Thursday 27 October 2011

Hard Times....

I spent quite a lot of time yesterday collaging little bits of paper again. After managing to clear part of my working space the day before, I wanted to carry on the good work. BUT....every drawer I opened, in the hope of being able to find a small corner to stuff something into, was already full. Now I have no idea who always stuffs small scraps of paper, wonky die-cuts, badly stamped images and images which nobody needs into my drawers. The paper was even sorted into colours, some of it fixed together with paper clips or rubber bands, so it can't have been me, as (1) I don't clear anything away, (2) I am not a sorter-outer and (3) I swear I have never seen this stuff before! Anyway, I filled several pages in my journal with collages again, and the drawers are just as full as ever. It must be the pixies....I also found 3 hot glue guns, masses of glue sticks, and 2 pairs of socks. WHO put them into my kitchen drawers? But I must admit, I was rather proud of myself for even THINKING about tidying up. (Note to self : give yourself a mental pat on the back. Or do I mean a pat on my mental back? Can one have a mental back to pat? Or do I mean a mental bat on my pack?) (Second note to self : Shut up! Show them the pictures!)

Okay, here the pictures from 2 tags and a double page spread in my scribble-a-day journal, which is fast becoming a stick it each day journal. The tags were fun to make, trying to use up all the last drops of spray in my mini-misters before washing and refilling them. The first one is again Autumn themed, in case you didn't notice. The second one should have been something quite different, but the pansies fitted best to the background colours. I dyed the little lace scrap to match. Actually, the lace fell into the ink on my craft sheet, but the result is the same!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping by!


  1. Your tags are constantly a work of art! Your collages are beautiful, I love the mix of colours and images. x

  2. Oh Valerie you do make me laugh! I have to admit it could be me that has stuffed the bits of paper and the wonky die cuts into your drawers 'just in case' - come on you never know ehen you may need a badly cut,tattered edged bit of card lol.
    Your tags are beautiful, I love the stamping on your first one, and the flowers on the second seem to leap from the page. You deserve the pat on your mental back :o) x

  3. Good morning Val.Long time no see...!
    Thank you for the morning laugh and your beautiful art!
    Alexandra :)

  4. Good morning, Valerie. Sounds like the crafty faeries have been sneaking into your Arty Kitchen! You've really got to watch them. Your tags are popping of the page today. Love the one with the flowers. The journal pages are fun too .. you have used a lot of neat paper which gives them a richness. Enjoy your day. hugs, Donna

  5. The stuff you find when you just think of cleaning up. :) Imagine what would pop up if you actually cleaned up. Great tags and journal pages. You sure do have a lot of paper. :)

  6. What bright and cheery makes just what we need on a dark dank day :)
    Von xxx

  7. You've given me a laugh this morning Valerie. I wish I could be more ruthless and throw some stuff out - after all, what's the point in keeping all these little scraps. I'll never use them because I've forgotten that I've got them! Lol. Anyway, Super tags and collages. Wishing you a productive day! Suze xx

  8. LOL, those are some fun fairies, I'm sure. Just like Christmas finding all those goodies.

    Love the colours in your tags and the journal pages are more awesome journalling, Valerie!

  9. Hi Valerie. You do make me laugh! Surprising what you find when you have a sort out! A bonus finding the socks!lol! Fab tags. Love the colours. You know I think all of your journal pages are brilliant but these to are my favourite so far.
    Regards Florence x

  10. HA!!! You totally cracked me up today! You sound like me! LOL! Great tags and pages, too!

  11. You are not alone keeping every last piece of what should be called waste and binned straight away.
    Love your tags and pages, so many details to see. Yvonne x

  12. Lovely, I adore the flower tag but the journal spread wins hands down to day so many layers (texture) with every day stuff I wish you would join in the Journal challenge I have once a month. The Armadillo and woman underneath are awesome Dxx

  13. Gorgeous tags, you always make me smile!

  14. Lol;-) I have the same pixies living with me and I'm sure I have things go missing and then just turn up again!!! Gorgeous work Valerie


  15. Beautiful pages and tags Valerie! so many gorgeous designs to look at! I always enjoy reading ur posts! I'm sure you'll find some of my stuff in those drawers too! lol im missing some socks! xoxo

  16. Your tags are beautiful and your journal pages are very inspirational, love the one with the dressmakers dummy on it x

  17. Nice tags and journal pages, well pansies are cold weather flowers! And it's cold in Toronto today. One day I hope to sort through all the stuff in my dresser drawers too.

  18. I think all of that stash is just fun waiting to happen! Happy Creating!

  19. Oh my goodness! They are gorgeous!! I love the dress form on the last journal page and your tags are so so beautiful! Good luck on the organizing of supplies - it is my biggest challenge too ;) xoxo

  20. Val ,your so funny. You can come clean my drawers anytime! LOL
    I don't know how you manage to get so much done!
    Awesome work as usual!
    hugs Lynn

  21. You're hilarious! :) I can relate to your overstuffed drawers, however I am the type that would sort & band by color/style/whatever weird category I come up with. That's so I can find things right away, don't you know? HA! That's the theory....the practice, not so much.

    Anyway, lovely pieces as usual and what great scribble pages!

  22. WOW val, your tags are fab, love the spray misters, (never tried that yet, sounds nice and messy, lol)..

    love your journal, it is coming along nicely, well done...

    hope you're well, hugs
    maria xx

  23. Everything you have created is wonderful, x

  24. Your collages and tags are always great. I wonder though how those items got there if they weren't there before? Someone's been in your drawers! hehehehehehe lol...I didn't mean it to sound like that but now that it came out like that, oh well..:) Have a great day. :)

  25. But it was only the kitchen drawers Gloria....

  26. Hi Val, I'm a bit late today, the kids are all sick again, and I have been run off my feet! Lovely work from you, as always! Hugs, Sarah

  27. Your post, Valerie, has to be one of the funniest I've read in a long time. It must be contagious because I have the same problem with my stashes; things appear and disappear and I know I don't touch any of them. It is the season of tricks so perhaps the demons of Halloween are out playing tricks on all of us.

    Your pansy tag is my favorite but every piece you share today is wonderful.

    AND, we don't want you running out of papers or scraps so let the pixies do their thing.


  28. These are fab, love the tag with the indian
    Lindsay xx

  29. Ah ha so that is where my missing glue gone is ! Have been looking for It for ages.! It obviously wants to be in a real,artists home ! Your post was so funny today to are obviously getting all giddy with the prospect of Halloween ! Great works once again , bright,mold and beautiful just like you !


  30. You are so creative!! Love the tags and your journal pages. I enjoy seeing your work!


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