Wednesday 27 February 2019

It's good to see fresh green....

Hi Everybody!

Hope this week is being kind to you! The weather here has been great, so I have been out and about as much as possible to make the best of it as long as it lasts. It's strange going out in a thin shirt and no coat in February!

For our 'favourite stamp' challenge at Tag Tuesday I made another tag. I used another da Vinci 'Leda' stamp, stamped and embossed onto some designer paper.
I added some paper flowers as embellishments, I don't know why the yellow looks so bright here, it's much softer in real life. I matted the tag with contrasting papers and sewed the layers together:

For Paint Party Friday I have a mixed media journal spread in my A3 journal:

 Some photos from my walks:

It's so good to see fresh green:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful tag and pages today Valerie, enjoyed your green pbotos, we are in the middle of a snowstorm today, cancelled appointments what have you.

  2. Wonderful art again today Val. The tag is so pretty and feminine, and the journal pages really jazzy and colourful, a complete contrast programme. Lovely photos, too, glad you have been making the best of the sunny days, I think we have rain and wind on the way! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely photos, Valerie. I adore the great statues.
    Your journal pages are really beautiful and inspiring, my friend.
    And I lllllllllove the stitching on the tag. This is a great technique. Very artistic.
    Hugs, sweetie.

  4. Hi Valerie what a cute tag you have made and wow i love your mixed media pages,the colours are so vibrant and i love blue,well done my friend xx

  5. Lovining your tags and really love your pages with blues.
    I also enjoyed strolling with you on your walk!

  6. A beautiful tag Valerie and the journal spread looks fabulous. I love the colour combination of blues and greens.
    The photos were lovely, its good to see the new growth and the spring flowers.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Sweet tag like a mother looking at her child. The soul of your child page seems to be inspired by all the green on your page. Beautiful photos. Spring seems to be in full swing at your house. We're getting more snow so no flowers for another two months. Enjoy your evening.

    1. Sorry. No snow here but colder and windier weather is on its way

  8. I love the tag! Also the sea creatures in your blue pages. We are having very mild weather in UK too, as if it were summer actually!

  9. I really love the gorgeous blues and greens in your journal. I feel so jealous of your beautiful weather! We're still sitting in mound of snow. Yuck.

  10. Your photos are mesmerizing. What a gorgeous place...lucky you!

  11. I love those profiles and the pattern in your art. There's so much art and architectural detail in your public spaces. What a wonderful environment!

  12. Great artwork and photographs. I love that stamp that you used. And you have a great assortment of photos. I also like the cup of cappuccino (?) in the last photo. It reminds me of T-Day. (But you already had an entry. Are you allowed 2 entries? This would be great over there.)

    1. Thanks Anne! I have so many cafe and coffee photos, perhaps I should make a book!

  13. Beautiful greens
    Beautiful scenes
    Love all of your photographs :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Another lovely tag Valerie, and lovely photos from your walk, the spring flowers by the doorway and the in the florist shop look so pretty.
    Avril xx

  15. Thin shirt and no coat? Maybe I can emigrate to Germany! Oh, your spring is looking beautiful there -- and so welcome, I know. Lovely art today too!

  16. Lovely to read how you're enjoying the nicer weather.
    It's a beautiful tag you've created - lovely choices.
    How nice to see all the closeups on your journal pages too, lots of parts to it.
    Your walk is delightful once more and, yes, I can see how refreshing it must be to see all the green that is around. I especially love your photo of the snowdrops by the water. Coffee - ahhh, just the thing! xx

  17. Your art is gorgeous no matter what you create. You are a creative genius Valerie!
    Always love your photos and I an so happy that you share them with us!
    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  18. I am always so amazed at your talent. Art and photos. All just beautiful.

  19. Our weather is still a little all over the place. We had some light snow yesterday, but then nothing but blue skies and sunshine today! I love your pieces, and your layering is so wonderful. Happy PPF!

  20. Yes, slowly spring is coming! We had some sunny days here, but this morning an epic rain shower. Happy PPF!

  21. That's a hard task to choose a favourite stamp Valerie, you will have me thinking about this one all day now. I've always loved that Da Vinci stamp. I can see you have had great joy creating you painted journal page with the freedom of movement in your paint stokes and scrapes. Happy PPF Valerie, i'd have been here sooner but been up most the night with the dog being sick!! Glad i've got what I call a shuffle week (where care work has been moved to different days due to appointments.) I may join the dog and sleep the day away hee hee!!
    Thanks for sharing the sunshine & snowdrops, beautiful move towards spring.
    Hugs for the weekend & Take good care of yourself Tracey xx

  22. A beautiful tag and a fabulous mixed media journal spread. Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  23. Very gorgeous and peaceful! And love love love the stamps! So vintage-like :))

  24. Lovely artwork, as always! I especially like the first one. It has an old-fashioned, kinda romantic feel to it.

    I'm glad you're enjoying nice weather. It looks like lilies of the valley in some of those pictures... we used to have them in our yard when we lived up north, but I haven't seen any in years. So pretty! Our weather here is warm, too. In fact, our pollen count is already sky-high, because everything is in bud or blood. I daresay, it feels like spring may be here to say, but ya never know...

    Take care, and have a super weekend!

    1. The white flowers are snowdrops, I don't know if you have them in the States.

  25. Happy PPF dear talented lady ❤

  26. A beautiful tag and fabulous art journal pages Valerie! xx

  27. Your journal spread is my favourite today. Luv the photos too. Have a nuce Carnival time on Monday


  28. Have sent you an email as I am most surprised my comments are not showing. I have heard of others saying they are not receiving comments from certain people but this is a sorry you know I always comment...I specifically remember commenting on this one due to the beautiful

  29. love how out of all that color a face emerges, very good, love all the pictures as well, I think I saw my husbands body in that sculpture (lol)


  30. Your first art piece is so sweet! The second one is so cool with the faces! Love the photos! Those statues are amazing! Big Hugs!

  31. Hi Valerie, I love, love, love your journal collages this week! Your design compositions
    are so good! And you have some very unique photos this week.


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