Friday 10 June 2011

Tim Holtz meets Paint Party Friday , Just for Fun!

It's Friday again, so that means - welcome to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Kristin and Eva.
Today I have 2 pieces to show, a mask and another mail art envelope, made for dear lady I know, which means braving the Dragon AKA Mrs Grumpy Drawers at the post office to send it off ths morning, filled with some nice surprises.
So, first the envelope:

The centre piece has been painted with tempera colours, and then I have added some collaged strips round about to make it bigger. I have used rub-ons and stamping to add more motives, and the adress label has been printed from a *Graphics Fairy* freebie. I like the overall effect of this mixed media piece very much, it just remains to see how it will be welcomed at our little post office....
And now to the mask:

For this piece I used tempera colours again, just in completely different colours this time. I think I must have been feeling like this some days this week after not sleeping though several nights again- But last night I fell asleep straight away andd didn't even turn over, so I got over 8 hours sleep, which is unbelievable, and for which I am very thankful! But back to my mask! I really enjoy painting these things at the moment, and I don't know why, and I certainly don't know what moved me to use this combination of colours, but I like to paint without planning, just following my feelings, and that's what came out!

And now to something different, that I have made for 2 challenges today. Over at Just For Fun, they want to see *All things Tim*, and on *Studio L3* they want to see Tim Hotz's distress ink, and I've used plenty of that!
I have made another tryptich out of corrugated card, which has been partly peeled, gessoed, and then distressed with faded jeans, stormy skies, wild honey, Vctoriam Velvet and Forest Moss. Then I rubbed some clear embossing ink over it, and sprinkled it with some mixed remains of embossing powder, which gave a shine of silver or bronze here and there. After that I treated it to some gold perfect pearls, which I also heated. I stamped some flourishes on the background using forest moss, you can't see much of them, but I like to know there are *hidden* elements in each tag. Fot the decorations I made a tree of life, cut so that the cardboard *ribs* run diagonally to the background for more texture. For the middle part I have stamped a Tim saying onto some card and decoupaged it, and added a game spinner to help move the point of view around. The jigsaw pieces are a symbol for life, you have to move everything around till it fits. I have also used part of the packaging from a TH clock stencil under the two boys with their bike (image from CI), to show that our time is limited. On the right part I have added the three words which we can't do without in life, hope, dream and love, together witha stamped film strip under the plastic one. Can we influence our film? And lastly 2 cogs. No real reaosn, I just love them and try to sneak them into lots of things because of it. Sorry for the rather long sermon, sometimes i get carried away....Now for the pics!

I am also entering this as my second take into GC 10& Packaging materials over at Gingersnap Creations.

Well, I have think I have warbled on long enough for day, so here's wishing you a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. LOVE it all, as usual! I've got tons of corrugated here ... I'll have to give it a go and do something with it. love the triptich. GREAT mask .. these have so much potential for something .. just haven't figured out what yet ... but they are GOOD Valerie! And the envelope .. well .. this gives new meaning to mail art. Poor Ms. Grumpy Drawers today .. she may take the vapours! Take care . .. hugs, Donna

  2. Oh fabulous, Valerie!! And I've been working on corrugated board tonight for an upcoming piece--Gosh, we must think alike!!! I love yours--it's fabulous!!!

  3. Absolutely fabulous mail art Valerie - the tempera piece is inspired. Great triptych too - don't you just love TH?
    Hugs xx

  4. What lovely pics you have for us this morning. Vibrant mail art is fab (tho' Mrs GD is going to have a fit). Really like your mask, this one doesn't scare me, he has a gentle look about him. And of course the tryptich is stunning, I really love looking at all the little elements. Happy Friday. xx

  5. What amazing creations. You had me captivated with the mail art but then it just kept on getting better! We have a Mrs Grumpy Knickers in our local post office too. She glares at you... Wonder what she'd make of this work of art?

  6. I am just getting ready to go to the post, so we shall soon know!!Wahat's the matter with all these Grumpy Post people?

