at him.
‘Well don’t get excited about nuffink, will you?’ he says. ‘I’ve already said I can’t leave my Shannon when she’s expecting a baby, and I wouldn’t want to leave the shop now, either, would I? I’m staying here.’
A sigh of relief goes round the table. Latif nods in agreement, and brings them over another pot of tea.
‘But I got a prospect wiv’ some gorgeous pictures in it, wanna ‘ave a look?’ laughs Jason.
Shannon looks adoringly at him, and says, ‘Later! I think I need to go and have a rest! You coming, Jason?’ Queenie says rather tartly, ‘Well, if it’s rest you need, I’ll bring you back to your flat. Jason needs to use his energies in the shop!’ Shannon and Queenie exit, arm in arm, Shannon blowing Jason kisses all the while. Jason pays the bill and leaves for the shop.
Cissie says, ‘Well, let’s have a nice afternoon. I’ll get the cream cakes while you go up and put the kettle on!’
‘Deal!’ Says Thelma.

Here are some of the lovely photos they see in the prospect later that day.

Burj el Arab

Elegant bus-stops

The old method of travelling -  with Abras

Sheikh Sayed Road by night


Another view of Burj el Arab

The Beach  Desert

All photos courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

A week or so later they get this postcard from Marc, one of Jason’s ‘antique’ cronies.

‘Well, that ain’t my idea of  an ‘oliday!’ says Jason.
‘Yeah, but you must admit, there’s plenty of beach!’ says Shannon.

For PPF I have a work in progress to show. It started off hopefully, but I have got a bit bogged down in it just now and don't know to where it will be progressing. I have used acrylic paints. The raised bits have been made with a CWS stencil. I used a music sheet under the rest, but it can only be seen here and there. Perhaps I will have a brainwave!

Thanks a lot for visiting, take care, and have fun!


  1. Poor Jason, those women are really keeping him a short rein! Perhaps he likes it....Lovely story again! Love your painting, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Really enjoyed your Dubai story Valerie and those pics.
    Love your canvas, gorgeous colour and texture.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. oh my, business & conflicts... sounds stressful for Jason indeed!
    Love your story-telling, Valerie. ~xx
    Thank you for sharing your works of art too, they are beautiful. :]
    You are so inspiring. Happy Friday to you!!

  4. Fancy them having an Ikea...........never would have thought they would. Smashing WIP look forward to seeing where you go with it. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. CAn you see me waving? Lol! Love the postcard and your painting is just amazing.

  6. Gorgeous WIP Valerie... beautiful colors and textures... and awesome blog post...

    Jenny x

  7. Poor Jason didn't stand a chance of going did he? I loved the Dubai story... the bus stops are amazing!

    Great WIP I'm sure you will have a lightning bolt of inspiration for its next phase.... but please get in line cos I'm waiting for one for my canvas!!!!

    Have a great weekend....


  8. Okay, you can have your lightning bolt first!

  9. Great story again, did I miss an episode, a baby on the way?. It will be ruined to bits by the the oldies.
    A super WIP, love the textures.
    Yvonne x

  10. lol on the postcard :-)

    love that painting

  11. Ha, ha....poor henpecked!! Love the photos of Dubai.
    Your PPF piece has the most wonderful colours on it...:)
    Hugs xx

  12. Great story, love the sticker on the postcard about being a failure, ha ha. You never miss a detail do you! Your painting is absolutely stunning, I love the eye with the leaves and the colors are gorgeous, so is the texture!

  13. Poor Jason - that ever is he going to do with those women. Great piece. xoDonn

  14. At least the ladies brought Jason to his senses! Love the painting- all the colors on the rectangles and squares makes it almost look like dicrohic (sp?) glass from the photo!

  15. You really will have a written a book on Jason, Cissie et all by the time the postcard challenge is over!! Dubai looks so decadent for somewhere built on a desert!
    Great work in progress - I love the little shiny block elements on it.

  16. I loved the Dubai story...your canvas looks gorgeous, Valerie! Fantastic colors and textures.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  17. Great story ~ wonderful photos and love the art work colors and textures ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  18. beautiful mixed media piece for PPF!

    Dubai has IKEA? That's so interesting to me!

  19. Great story and pics Valerie - cool bus stops - and no graffiti on them like in the UK! Your canvas is fab - love the sparkle and the eye! Enjoy the rest of your Friday. xx

  20. Hi Valerie. Jason seems to have so much trouble, tee hee. Love your postcards and your piece is awesome. Lots of texture and sparkle. I like the eye as it looks at us. Nice work Valerie. Enjoy your weekend and about your knee surgery, good luck and hopefully you will feel a lot better. Take care.

  21. WOW - it's really beautiful there - great photos you choose ;)
    AND that texture, shimmer and shine is making me swoon, LOVE your new art, xoxo

  22. Really love the colors and textures of your painting!
    The raised areas look like glass!

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  23. WOW that's one amazing canvas collage.
    hugs Lynn

  24. Love reading your stories. You have such an imagination! Your canvas looks very intriguing too. x

  25. Fun story, as always, and a great canvas, love those colours! Hugs, Barb

  26. Those Kindle readers are totally addicting. I agree with Cissie on that. I would so love to go to Dubai. Thanks for taking us there this week. Love your artwork and all that beautiful metalic and color goodness. Great work. Happy PPF

  27. Enjoying your storyline for Postcard Challenge...and your art...all of it!!

  28. Dubai is sure an interesting place--too bad Jason wasn't able to go.

    Your canvas is amazing! I love the colors. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  29. OK, showing my ignorance here, but I just have to know: what is a CWS pencil? I love those raised bits!

  30. Great story as always Val always makes me laugh, fancy an ikea too!!
    Love your WIPlook forward to seeing more!
    Thanks as always for stopping by my blog and leaving lovely comments


  31. I have to come back to read more carefully, but in the meantime, let me just say that your art is beautiful. I loved the raised rectangles and squares - just beautiful. It looks like you glued glass to your canvas.

  32. Gorgeous paintings, Valerie. Wish I had time to read about Jason but my time is squeezed this week.

  33. Ikea in dubai... how funny... and I like the piece you are working on at the moment... I love the square and rectangle shapes against the richness of the background...xx

  34. Your work in progress is absolutely stunning!

  35. Me again: Thank you! And have a good weekend, xo

  36. Fabulous painting, mysterious feeling and beautiful colors and textures!

  37. another great card. wish I knew someone to take a photo of me and make me slim.. Baby ?????

  38. Yeah, I think we all want to meet that photographer!

  39. Love your card this week, it made me smile, cool idea! M

  40. As always I really enjoyed your story. And your canvas is amazing. Love all the wonderful texture going on here.


  41. Well, Jason and the family have seen a sizable chunk of the world this year, so I guess it's only fair that he give Dubai a pass.

    I love the irridescent textural bits on the new canvas. I know what you mean about getting stuck sometimes on where to go next. Sometimes turning the canvas upside down helps you see what to do (and it's easier than standing on your head).

  42. Glorious colors.. can't take my eyes off that stenciled area.

  43. I am with Marjie on that stenciled area! The colors are so rich and gorgeous! Again a great story and pictures! Enjoy your Sunday! Hugs!

  44. Lovely WIP! And those pictures are amazing!Especially the beach/desert one ☺

  45. Great story and postcard this week. Your canvas is amazing. Inspiring!

    Janet xx

  46. Jason does not stand a chance with so many females to boss him. Fun story line as ever. Fab canvas.
    Jen x


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