Saturday 1 October 2011

More Post and more journal pages., and more Sun

Yesterday I did NOT have to go to the dentist's - yoohoo! That gave me a nice day for painting, crafting and playing around. I successfully forgot to do the H*******K, which was good, as I made a lot of mess playing. And we have had several days of warm and Sunny weather, a real Indian Summer, and the first summer we have had this year!
I received a wonderful postcard from Lenna's postcard swap, this time from Nancy Roberts. It has been made from painted material, and has been embroidered, stitched and collaged - just wonderful. I am going to have a wonderful collection of hand made postcards, which I will treasure.

For my journal pages I made another collage, which then reminded me of the text of *I'm on the top of the world* from the Carpenters, so I have included part of the text.

I also spent some time making more Halloween boxes, but I will save them to show tomorrow. I think making Halloween things is addictive.

Hope you all have a great day, take care, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. You've got me singing Valerie so it's just as well I love that song!
    Fabulous art journal pages and glad you had no dreaded 'd' visit yesterday.
    We also have a gorgeous Indian Summer so I think we all need to make the most of it.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Beautiful journal pages again, and the postcard from Nancy is really astonishing! Have a nice day, Hugs, Sarah

  3. "I'm on the ....", I'm going to be singing all day Valerie but I don't mind cause I love this song too. Lovely journal pages and that fabric postcard is stunning! Enjoy the sunshine. xx

  4. I was fortunate enough to receive one of Nancy's cards too. It is really beautiful, Valerie. Your journal is turning into such a treasure. You are inspiring me to get one going here. Can't wait to see your Halloween stuff. Your weather sounds awesome -- hope it lasts for awhile. hugs, Donna

  5. Such pretty mail to receive.
    Your Journal is brimming with amazing art.

  6. WOWSERS, I've missed alot of GORGEOUS work in just a few short days, Valerie! Love your journal pages, your techniques are always awesome and the little Halloween boxes, ingenious!

  7. I am humming the tune now I have seen your gorgeous pages. We are having a spell of hot weather as well. Yvonne x

  8. beautiful pages, I love the Carpenters and that song!

  9. YAY! No Dentist! Love the pops of blue in your postcrds and the sunshine...yeah, bright and beautiful! thanks for popping by over at POP ART MINIS and your super sweet comments! You're the best!

  10. Hi Valerie, Your page is so colourful and vibrant I love it! So glad you didn't have to go to the dentist:0) The carpenters are a real favourite of mine, Karen's voice was spectacular, I see that your hubby liked them too, good taste!! Hugs Gay xxx

  11. p.s Forgot to say a calendar page dedicated to coffee, mmm sounds wonderful, dunno how that would fit in with my Craft Barn requirements, I'm sure they've got a coffee related stamp somewhere, now you've got me thinking mmmmmmm, obviously I need a coffee:0) Have a great weekend, bit hot today! LOL Gay xxx

  12. a beautiful postcard! Love your new journal pages!

  13. Fabulous journal pages Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Nancy's card is great! Your pages are fun- definately got the Carpenters in my head now! :0)

  15. Brilliant postcard from Nancy! I've received 2 out of my 3, I'm waiting for my 3rd before I post about them (I don't know if I CAN wait much longer though!).

    Great 'Top of the world" pages, with sweet memories of your husband x

  16. Yay! No dentist! and such beautiful creations--and I love that song too!!

  17. Lovely journal pages and a wonderful postcard! Hugs, Barb

  18. I've missed lots of your work as been awol, but all fab as usual...

    and like the others, you have me singing along too as I love the carpenter music, lol, hugs...

    maria xx

  19. Wonderful Journal Pages! Thanks for stopping by today and yesterday!

  20. Ooooh, fabulous journal art! I love your theme!

    The post card art is wonderful too. I wish I had been in that swap!

  21. More gorgeous art journalling and I love the postcard you received - stunning.
    Funny...I forgot to do the "h" word!
    Hugs xx

  22. What a beautiful postcard, thanks for sharing! Such a lovely treasure to have :]
    I really like your collage work, this one is great!!
    Can not wait to see more of your Halloween boxes... what fun!

  23. No dentist that's a result ! The postcards you received are stunning what a talented lady Nancy is will pop over and visit. Love the collages just stunning great composition. I will be singing that Carpenters song all weekend now though !



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