Thursday 30 June 2011

Is it really Thursday already?

This week is flying, , by quicker than I can think. On Monday and Tuesday it was extremely hot - the temps went up to 37°, and then yesterday morning after rain and storms it was cool 15°. I never know what to put on - summery cropped trousers or pullover and jeans. What a summer.
But on Tuesday a wonder happened. I went to the post office to send off my altered spoon swap, of course, in a nice mail art envelope. There was a young man behind the counter this time. And what did he say ? *Wow, how lovely! This must have taken hours to make, I love it!* I was really in a state of shock as I left the office. Was he real, or was I having hallucinations? I hope the first one.
Yesterday I visited my friend for our old ladies' gossip and game day. We have breakfast together - I buy fresh rolls on the way there - and then chat, play skipbo, eat lunch, chat, drink coffee, play skipbo etc till it's time to go home.
Anyway, I didn't have too much time for crafting, but managed to get 2 tags done. One for the *Dragon's Dream Tag it on*, and one for *Simon Says Stamp and Show* - a word. Hels has a similar theme with words, so I am entering the words tag into her challenge at *Sunday Stampers* too.

The dragon this week is Zoe, and she is dreaming of being by the sea-side. I made a distressed and gessoed cardboard tag, and painted the sea and the beach with structure paints, which I then heated and bubbled to give it texture. Then I added a little captain, some shells and birds, and a TH ticket. And a bit of glass glitter for sand. That was it!

For the *word* tag, I gessoed a distressed tag, and added some torn strips from an ancient book - words! Then I distressed the tag with TH inks in tumbled glass, wild honey, Victorian velvet and forest moss. I pasted another page onto a piece of mountboard, and die cut the word *Live*. It has also been distressed and stamped with flourishes, as has the tag background. I used some TH type pieces to make the word *word*, which I tied on with some string. Of course, I had to put a leopard on the tag, too.

And I die cut and punched some birds from some scraps of alcohol inked paper, that was toooooo wild to use for what I was intending it!

And in the evening, my neighbour rang and brought me an envelope that had arrived while I was out. It was my swap from Mary,I will show the pics tomorrow, Blogger is very problematic again today!
Well, that was it again. More tomorrow! Have a great day, thanks for looking and take care!


  1. WOW! Love the birdies! Beautiful! That was such a nice thing to have happen at the post office! Very cool...he just saw the beauty in your work...a great feeling! :)

  2. Love the colorful birds. your new Post Office worker is sure better than the mean one, huh? :-)

  3. Blimey you had a busy day yesterday nice to get out and visit friends. still managed some fabulous art. Adore your tags you have a truly blissful sea scene.

    The birds they are wild XOXO Zoe

  4. Sounds like you had the perfect day with your pal... never heard of skipbo... sounds intriguing lol Thanks for joining in with the Sunday sTamper... loving your tag! And the birds look fab too x

  5. I've no idea what skipbo is either but sure sounds like you had a fab day. Gorgeous birds and beautiful tags. Enjoy the rest of your day. xx

  6. Love your tags and birds, all are gorgeous. Like the others I don't know the game skipbo, looks like you may have to explain it to us some time. Yvonne xx

  7. So much to see as always hun and I have to day love how the birds turned out

    Love Dawn xx

  8. Oh Valerie, you are just so dern creative and how I wish I had your talent. You never cease to amaze me. Why wouldn't the young man love your mail art envelope. See, you're good at what you do. Have a wonderful day, love all your creations.

  9. What a charming young man at the post office hope you got his number ;)
    Your tags are as fab as ever and just love how the birds turned out wonder where we will see them next :)
    Von x

  10. Your birds look so neat! Love the tags!

  11. In love with the BIRDS! Fabulous, Valerie. Tags ... well being the Tag Queen what can I say ... lovely as always. Glad you got out and about yesterday ... the post office experience ... Such a great surprise. Hugs, Donna

  12. Hi Val, I was wondering where you were, I missed your blog this morning! Hugs, Sarah

  13. Sounds like a fun day! I had an appreciative post office clerk today as well, maybe yours and mine are related?!

    Those birds look great, and the tags, as usual, are fab.


