Monday, 16 December 2024

Monday / Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody! 

Here's wishing us all a good and healthy week! I hope you won't be working too hard to get ready for the feast days - I haven't started yet!

Today I am sharing some pictures all made long, long ago:

I love these bird stamps:

And I always love cows:

This small canvas is in my hall:

And I still love this one, which is hanging in my bedroom- the umbrella man is there:

And as  Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday will be beginning this evening, I have put  my focus on coffee:

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and coffee thoughts

  2. Ich habe es interessant und mit Freude an geschaut dein Posting!
    Bei mir ist jetzt alles eingekauft und relexe jetzt!
    Pass auf dich gut auf und ruhe dich lieber aus dass du im neuen Jahr wieder fiter bist!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Bisher hab ich Nichts getan, und ich glaube dass es so bleiben wird. Alles Liebe dir!

  3. You have taken great liberties with my avian friends, Valerie. It will soon be first light and the crows will be coming for breakfast. I will ask them what they think and whether they would like to wear a dress. Don’t be surprised if their opinion is laced with words that might make even you blush! And in crow it sounds even worse - they have special intonations for derision and disapproval. And they do all of this without benefit of coffee! I am drinking my first coffee of the morning right now. It’s amazing how much better the first mug tastes; perhaps we have subliminal dreams about its hot steaming excellence, and are seized by the moment when the first scalding liquid graces our tongue. I really like this idea of “wake up” and “drink coffee” as ways to measure success. I also made the coffee and poured my cereal into a bowl AND added milk. I won’t have to do a single thing for the rest of the day! Stay well, stay warm, AND DRINK COFFEE! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. How could I be disrepectful to these beautiful birds! Crows are lovely birds, but very loud, and one has taken to knocking on my bedroom winter each morning - cheeky bugger!
      And you really made coffee all on your little onesom? Well done, hope you enjoyed it, too. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie xxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Hi Val, good morning! I'm happy to say that we survived our chaotic weekend. The train was so full you could hardly breathe. I love your art today, those dressed up birds are cute and pretty. Have a great week, take care, hugs to all!

    1. Well, that really is something! Glad you liked my birds, I love thm, too! Hugs!

  5. I hope you are well and prepared for the holidays coming up. Cheers from Hawaii.

    1. More or less well, yes, but not ready for anything. How good that there are lots of restaurants here! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  6. I love seeing all your art, whether it's new or old, it's still a pleasure. And I love the to-do-list meme and how you can put anything you want on it. I've never thought of it that way; mostly think of it as chores, but I love the idea of a fun to-do list. That's what I am going to start doing. Thanks for this cheery post. I hope you had wonderful weekend and have a great week ahead- and that you feel good too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, that's really my idea of a to-do list! I can't do much so I am at least trying to enjoy myself with lots of books and painting, great! Have a wonderful week, hugs, Valerie

  7. Fun art. I love the birds and the cows. Happy T Day and have a great week.

  8. Your projects are all fun and thought-provoking. I too like the umbrella man, but I love coffee too and now for some reason I'm needing to go fix a cup for myself! LOL Have a great Monday!

  9. Wonderful creations, love the cat canvas. Have a great day. Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  10. Hi Valerie thanks for popping over to mine. Loving the artwork here today and the chocolate funny especially. You mentioned you are not familiar with Tyvek, I think you would find it intertesting as you can do lots with it. It comes in a variety of thicknesses and types. It's like plastic but you can paint on it, works well with Alcohol inks, some are light enough to sew into them and when heated shrivels up into interesting bubbly shapes. It comes in clear, white and black, I could go on as it's used for many things as well as crafting. I'll try to do more with it next year. Take care, hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks for the infos about Tvvek, that is something I definitey need! I will be looking on Amazon later, thanks! Have a great Advent, hugs, Valerie

  11. I LOVE your birds and your cows. Just adorable. But you must know the cat is my favorite of all.

    Your coffee memes are great. I especially like the "to do" list. I now know I also do two things on my list I've just created (grin). Thanks ever so much for sharing these art pieces and your coffee memes with us for T This Tuesday, dear Valerie. Hope you are feeling OK.

    1. That's the sort of do-list I can manage each day! I am trying to keep as well as possible, and hope you are feeling bette, too. Happy Day, hugs, Valerie

  12. Very amusing! Thank you dear friend Aloha

  13. Here's to the impending two day siege!
    Hugs Deb

    1. Aldi was so full today I could hardly move! Siege indeed! Hugs!

  14. Liebe Valerie, ich seh schon, du brauchst Kaffee ebenso wie ich, um gut durch den Tag zu kommen 😉 Tolle Sprüche und wunderschöne Bilder!
    Happy T-Day!
    Alles Liebe aus Österreich und eine wundervolle Adventzeit, Traude

    1. Coffee is for me my most important food every day! Havea happy Advent, hugs, Valerie

  15. Good morning Valerie (at least it's morning here), I've checked the "wake up" and the coffee is brewing, so soon I'm done with my stuff for the day!
    Lovely artwork - I do love the quote in the first one. What I especially like about your art is that it is so diverse. The cows are wonderful! And you can never go wrong with coffee! Have a good week and if I don't come here before, a lovely Christmas. Hugs - Carola

    1. That to do list is right up my street! And I love cows. we have a farm at the end of our road, and I like visiting the animals there. Hugs, Valerie

  16. Yes, My to-do list starts with 'wake up' and 'coffee'. The third item is Duolingo as ythat ius the first thing I do after I make coffee.
    Lots of smiles today in your blog. Lovely art work and some smile-worthy funnies.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. At my place it's coffee then wake up....Have a great week!

  17. A nice mix on your post which I enjoyed.
    I can't believe that a week today (Tuesday) it will be Christmas Eve, the days seem to be speeding by.

    Enjoy the remainder of your week, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, Jan, time is really flying! Hugs!

  18. I especially love those birds! It's great to be back in blogland - I think I've missed so much! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, good to see you back again! Enjoy yourself! Hugs!

  19. Your birds in dresses made me laugh out loud. So funny and cute! Happy T Day!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the funny birds, have a great day!

  20. Fun art and memes as always, Valerie. This month is flying and the days are closing in. Merry Preparations!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, time is flying so quickly! Hugs!

  21. I love the bird stamps—they’re so pretty—and the cows are just adorable. The umbrella man is such a great piece; I can see why it’s a favorite. And coffee is always a win for T Tuesday!

    Hope you have a great week ahead!

  22. I love the birds in the dresses, hope you are feeling a lot better, Happy T Day!


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