Thursday 17 November 2011

Another cold and frosty day.

Yesterday morning when I got up the sun was just rising, and the frost was sparkling on the fields; it was so lovely I had to run out onto my balcony - in my pajamas! - and take some pictures of the start of a wintry day:

I needed to do a bit of shopping yesterday, but I waited till the sun had melted the ice on my windscreen; I HATE having to scrape the ice off before I can get going! And I spent most of the rest of the day in my arty kitchen, painting my journal pages, making cards and drinking coffee. This time I have changed from geese to turkeys in my journal pages, as I am sure a lot of them will not be looking forward to Thanksgiving! I am linking again to AEDM at Creative Every Day

I am hoping the weather will be just as nice today, so that I can go for a walk along the Rhine. Here's hoping you all have a great day. Take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Fabulous pages with a very worried looking turkey! Wish the sun would shine here another grey damp foggy day havn't seen the Sun since Sunday!!! Not a good light to craft by I will have to get another daylight bulb for my craft lamp to see me through the winter - roll on Summer!!! :-)


  2. HI Val, it's cloudy here, too; glad you have got some sunshine! Love your turkey pages and photos! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie. A turkey with attitude! love it! You have a fabulous view off your balcony. I was looking at the photos, the top one especially, and thinking how those colours could be created with D. inks. Lovely inspiration. Have a great day.
    Regards Florence x

  4. Your turkey made me laugh out loud valerie, my kind of humour! Beautiful pics. Have a great day. xx

  5. Poor little turkey -- sassy right to the end. After all this, are you actually going to cook a goose or turkey? Anyway Valerie - another good one. Hope you have a nice day and are able to get your walk in. Hugs, Donna

  6. Fancy creeping up on your turkey in those huge wellies, he doesn't look to scared though. Great pages and what a gorgeous view to wake up and see.
    Yvonne x

  7. Gorgeous photos, Valerie! Yup, Mr. Turkey looks very anxious :)

  8. You have such a beautiful view from your balcony! Looks like you've been having lots of fun with your journal pages (yeah, a turkey with attitude!!).


  9. I want to hang out in your backyard - those photos are beyond incredible!!!! What a glorious way to start the day!!!!! Thanks for the sun since it is hasn't been making much of an appearance here lately.

  10. Hi Valerie
    It is definitely getting cold here and the morning sunshine has now disappeared leaving it a very grey day.
    Love the turkey. I hope he will be saved this Christmas, maybe I need to rescue him, after all I am a vegetarian!

  11. Very cool pictures Valerie, love your turkeys comment too, lol. Have a great day!

  12. Love the pix of the frosty morn...and the turkey is too fun!

  13. What great pictures and beautiful pages. It's chilly here in Iowa this AM...16 degrees! BURR!
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my "Santa's Bringing A Train Load of Twine" project on the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog! Good luck!

  14. I'm so glad we're not dealing with ice yet, just wind and rain (in Seattle). You commented on my flower arrangement and I wanted to share a how-to with you for the next time you buy/pick flowers. I wrote it, complete with photos, on my decorating blog. or

    Although this is about specific flowers, you could obviously substitute any flower and the principles are the same. You too can be a floral arranger!

  15. Great pages, I love the worried turkey.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Those photos are so pretty! I love the first one!!!

  17. That turkey has a wary look in his eyes! Lovely wintry morning photos.

  18. The turkey cracked me up and sounds like a great way to spend a cold day... looks feezing in the pics... lucky you have art to keep you warm xx

  19. what a beautiful view you have.
    And such a funky lil turkey-so cute!

  20. Beautiful morning picture! Love those pages and that, "get stuffed." Too funny!

  21. Awesome photography! Lol at turkey. :)

  22. Charming ! Get stuffed indeed but who ? this is great fun and those wellies are fab !


  23. Beautiful photo's you have a magical view there. XOXO Zoe


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