  7. Such beautiful things! Love the mask. :)

  8. All terrific projects Valerie. The mask style of painting reminds me of cubism, which is so exciting. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Love your projects they are fantastic x

  10. Hi Val, just a quickie, got loads to do! Love all your work again! Hugs, Sarah

  11. Fantastic way to recycle all materials for art making. Well Done!

  12. Loving the PIF and the houses of card board ;0) always lovely work here hun


  13. Well I just left a long comment (how usual) raving about everything and then it didn't take :(

    In short love everything and thank you for your stunning entry to Just for fun this week. XOXO Zoe

  14. Hi
    Cannot make my mind up as to which is the most fabulous as they are all so different but equally brilliant.

  15. these are all beautiful but I have to say I love the mask the most! :-)

  16. Love the envelope, can't wait to hear what Mrs. Grumpy thinks :)

    The mask is gorgeous and the corrugated piece is devine! Such detail and delicious embellishments.

    Hope you weekend is super, Valerie!

  17. Q: How cool is this triptych?
    A: Amazingly cool!

    Oh my, I love it. Your colors, the charms, the tickets... the intentional slanting of the tree cut... it's all just fabulous!

  18. ooh Good luck @ the Post Office today! This one might bring about a growl! Love it! Hugs,Tee

  19. Oh my word.. Valerie, everything is gorgeous! Beautiful work, ALL of it, and absolutely inspiring! Do you ever consider doing video tutorials? I'm not very brave with the camera myself, but you use techniques here, that I suppose even without a video, I would still love to TRY! Your posts are great!.. Had to laugh about "Mrs. Grumpy Drawers"!! Good luck with her again, and have a great weekend! ~tina

  20. Hi Valerie, I just adore your work, absolutely fabulous work on these so brilliantly textured/
    I sent you the swap envelope yesterday so should be with you soon my friend, have had a difficult week with dad being in hospital but all done now :)
    Hugs June xxx

  21. What work is so lovely ... amazing what consigus with recycled material .... Saludos

  22. All are wonderful pieces Valerie your mask reminds me painting on silk and as for your triptic well it's just to good for words
    Thank you for sharing it with s at just for Fun
    Von x

  23. I used to have to deal with the post office for big advertising projects. Seeing your envelope made me tense up like I was the one in line waiting for approval...

  24. Wonderful painting and that triptych is fabulous!

  25. I love this textured project with the cardboard!

  26. Lovin' those corrugated tags and the little ticket embellishments too fun! Happy Friday!

  27. Very cool pieces!! You've been busy!

    Have a great PPF!

  28. how could anyone be grumpy when they see that gorgeous work of art coming across the mail room? What a shame for her! That is just gorgeous. I love the idea of painting on corroguated board, too - nice textures! glad you are keeping busy with all of these wonderful creations! happy ppf

  29. Love the colors in all of your art pieces, you work beautifully in the different mediums.

  30. your envelope is just delicious - so much better than the junk mail we get every day that's just covered in advertising! who wouldn't want to get this lovely thing in the mail??

  31. WOW!!!!
    A "paint party" indeed... so inspiring!
    Love, love, love, your altered cardboard artwork piece.
    Happy Friday :]

  32. Hi Valerie, Love your mail art and tags! What would your grumpy postal lady do if you handed her a plastic bottle filled with goodies to mail. At one time I belonged to a swap where we received a bottle filled with goodies along with a name to send a similar bottle out to swap. The post office here always smiled when I brought in decorated bottles. They were fun swaps.

    OH, so glad you submitted your tag piece to StudioL3 for Grungy Monday. I haven't done mine yet and I'm running out of time.


  33. The MASK is bold and intriguing and I simply LOVE your tags! HAPPY PPF!

  34. I really like your masks, Valerie!

  35. oh so many wonderful creations to oggle over! Where to start! Firstly..I can relate VERY much to your mask! I've been rubbish at sleeping lately too and the horned grump monster in me has been definitely rearing its head :)
    Secondly, I LOVE your envelope, it is a complete work of art..I hope it is delicately opened and treasured:)How could any postwoman be grumpy at the sight of such beauty!
    Lastly your tryptich is just wonderful, love the sentiments behind it and the details and texture. Love it! xx

  36. Wow! Gorgeous funky envelope! I also love your corrugated cardboard triptych (sp?!) - perfect use of the game spinner with that quote!


