Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Tag Tuesday -Circus

The last weeks at Tag Tuesday have not been easy for me, as there were a lot of themes which are not really mine! I think it will be getting better from next week. This week it is circus, and as I do not like circus or clowns or animals in cages and dressed up dogs and pigs etc, I decided to make another dimensional tag, this time of the big top. The background inside the tent has been decorated with some Graphics 45 paper , and some silver spangled ribbon for curtains, and a clown is peeking out to entice people in....I have mounted it onto a ribbon spool again - how good that I did not throw those empty spools away! - and the rim has been painted with green and 'grassed' with some green glitter-flock powder.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely tag, especially as you are not a circus fan. I am not a circus goer either, my OH has to take the kids! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I think your 3d tags are inspired Valerie, I don't 'do' the circus either, but kids would love this. Hope everythings ok with you, we've had fabulous weather the last couple of days so everyone seems a bit cheerier! Take care. xx

  3. All is well with my world when Valerie posts. I think the tag is magic - I don't know where you dream up these ideas but they are so brilliant. Hope you have some fun today. hugs, Donna

  4. Hi Valerie. Brilliant tag. So much fun. Take care.
    Hugs, Florence xx

  5. Totally inspired Valerie, what fun! The painted tent is perfect and I love seeing inside with the sweet clown peeking out! Brilliant tag!

  6. what a fun post, you are one of the most creative people I know.

  7. This is so creative. I don't like clowns either but this one doesn't look too scarey.

  8. Wow Val, this is lovely your clown is so cute xx

  9. Wow Valerie, this is more than a tag! Wonderful. x

  10. very nice take on a theme you are not fond of!

  11. I love this, it's a gorgeous piece if you like circuses or not! Hugs, Barb

  12. Oh my stars.. How fun is this. very creative my friend. I just love it.


  13. You rose to the challenge even though the theme is not your favorite. Your dimensional tags are just awesome!

  14. Thanks, I will be hanging this one onto a kid's present, so think it will be well received!

  15. Finally here Valerie after several days wrestling with a very nasty VAT return!!!
    Just a the right time it would appear as the circus tent is a real stunner! Love the cheerful clown peeping out too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  16. Wow Valerie this is so colourful and perfect for the circus theme. I think the 3Dtag is just great. Hugs Sandra xxx

  17. Love your dimensional Circus Tent with the glimpse of the action going on inside.
    Yvonne x

  18. It shows how your mind works that you can get past the prompt not being your cup of tea, and making something that a circus lover would adore nonetheless!

  19. You'll have to excuse this comment- I am blown away and can't find to the words to express it properly!!!

  20. Valerie... you are so creative!! :]
    I love your talents... this is absolutely adorable. ~xx

  21. Love it Valerie! I've only done one tag out of the current crop as I too didn't like the themes...well done you for getting past that!
    Hugs xx


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