Wednesday 27 February 2019

It's good to see fresh green....

Hi Everybody!

Hope this week is being kind to you! The weather here has been great, so I have been out and about as much as possible to make the best of it as long as it lasts. It's strange going out in a thin shirt and no coat in February!

For our 'favourite stamp' challenge at Tag Tuesday I made another tag. I used another da Vinci 'Leda' stamp, stamped and embossed onto some designer paper.
I added some paper flowers as embellishments, I don't know why the yellow looks so bright here, it's much softer in real life. I matted the tag with contrasting papers and sewed the layers together:

For Paint Party Friday I have a mixed media journal spread in my A3 journal:

 Some photos from my walks:

It's so good to see fresh green:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 25 February 2019

T stands for FavouriTe sTamp at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Joan is hosting. Her them is 'favourite stamp', so this gives you a wide scope to make a tag. I have lots of faves, and one of them is this beautiful 'Leda' (da Vinci) stamp from Lost Coast Designs. I stamped onto tissue which I transferred to patterned paper with a vintage tulip pattern. I added some lace, a TH quote, a flower and a heart brad. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, vintage / past times:

It's also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang. My first photo shows some lovely mugs in a shop window but they were all very expensive, so I didn't buy anything:

Then I went for a coffee at Dulce, a cosy cafe which serves delicious coffees, snacks, ice and very fine home made pralines. As you can see, I spare neither time nor expense visiting cafes to recommend them to you. At the back of the cafe is a little yard with pink tables and chairs, so I am looking forward to sitting there in summer:

I love the little staircase so kids can see over the counter:

Coffee with heart:

As I didn't buy any mugs at the expensive shops, I had a look around the thrift shop in our little town and found 2 beautiful ones, both new, for 50 cents each, a wonderful price:

I love to see the long morning shadows on sunny days:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 22 February 2019


Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend, so hope you all have a great one. As a pensioner I don't have to work, but I still look forward to 'that Friday feeling', and weekends are just extra special.

I made more steampunk tags, using elements from Dezina world and LaBlanche. I compose the images partly in my digital programme, then print them out and fussy cut them. The wheels/cogs were die-cut from a scrap of rusty paper I had. I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, things with wheels and to Paint Party Friday:

This was a rather itty-bitty journal spread made, once again, with remnants from my table. The background was gessoed and then splattered with water-colour paint. I collaged the various scraps and stenciled the words:

This week the weather has been quite warm on average, but a bit changeable. This morning it started off misty, but since then the sun has appeared along with a few clouds, and it's very pleasant for walking:

The gulls seem to like every weather:

Thursday's sunrise was glorious:

And Wednesday's was magical:

I enjoy being able to sit outside and drink my coffee again:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for coming by!