  37. all lovely as usual val...

    I still cannot believe how much you make and how much has been put into your work... fab...

    maria xx

  38. Love the vibrant colours of your mask. Fantastic pieces again. The corrogated tree is so effective.
    Yvonne xx

  39. Oh my, where to start! I LOVE when you've been so busy. First, I can attest to the fact that your mail art is absolutely gorgeous, owning one myself. (Yay, me!)

    And I am in love with your masks. All of them. What a wonderful series you have here. These colors are a beautiful mix together, by the way!

    Your TH triptych is so cool! I love what you've done with all of those bits. LOVE it!! So now I'm looking at corrugated cardboard in a new way... Always an inspiration, Valerie:) Wonderful work!

  40. Hi Val. I love that envelope, totally fab! Everything looks great. You are just one busy little woman, aren't you. You go girl! Now come clean my house. tee hee.:) Have a great weekend.

  41. Amazing depth--love all the great textures. You have a gift for creating such rich surfaces! Happy PPF! :)

  42. Wow, lots of comments already. I had a appt. this morning so getting around late. Your mail art envelope is awesome! Love the tryptich and the mask they are also wonderful. You amaze me with how much you get accomplished.

  43. Wow! Fantastic projects.
    Have a great weekend.

  44. Wonderful work! I love all of it!

  45. All your work is wonderful and vibrant. I love Tim Holtz products. How can your mail lady be grumpy when such a beautiful envelope comes to your counter? Have a great weekend!

  46. its such an education coming to see what wonderful things you've created each week as you mention so many things i've never even heard of - its great for expanding my knowledge of all the art media out there that i've yet to try!

  47. Dang, thats an envelope? Wow, I envy the lucky recipient!
    I adore your mixed media piece as well. Two beautiful submissions!
    Happy PPF

  48. great variety today...cant pick a favorite! take care, gerri

  49. Love these...a great paint party!

  50. Such fun pieces - I like the vibrance of the tempera on both pieces! (Our postal workers seem to really get a kick out of decorated packages).

    The corrugated card effect is very cool.

    Have a great weekend!

  51. awesome pieces of artwork! happy PPF!

  52. Great project. I loved your 'sermon' - your details and colors are very creative.

  53. Love your use of collage - wonderful

  54. Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said - stunning and jsut love the use of the corrugated, one of my faves.

    Thanks for playing along with JFF this week.

    Sam xxx

  55. Wow at the risk of repeating what everyone else has said this is delicious, i love everything about it, well done what an inspiration :-)

  56. Hi Valerie - I just love your corrugated cardboard tryptich, it is just fabulous! I had a good look at your blog, it is such fun - cheers, Rhonda

  57. Love the corrugated look.Colours are fabulous
    Janet x

  58. "Fun" is definitely the word-- this art just makes me happy! Your bright, brilliant mask and envelope are inspiring, and your triptych is absolutely perfect! What a great way to work those Distress Inks. I love the clever way you layered all those ephemera together, and the entire design is a delight for the eyes. Wonderful art, Valerie!

  59. Thanks for playing along with us at JFF this week.
    What a lovely posting - great artwork and I love your "life" tree,.
    Hugs,Neet x

  60. Wow! So much to see and learn in this post!

    I would be screaming in pure joy to see an envie like that in my mailbox! No kidding!!

    That mask looks like a great stress reliever...or maybe a portrait of the Postal Lady...haha!

    ....and the triptich...don't even get me started on that...haha! Great stuff!!

  61. Love your triptich! SO colourful!

  62. Another lovely triptych, this one is gorgeous too, and I love the envelope!

  63. Love your piece for Gingersnap creations- packing materials very cool, Debi x

  64. Love all of the texture and detail in your triptych ... simply fabulous ... so glad you joined our creating with packing materials at Gingersnap Creations.

  65. You sure have had fun with your corrugated cardboard :-) Love your triptych! Another beautiful entry to the GC challenge.


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