Friday 18 November 2011

Paint Party Friday 36 and a Story

Another week has sped by and it's Friday already, which means it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin. If you have time, please hop over and take a look at what the others have been up to,
It's my turn to carry on the *Never-ending-story* over at Amy's Blog this week, so I wrote a rather short continuation of the story, and painted a picture to go with it. You can read the rest on Amy's blog under *Once upon a time* if you feel like it.
My illustration is a mixed media piece. I painted the background with 2 shades of blue and a spot of yellow using a wide foam brush. The waves have been painted with the same colours, using paint a bit thicker. The flying horse has been stamped onto a page from an old lexicon, cut out, and coloured with water-colour pencils. The wings have been cut with a Sizzix die-cut out of the same paper. I drew the red-haired girl on a scrap of card, coloured her with water-colour pencils again, and used lots of ice-stickles to give some glitter. For the horse's mane I used some reflex pearls embedded in glossy accents to give more texture. After sticking it all together, and nearly getting stuck to the paper myself, I added a few gold stars, a moon, and more stickles for glitter and shine, and then it was done.
This is my part of the story:

What had happened?
The blue horse held his breath, his heart beat faster, and he was afraid, more afraid than he had ever been in all his life. Where had the beautiful red-haired girl disappeared to? The mist swirled round him, blinding him, and suddenly, he was falling – down, down, down. He whinnied in fright, but at that moment he landed softly on something that felt like a huge cloud, and then he felt a hand touching his mane….
It was the red haired girl, who sobbed with relief that they had found each other again.

They looked at each other, and she held him tight till she could stand without shaking. Then they looked around to see where they were. It seemed to be a big cavern, with an enormous pile of white feathers in the middle, from which a long, narrow passageway led.

Without speaking they went towards it, although it was dark and cold. She held tight to his curly, blue mane. They walked for many, many hours. They were both hungry and exhausted. Suddenly they both stopped in their tracks. They could see a tiny light ahead of them. This gave them new strength, and they started to run as fast as they could, towards the ever-growing light, till they were free.

They were standing on a pebbly beach, looking at a seemingly endless sea. The moon and stars were shining brightly in the sky, and reflecting on the waves like little diamonds.

“Climb onto my back,” said Blue Pegasus. I will fly you home….”

While I was looking through the old lexicon, I found a bank note to the value of 500 million marks!! printed at the time of the great inflation in 1923, and at the time probably not worth the paper it was printed on. But interesting to find, and still in mint condition after nearly 90 years!

I am linking again to AEDM at Creative Every Day.

Well, this post has almost become the never-ending-story, so I'd better stop. Here's wishing you all great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. What a lovely illustration, and the story is intriguing, must go and read the rest! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Ah so you have joined the never ending story at Amy's. Very good. Tempting for me ... but perhaps not. LOVE the illustration you did to go with it, and I'm already in love with Blue Pegasus. Enjoy your day Miss Valerie. hugs, Donna

  3. Fabulous artwork and a wonderful story.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. I LOVE your mixed media piece it looks exquisite!! I love your story too, very creative xx

  5. Terrific story to go with your mixed media, loving the flying horse. Thank you for sharing the bank note, so interesting. Have a great weekend Valerie, Happy PPF, x

  6. ;) I love it!!!!!
    The artwork is wonderful - and the story is superfun!!!!
    Excellent contribution from you - thank you!

  7. Teriffic art work to go with the story just love the way you have done the flying horse :)
    have a great weekend Valerie
    Von xxx

  8. I love the glitter you used on the horse!!! oh, and the mixed media style here! enjoy your friday! i hope its a good one!!!

  9. Loving your creative story and art work ~ Fun! ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ Happy PPF ^_^

  10. Love your part of the story and the lovely picture you have made. It looks like an illustration for a kid's book, so pretty! Hugs, Barb

  11. Great illustration for the story. Saludos

  12. Oh, what magical fun! Have an awesome weekend!

  13. I love your dear Blue Pegasus. My imagination is stuck on what it would be like to ride him.

  14. Funny you should say that, I was thinking about it as I made him!

  15. Love your piece... the wings are my favorite part. The waves are wonderful too.

  16. Love your blue horse and the story that goes with it. It was fun. I actually was riding the horse too, did you see me?? :)) Great job Valerie, as always. Happy PPF! Oh, the note, what's it's worth today, if I may ask? Take care, great weekend to you.

  17. Cool concept to tie story and visual art piece! Love the metallic outline.

  18. beautiful painting, lovely story,

  19. Oh what a lovely story to go with a fabulous Blue Pegasus - Fabulous Valerie!


  20. What a beautiful illustration to complement your poetic writing.
    I really appreciate your description of your art process in this blog post, too...felt like I was making the art along with you!

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  21. Super beautiful...full of enchantment..just my vibe..beautiful art..soul-stirring and ever so magical...LOVE it! HUgs..fabulous story!

  22. Valerie I had no idea you were a talented writer as well! You could write and illustrate your own books! Lovely art to go with your story.

  23. What a magical story and illustration! The bank note well preserved! Probably never saw too much of the light of day.

  24. Love your part of the story!!!!and your painting that goes with it is terrific too. Love all the info and what you used and how...

  25. Wonderful "flying" horse!
    Great collage work.
    Thank you for sharing... have a Happy Friday! *hugs*

  26. A writer an artist a wonderful and humerous lady, no end to your talents. Love the illustration for the story very intriguing !


  27. Fabulous artwork Valerie and such a lovely story to go with it too.
    The banknote was a real find and it's amazing to think of the inflation that produced a note of such a huge sum.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  28. Fantastic art, love the story that goes with it.
    Yvonne x

  29. What girl wouldn't love a ride on a beautiful blue winged horse? Glad to see everyone having such fun with Amy's Never Ending Story.

  30. Love the illustration, all so colorful, have a wonderful week my friend,Hugs to you Valerie, Love Marilou

  31. Love, love, LOVE this- your Blue Pegasus is perfect as is the red haired girl- absolutely gorgeous! And I love the way you continued the story- this has been such a fun project!

  32. Love the story,painting and all the sparkly additions!

  33. I love your addition to the Never Ending Story and the painting is perfect! ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #9 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  34. very enchanting... i love the bold colors.

  35. great part of the story! love the pegasus made with print and the shine in her red hair! I've got to get to work as my part is next!

  36. Beautiful illustrations and a great continuation to the story.

    And what a cool find! Wow!!

  37. Oh! That paper! I love how you created your piece (I can see the sparkles ;) and the story behind it is equally beautiful. Thank you for sharing it, xoxo

  38. both words and images! you are so creative! thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  39. So creative.. I just loved it.. What a great story and painting..

    Hugs, Linda

  40. Always a pleasure to read your words as you do have a great way with them! Love the effect of the print on Pegasus, and the feeling of freedom and flying the wings give.. wheeee!
    Thankyou for your kind well wishes :)x

  41. Magical continuation and pictures to match hope they got home safely.

    I'd hang onto that bank note you might need it soon! it is probably worth rather more today than it did then LOL XOXO Zoe

  42. A great addition to the story! I love the glittery bits of this piece - after enlarging it I can see how you might have gotten stuck to it ;) The mane is gorgeous!


  43. Just checking up on the story so far and found your post......gorgeous pic, and is that Amy riding on the horse haha! :D
    That bank note is amazing too, something tangible for the kids to see how bad things can get if we don't be careful!!
    P.s. been noseying round...all your books are fabulous :D XXX


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