Saturday 26 November 2011

Saturday and weekend

Hi everybody. Hope all those in the USA are still enjoying their Thanksgiving weekend, and that everybody else is also looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
I will be spending time with my friend Inge, and I am sure we will be following our usual program of chatting, eating, playing games, coffee and biscuits, in no particular order and with lots of repeats.

Yesterday I crafted like crazy all day, had to get it in before the weekend began! I started off with journal pages again, which really give me a lot just now. I open the book, and then just start, and it seems to lead a life of its own. I started off my painting the pages with gesso, so the colours don't go through the paper, drew the faces, added some stamping, some magazine cut outs, die cuts and bits and bobs that were flying around my kitchen making the place untidy. At the end, I decided it looked like it was about dreams, added some of my favourite dream quotes, and did a bit of colouring with some pastel chalks. That was it. But I am sure I am not dreaming of things like that every night!?

And I finished another maze book that I started some time this week. I used paper from 7 Gypsies for the pages, and some scraps from the DCWV Christmas Combo Stack for the covers. I made some tags out of the same scraps, and added a few small pieces of lace to some of the pages. The pictures were hard to take, it was such a dark day that I needed the flash for some of them although it was just mid-day.

I am linking to AEDM at Creative Every Day. I am really happy that I have kept up every day! Perhaps I will join the December challenge, too!
So, here's wishing you all a lovely day. Take care, and thanks a lot for stopping by!


  1. Great journal pages and can see your mind is on love. Enjoy the weekend, x

  2. Hi Val, love your dreamy journal pages, and the little album is beautiful, too! Have a good weekend, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Really great journal pages. Isn't it fun when they lead the way ... Nice maze book as well. Love the paper. hugs, Donna

  4. Morning Valerie. Love the journal pages and maze book. Wonderful creativity. Have a lovely day with Inge.
    Regards Florence x

  5. Love your works, especially the journal collages!
    It's been so long since I've done any scrapbooking, but seeing your work makes me inspired again... ;3

    // -T.W-

  6. Beautiful dream pages Valerie and a gorgeous little book. Have a great weekend. xx

  7. The pages are beautiful, give a real feeling of love and serenity.
    Super book as well.
    Yvonne x

  8. Love your journal pages & your book turned out lovely, thanks for sharing x

  9. I'm really loven those journal pages and the little book is adorable! Have a great weekend.

  10. Hi Valerie, Hope you're enjoying your lovely visit with Inge:0) I love the journal pages , very dreamy, great images and use of colour! Another beautiful book, how different it looks in the different lighted photographs, Gay xxx

  11. Gorgeous journal pages Valerie - blue is my favourite colour :)
    Loving the maze book too.
    Enjoy your time with Inge.
    Hugs xx

  12. Really beautiful work again Val! Have a nice weekend, Hugs, Babr

  13. Wow! Your use of the color and images to draw the eye is fantastic on your journal pages!

  14. I love your dreamy journal pages Valerie, I'm another one that you are inspiring to journal. Loving the little maze book too, fab colours. Have a very happy weekend x

  15. such pretty books and dreamy, romantic journal pages today!

  16. Your visit with your friend sounds perfect - and those journal pages are so beautiful! I love the idea of your dream quotes! xo

  17. more stunning journal pages... I love seeing them and they are inspiring me to get back to my journal once this aedm thing is finished for the month... it is flying past pretty fast xx

  18. More delightful and fantastic fun! Love the aMAZEing book!

  19. yes, quite dreamy and lovely too. i love all the details and i find a peaceful feeling as i take them in.

  20. Those are some cool journal pages! Love the style of this spread.
    And you are really getting good at books! take care,Katie

  21. Wow !!! everything looks really had an amazing day crafting!!!!!

  22. Beautiful journal pages, love the images and your maze book looks lovely x

  23. dear Val, you know how much a love your journaling. Its beautiful!


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