Saturday 18 June 2011

Saturday, cold and windy!

Good morning you all, I am def. not feeling good today. Tripped over a bump on the car park while I was getting my shopping yesterday, and had a nasty fall. Several men stopped to look, an elderly lady came over and helped me gather my bits and pieces together, packed them into my bag for me, and helped me to my car. I was very shaken, but I thought I didn't have more than I few bumps and bruises, but in the course of the day and night everything started hurting, my back is stiff and my hands and feet are swollen. So Ladies, take my advice - If you want to fall onto thr floor, wait till they've laid a red carpet for you. And ask for lots of ladies to be in the audience, the men seem to be there just for decoration.

I would like to show you the lovely things i got from Gaby Bee, a blog buddy here in Germany. I sent her a mail art envelope with some things a few weeks back, and yesterday it was my turn for *postman's knock*

First, their was this wonderful enveope, which we will hanging on the wall in my arty kitchen as soon as I can swing the hammer again

And then ll these lovely goodies - ephemera, paper, embellishments, a wonderful crd, Atc and a home made levender cushion. And those ephemera are really ancient - old photos, cigarette cards etc. Thanks sooooooooooo much Gany, I will put the things to very good use!

So I hope you are not drooling over your key boards out there, that was a wonderful packet,
And I just have 3 little tags to show you, wasn't up too much after crashing onto the asphalt yesterday:

I just made three tags with children's themes, as the sumer holidays are rapdily approaching here.
Have a nice day you all, take care, don't fall over bumps in the asphalt, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely work from you, and love what your friend sent you. Such lovely things! You sdeserve them, thouth! Hugs, Sarah

  2. The tags you are making with the scrap these days are so very appealing. You and I had the same kind of day yesterday .. a GREAT mail day. Such a wonderful package of goodies and OMGosh .. the envelope! It's framing material! Take care of yourself today .. falling is against the rules. hugs, Donna

  3. Sorry to hear you are battered and bruised my friend, hope you feel a lot better soon.
    Beautiful gifts and tags. Take care, Annette x

  4. Hi Valerie, I got an incredibly spooky moment when I saw the bit about your fall and if you pop over to my blog in a while, you'll see what happened to me yesterday.
    I hope you feel better soon as I feel exactly the same and how totally weird is that!
    Absolutely stunning artwork as always and I adore the gorgeous tags.
    Hope you have a reasonable day despite the aches and pains.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx

  5. Oh dear Valerie, hope you're not too black and blue today, you'll just have to sit and rest and drool over your lovely goodies. Fabulous summery tags. Take care. Suze xx

  6. What a very lucky girl you have been! Yes I am definitely drooling over the keyboard :)
    They would certainly take away the soreness form those bruises for just a moment or two :) Hope you aches and pains ease off very soon! x

  7. Hope you feel better soon after your tumble yesterday. I am another one drooling at your fab goodies, the childrens tags are gorgeous. Take care, Yvonne xx

  8. So sorry to hear about your fall I hope your on the mend soon. Lovely mail art and so generous too.
    The tags are stunning just love how bright and cheery they are . Great images too.


  9. Sorry to hear about your fall Valerie - sending hugs and sparkles. Please take care.xx
    Great mail again and those tags are so sweet.
    Love xx

  10. Hi Valerie
    It is also wet and cold here - YUCK!
    Wonderful goodies you received in the mail.
    Wonderful art from you.
    Wishes & Take Care

  11. Do let us all know when you are recovering - women, we just take it in our stride while the men scratch their heads!

    Fantastic mail art! Lucky you and with all of the goodie!

    I am loving your tags....I have been afraid to use my scrap...but you do inspire me.

    Take care!!! Hugs

  12. I can't believe you crafted at all yesterday, after a tumble like that! You be good to yourself, my friend!

    I love the tags :)

  13. Men? Sorry to hear about your fall, I know you must be achy today! But it didn't hurt your creativity any! Gorgeous Tags! Pretty Colors! And your mail art and goodies package is So Fantastic inside and out!!
    Take Care Valerie. Hugs, Tee

  14. Sorry to hear about your fall! I hope you feel better soon!! What a great package you received in the mail!! :) Beautiful tags!
    hugs and feel better soon!

  15. Hello Valarie, your fall sounds very nasty it might be an idea to get yourself checked if the aches have not eased by Monday. I always knew there was a use for men but couldn't figure it out but of course its decoration. LOL think I'll stick with the furry ornaments!

    Love your three tags corrugated card is so useful for these. Your wonderful mail art must have cheered you know end a real treasure trove there! Wonder what your friends post mistress is like :) XOXO Zoe

  16. dear Valerie,
    You know your tags are my favorite! What wonderful goodies to create with. Hope you are feeling better from your fall. I do wish you well. take care, gerri

  17. Oh, no...that's terrible! Sending prayers that you will feel better soon! Thank heaven for the lady that came and helped you. After all that you still manage to create those awesome and adorable tags! Please take care!

  18. Fabulous tags and goodies Valerie. Sending you healing vibes - hope you feel better soon.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Valerie, I'm so sorry about your fall. I think the stars are out of whack. I hurt my knee this week and because I favored it, my back is killing me. If it's not one thing it's another. Take care of yourself. We can no longer fall, trip or run into things that will damage our bodies. We need them to be strong. How else will we be able to continue our crafting fun?

    More great tags and wonderful treasures via your swap friend.

  20. Oh my gosh, Valerie, I am so sorry about your fall...I sure hope you are alright, but I know it is so shocking when something like that happens. The envelope from Gaby and all her wonderful treasures are amazing!! And your tags are gorgeous!

  21. Asphelt ca be so unforgiveing :( but what a cheery package to cheer you up :)
    Von x

  22. OOh Valerie, hugs to you :0) How horrid to fall, stoopid men stand and watch??????Typical. Hope that you feel better soon. Lucky you with the gift and I love your tags, Gay xxx

  23. so sorry to hear about your fall, glad you were still able to make some pretty tags!

  24. OUCH val, sorry to hear about your fall, sending sparkles for healing the aches and pains up quick...

    fab tags and fab goodies..

    maria xx

  25. Gorgeous work. I do hope that you are ok after the fall? Look after yourself. Kim

  26. Ohhh Valerie, you poor thing, what a rotten thing to happen. hope you soon feel much better. Love your goodies from Gaby and love your beautiful tags they are so pretty
    hugz June xxxxxxxxx

  27. Yikes, hope you feel better soon! How terrible none of those looky-loo men helped you.

  28. Wonderful tags, love them. Hope you are feeling good soon. Where have all the GENTLEMEN gone? So sorry to hear of your fall. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow. Kim x

  29. You poor darling! Typical that its the women who come to the rescue. I hope you mend quickly. I love your little people that you use in your tags. I haven't seen anything like it here. They are adorable.

  30. So sorry to hear about your fall, can't believe how inconsiderate and lazy some men can be! Love your tags and all your goodies. Have to see if I can find your friends blog, her envelope is gorgeous.


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