Friday 1 February 2019

Weekend post and 2nd on the 2nd.

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all who took the time to send well wishes, much appreciated! I am spending my time well wrapped up in my armchair and watching lots of TV and reading my fave books.

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am re-sharing some family pieces made in past years.

My great-grandmother Rachel:

Erika, my mum, my great-grandparents:

My great-grandmother, my mum (right) and me:

My mum:

My mum and my sister:

My great-Aunt Fanny:

And I have a mixed media journal spread,  once again re-using chopped up pieces of old work, and leaving lots of white space - perhaps for future moments. I am linking to the  'time flies' theme at TIOT and to 'anything goes' at Paper Babe stamps:

The hyacinths are still growing well:

It is a bit milder today, most of the snow has melted (till the next lot comes down anyway!) and the sun showed itself early this morning before hiding again behind the clouds. But it is giving us a bit of a shine now and then:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie! I am so happy to feel like blogging again and I thank you for putting up with me and my mood swings these past few months.
    I am so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I do hope that you will be well soon.
    I simply adore these gorgeous pieces of art with your family members! They are all fantastic!
    I have missed your beautiful art and stunning photos. These are perfectly wonderful!!!
    Take care and feel well soon.

    Hugs Always ❤❤❤

  2. The family art is very beautiful, and very special for me as I knew some of them. The new journal pages are good, too, I love that you are recycling pieces and making new from them. Your photos are always fantastic. Take care of yourself and rest. Hugs, Sarah

  3. These family pieces are simply exquisite. Their hearts seem to leap out from the page.

  4. Lovely family pieces and spread today, enjoyed your photos too.

  5. Hi Valerie wow what beautiful work love the family journal pages ,you are very clever my friend and what stunning pics you had to show us today,thankyou xx

  6. I loved seeing your art pieces with the family photos, they are awesome memory pages.
    I am also thrilled that you are adding the fabulous page to the current TioT's theme. Great quotes and its good to' remember the now' so the it can re recalled to us again in the future.
    The photos of the sun rising and dawn breaking look beautiful.
    Keep safe and warm and I hope you will be feeling a lot better soon.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Your family art is just wonderful. Such lovely memories and treasures. Beautiful color skies, but it seems cold. Or maybe that's just how I"m feeling. Your hyacinths are so pretty. And the fragrance must be heavenly. Hope you're feeling better. The postcard arrived today. Made my day.

    1. It is cold. And today it's raining, too. Glad the postcard arrived safely!

  8. Hi Valerie, everything is wonderful-loved the second look at your family-first for me-those are really nice. great journal pages and photos.
    Hope you will be feeling better soon-hugs

  9. I think your family pieces are fabulous.
    Those (pink) hyacinths look so good on your windowsill, they are great for this time of year, they provide some New Year colour and perfume too.

    Hope you will be feeling better soon.
    Happy February Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Most interesting post, love the family journals... gorgeous colours and the flower is stunning.xx

  11. Beautiful to see your family photographs Valerie, I always love to see them in this way breathing new life into them rather than being hidden within an album or dusty draw.
    Your Time flies piece is fabulous, it certainly does tick along much faster the older we get, I never believed when my Grandmother would say those words, but she was a wise woman and so right!!
    Thank you for joining in with us over at the Paperbabe Stamps challenge, your support is greatly appreciated.
    Wishing you a creative weekend & I hope you are feeling much better??
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. I'm still struggling with trying to feel better, but I'm staying hopeful!

  12. What a precious collection. <3 Beautifully made.

  13. It is so nice to see your family photos, Valerie. Great pages, my friend, really unique.
    And I LLLLLLOVE your hyacinths!!!!!!!! Hugs, my friend.

  14. Snuggling up inside is just the thing to get you back on track...good for you and my warmest good wishes.
    I think your family photos look so sweet how you've presented them. Each piece is such a treasure and must look gorgeous where you keep them.
    How prettily your Hyacinths grow-they obviously love their position by the window.
    All the best and Happy PPF xx

    1. It's a good place, I love sitting there, too, looking out of the window. But I don't sit on the window-sill!

  15. I remember each of those pages you created and the beautiful family you have. Beauty must run throughout your family. Each of these is so special and I'm thrilled you chose to share them with us as your second look on the 2nd.

    Your time flies collage is fabulous. I love it. I really like the cool colors you chose to use.

    Your pink hyacinths have really blossomed in a day or so. You have such a great view, too. Gosh, am I really caught up?

    1. Thanks for all the catch-up comments, much appreciated!

  16. What a beautiful sky! One of my favourite things - a wonderful view.

    Great pages and so lovely to see all your family photos. A great way of sharing them and their memories. Love your time piece - the words are apt and noteworthy, too. I know I certainly need to live in and enjoy the 'now' and I don't think I'm alone in this.

    So pleased you linked to Try it on Tuesday for our Time Flies challenge. Fabulous work.

