Friday 15 December 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am slowly recovering fom my Post-Covid, but still feel rather ghastly. But I have the feeling that it's moving in the right direction.

On Tuesday I should have had my post for Tag Tuesday ready, but I couldn't manage it, and dear Pinky took over at short notice.  Thanks
so much Pinky, I really appreciate this! And if you have time, visit her blog, it is always very well worth it! The theme is 'snow' so if anybody has some spare time a snow tag might be a good idea... I have a hybrid tag:

These tags were made in 2020, all using photos taken here where I live.

The first one shows the tree next to our house when we had lots of snow - back in 2010:

This one is a photo of the path leading to a little park near here:

This one is a photo of the path leading past the castle ruins, with my late husband as a baby and Erika as a little girl:

Some thinkies and funnies:

On Monday I hope to be back again with a new post. I will try to catch up on visiting you all over the weekend.

Have a great one, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice tags and thanks for the thinkies. Sorry Covid is so slow to retreat.

  2. I love how you did "walking in a winter wonderland" with the photos.

    1. Thanks I love adding photos into a photo background, it's great fun!

  3. Love the tags and the last funny lol -I am on a DT with Pinky and always follow her blog.

    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much Carol! Pinky is a wonderful crafter, I'm so happy she helped me out!

  4. Good to learn that you are on the road to recovery from Covid. I hope you have some activites or good meals to enjoy over the weekend!
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I want to make a Shepherd's Pie tomorrow, we shall see....

  5. Hi Val, just saw your post, good to see you blogging again. Hope your cough is letting you sleep now, I know how nasty that can be. I'll ring you tomorrow evening . Sleep well, hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. It's good to know you're feeling much better. Your hybrid tags are wonderful and I love that gorgeous snow-covered tree along with the old family photos you managed to add to them. That coffee shop meme is the best one ever and truer words were never spoken!

    1. Thanks Carol! Yes, coffee shops like that are necessary, and we all need to learn to accept all colours, religions and backgrounds as equals. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  7. so sorry you are still recovering from covid. Loved seeing your tags and enjoyed the thinkies hugs Kathy

  8. Good to read that you are recovering Valerie, look after yourself. The tags all look super and the funnies gave me a smile.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! Stay safe and well! Hugs!

  9. Ghastly is not the way any of us wish to feel, Valerie, so please become unghastly very quickly and return to us very soon with your wit, talent and good humour intact. Hugs and kisses - David

  10. I'm glad to hear you are moving in the right in the direction Valerie. It does sound like it's taking a while though, so hopefully the rest of your recovery goes quickly. Nice tags, and you always found such thoughtful funnies. Take care, get your rest, and don't rush back to blogging until you feel up to it. But it is good to know you are improving. :) hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! My cough gets better day by day, the fatigue is still bad, and I can't concentrate. But apart from that I'm fine! Hope all is well with your family! Hugs

  11. Hi Val, good to see you back 'at work' again, lovely tags and great funnies. But take it easy, don't do too much at once! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, nice to hear from you. Hope you and your kiddies are all well. Hugs!

  12. Some really good funnies today! The one about the emotional support dog really made me laugh outlaid!! Those eyes!! Lovely tags and best wishes for a speedier recovery.

    1. Thanks so much, I loved that one, too. Have a great weekend whoever you are! Hugs!

  13. So sorry you're still feeling rough. One of my {very fit} friends has it and it's knocked him for six. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I wasn't expecting to be so floored! It will get better sooner or later!

  14. I like all your photos. Very different from Hawaii, that's for sure. No snowy paths where I live, though there is snow on Mauna Kea on the Big Island.

    1. Here we never get much snow, it's always mild here by the Rhine. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  15. Good to see you Valerie and I LOVE your tags with the little humans in them and trees and pathway, gorgeous, love the helicopter story too, hee hee,,,,keep getting better and stay safe..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. That was one clever lady hanging onto the rope! Glad you like the tags with the little people! Hugs, Valerie

  16. So relieved to hear you are progressing, slowly is normal with this stuff. Slow and steady wins the race! Thanks for checking in and have a restful rest of your weekend, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, yes it's slow, but good to be normal for a change! Hope you are feeling better! Hugs!

  17. I had planned to stop by yesterday to thank you for your heartfelt comment on the cow, but I was still too emotional. Your snow tags are beautiful. Each is a real gem.

    Loved the funnies and thinkies. The four men were definitely not ass holes. Loved all the cat humor, and that last one had me clapping, too!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I sometimes think that some people can't sink any lower. I sincerely hope so! Hugs!

  18. Wunderschönes Posting liebe Valerie und ich bin froh dass es ein wenig besser wird , also hab Geduld und pass bitte gut auf dich auf 💖
    Gemütlichen 3. Advent wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  19. I'm glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. My favorite tag is the one with the robins. So cute.

    1. Thanks CJ, Robins are always good. Hope you are on the road to recovery, Too.

  20. Pleased that you are beginning to recover from Covid, it really can knock you for six!
    Take care and concentrate on recovery.

    All the best Jan

  21. Great tags and thinkies Valerie. Hope your recovery continues.

  22. Now I'm wondering where I've been. You poor thing! It does sound as though you are picking up a bit. Loving the tags and all those great thoughts today. Take care. Hugs Angela xXx

  23. So good to hear that you feel you are picking up bit by bit but such a shame that it is taking so long for you to feel on the road to recovery. It really has had a hold on you so you must listen to your body and do what you can when you can and not try to leap ahead.
    Lovely tags you are sharing, lots of inspiration there for various wintry themes.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I am really being good and resting a lot!


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