  14. so it's not just me with Blogger today! Love those birds! The two challenge pieces are magnificent!

  15. Gorgeous makes today again Valerie, glad you've been having fun and a nice young man in the post office, mm things are really looking up, LOL Gay xxx

  16. I was wondering where you were this morning! Lovely work again! Hugs, Barb

  17. Yes, unfortunately it is already Thursday Val - where has the week gone?
    Gorgeous tags as usual and I love your birds.
    Hugs xx

  18. Yes, unfortunately it is already Thursday Val - where has the week gone?
    Gorgeous tags as usual and I love your birds.
    Hugs xx

  19. Beautiful tags Valerie and loving your birds. Annette x

  20. Wow! Fabulous work Valerie and those birds are absolutely stunning. Can I ask what make the die is for the flying type as it's so beautiful.

    Sorry to be awol again - this time we have a rather poorly bunny who had to be rushed to the vets. Happily he seems a little bit better this evening and is now eating without being force fed thank goodness!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  21. Fab work. Loving the birds. Never heard of skipbo!? Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your pals.
    Regards Florence.

  22. Please Valerie can I have your life it sounds just lovely !!! The world has definitely god mad no more seasons every day seems to be pot luck ! Beautiful tags the seaside one is a real stunner even if the sea looks a bit choppy certainly bliss.Your live tag is gorgeous your are defo the queen of the tags , such texture, such colour such gorgeousness. The birds oh the birds wild and wonderful just like a Hitchcock movie.

    See ya tomorrow

  23. the birds are so free looking and beautiful.

  24. I am so glad you had a lovely time with friends and a delightful encounter at the Post Office! Always beautiful creations and I do love the birds!

  25. Great post today Valerie! Love the story, I do try and support my posties ... we have one great one who always slips biscuts into the slot for the hound LOL

    I am just silly crazy over your beach theme tag! WOW

  26. Hi Valerie, the weeks are surely going quickly, it'll be Christmas before we know it!

    Your tag is beautiful, I love the texture on it, the sand and glitter are a great touch.

    What a miracle at the post office, what have they done with the mean lady? This chap sounds much nicer! CoB

  27. More fabulous tags, Valerie. Today was yard work. With a twisted knee I wasn't able to get out the last couple of weeks and you know what can happen in two weeks -- an abundance of unwanted growth.

    It is wonderful you meet with a friend each week; it surely makes her day very special.


  28. My catch up day with friends is Thursday. We call it 'bookclub', but books are rarely discussed! I love it when you say you haven't had time to craft, then go and make yet more amazing art! x Julie

  29. Just beautiful work... I love it all, but especially the TIO tag... it is a tour de force!!! What a clever idea and so dimentional...thanks for the dreaming, but just one thing, there is only ONE Dragon!!! that's me, tee hee... my teamies are are not the Dragon....ha ha!!

  30. Sorry, I will correct it to read, Zoe was practising at being a dragon!

  31. Hi
    Me again as I am playing catch-up. Decided to limit my time on-line on Thursday but of course it will only mean I will be on-line longer today as I view all my friends latest posts.
    Anyway back to you. Those birds are stunning. Just beautiful.

  32. What a busy day! I love your tags - thanks for dreaming with the TIO team. Those birds are gorgeous!!

  33. You have been a busy bee! I love the dimension you have achieved in the TIO entry. Some fabulous work. Thanks for joining us this week in the TIO challenge.
    Wanda xx

  34. Hi Val,
    Just love the alcohol ink birds , they are amazing! Just catching up with my blog visits so please be patient. take care, gerri

  35. You have been busy lol! Love your seaside tag the textures a great! Thanks for sharing your dream with us this week. Love Elizabeth x

  36. Hiya, thank you for sharing your fabulous project with the DT from Simon Says Stamp and Show my goodness so much to see absolutely wonderfull. Hugs Terry xxxx


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