    Cath x

  17. What a lovely selction of family art. Really precious. I made a whole scrapbook for my son when he got married, to show him the Dutch branch of his family (he is Italian).
    Your great grandmother looks like a lovely lady, not so stern as sometimes photos of that era show. The hebrew words mean 'woman of valor' (as you know) but I found out that אשת חיל can also be translated as 'superwoman' or 'wonderwoman'! I thought that was funny.
    I love the piece you did of great-aunt Fanny. Classic mixed media but timeless.
    I also like the blue geometrical piece.
    Your hyacinths are doing well. What a pleasure to look at them and then that view of the river behind it.... I know you are not well, but you are being not-well in a wonderful place.
    Take care,

    1. Rachel was really a wonder woman, the description is perfect for her!

  18. Wonderful mix of artwork and photographs.

  19. I wanted to thank you for the thoughtful comment and remark about the flour. Since I'm not really a baker, I don't use much flour. This was given me by my friend sally, who was going to throw it away, because she thought it might have bugs in it. Better to use it than let it go in the trash (because it can't be recycled, except in art).

  20. I do remember a few of your family photos. I think it is a great way to preserve photos and memories.....not to mention some great art.

  21. Glad to hear you are wrapped up safe and warm - I hope you'll feel lots better soon. I really enjoyed looking back through your family pages - so atmospheric, and haunting in the best possible way, to see those faces recurring through the artwork and joining the generations together. Love your bluesy page too, full of funky shapes. Your hyacinths are looking great - they're one of my mother's favourite flowers, and I love the fragrance.
    Alison x

  22. Beautiful flowers and photos, and I love your art with your family photos. Such a wonderful way to show them off Valerie.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  23. Wow, it is fantastic to see those family pieces. They are gorgeous Valerie. ANd good I get to see them since I missed them the first time around. Glad to hear you are recovering but please remember not to overdo it! Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  24. wow,wunderschöne familienseiten hast du gemacht,und deine hyazhinten sehen bildschön aus.
    einen schönen sonntag für dich,

    hugs jenny

  25. All the family pieces are wonderful Valerie and I must agree that living in the moment and making it count is something we should all do-though nice to look back at happy times as well.

    Terrific photographs and your hyacinth is coming on in leaps and bounds--I bet it smells fantastic. Astonishing colours on your sky pictures as always.

    I really hope you will soon feel a lot better though snuggling down under a blanket and watching television or reading sounds such a great idea. Hope you are having lots of hot drinks as well

    Take care and enjoy your day

    Love Chrissie xx

  26. I love all of these family pieces, you certainly did them justice and it's great to see them again! I love your journal page - the colours are lovely and I love all those pieces from the past as well as the quotes you used! I'm so pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! I have Hyacinth envy ....I was given some bulbs for Christmas but they still have another week in the dark to go, I did have a surprise to find that last years has decided to flower, although the flowers are small! As ever, I love the views from your window!Hope you are feeling much better soon - enjoy your reading time! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Wonderful pieces Valerie, it is so lovely to see some real anchestry rather than the ever popular Tim Holtz fake ones... (I know I am one of the worst offenders using those). The subtle layers and vintage feel of them are just gorgeous, as is your mixed media page.

    Hope your recuperation will continue well and enjoy your reading and TV, hope Germany has better shows to offer than the UK....

    1. The TV here is mostly crap, although it costs a huge amount of fees, which everybody has to pay, whether you watch it or not. I watch films from Netflix and Prime and other net possibilities, or read books....

  28. Your family creations are amazing Valerie with beautiful details x I am glad you are feeling a bit better and send you big hugs from Scotland xx

    Annie xx

  29. I’m sorry to read that you’ve not been well Valerie, I hope you’ve started feeling better. Your family pieces are beautiful and I love your journal page.
    xxx and hugs Hazel.

  30. Oh and I did forget to thank you for joining at TIOT. Can you tell I haven't quite gotten into the swing of being a design team member yet? Hope it's a good weekend. Hugs-Erika

  31. I loved seeing your family photos on your pages - so beautiful 😁. Your time flies piece is fabulous, the quotes are perfect and the way you reused your older page is amazing! Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! I hope you feel better soon, stay warm and wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊 x

  32. What a brilliant post Valerie, I love seeing your family photographs. Those Hyacinths are doing really well, they must be vey happy on your windowsill. I hope you start to feel better soon, though sitting under a blanket watching rubbish TV sounds like fun. Take care, Sue x

  33. Great post Valerie.
    I always enjoy seeing your lovely family photos and the special layouts that you have created over time.
    Hope you have a better week and start to feel better soon.
    Gill xx

  34. You can tell the hyacinths are happy in their home.
    I love the way you incorporate your family history in your pieces. They're beautiful.
    Feel better.

  35. I've been away from the online world a bit, but was sorry to read about your recent health issues. I sure hope that you are feeling much better very soon! I love seeing your artwork and those pages with the family photos are just precious.

    Looks like you have a lovely view out the window as well. We rarely get snow, it's so beautiful! The flowers are gorgeous too.

    Take care and feel better soon. Hugs to you and happy PPF!! :)

  36. The vintage pieces are so special- especially with the family members you used to create them. Beautiful!

    Glad you are feeling better each day. Stay well!

    How beautiful the hyacinths are on your sill. :)

  37. I love all your art pieces with your family! They are priceless! And, I love your blue creation, from older art! You are so talented! I truly love your winter flowers! So pretty! All your photos are gorgeous! Big Hugs!


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