Monday 18 December 2023

T stands for Tags and more

Hi Everybody!

I am slowly feeling better - but very slowly! I just don't seem to have any energy at all. But I'm sure it will improve day by day! Thanks to the lovely T Ladies who visited me last week although I wasn't even joining in, that was a great surprise!

This evening we start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Today I have some drinks to share:


And for Pinky's / my snow challenge I have another tag:

That's it for today, I need to rest!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sorry that you are still feeling so tired. Your tags are cheerful and uplifting. Hope you get your energy back very soon!!

  2. I do like your tags.
    Wishing you a good new week and sending positive vibes to restore your energy levels.

    All the best Jan

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you're still experiencing fatigue. Your vibes are bright and positive! Wishing for a swift return of your energy!

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  4. Every breath gives you more energy, so just breathe, relax, rest, then repeat, lol. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimee, will do, breathing is good! Hugs!

  5. Hi Vj, good to know you are slowly feeling better. Iam sure you will be back to your old self in a few days. Lovely post

  6. Coffee keeps you off the naughty list? Then you had better switch to wine, Valerie, and get firmly on the naughty list. You and I have probably spent far too much time being good. Time to let loose! As you are slowly feeling better (I could have fun with that but I will control my impulses) I will look forward to new creations from the fertile mind of the sage of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Perhaps more gorgeous ladies with long necks and hair flowing to the four corners of the Earth are in the cards, their dresses bedecked with glittering stars. ‘Tis the season after all for glitter, is it not? Keep getting well, Dahling, the world needs you fit, active and creative. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks, dear David, you always get me smiling! Let's see I hope I soon have the energy to be really naughty! I have several new creations waiting to be shown, so your wishes will soon be fulfilled ( well, at least those about my ladies, and one is bedecked with stars. All will be revealed soon. Once again, I am talking of paintings, David, okay!? Have a great day, BIG hugs to you and Miriam! xxxxxxxxx

  7. Keep resting and gaining your strength back. Sending best wishes your way for complete healing. Fun post today and I just love that snowman tag!

    1. Thanks Carol, snowmen are fun to make! Have a lovely week, dear Carol! Hugs!

  8. I love coffee, too, especially Cold Brew. But, I am allergic to cats, so no thanks. Love that snowman with the bird on top.

    1. Pity about the allergies, I love cats and coffee! Have a great week, hugs!

  9. I hope you've recovered by Christmas. This is a hard time of year not to have energy :( I love the snow person on your tag. I'm smiling back :) Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks so much, I'm just leaving everything here for when my home-help comes on Wednesday. The snow person is happy that you like her/him!

  10. Hi Val, good afternoon. Today has been running away and I just couldn't catch up....And I haven't got anyting done and the house is in a mess. That means it will be Pizza this evening! Love your beautiful page today and all the pretty coffee pieces. Hope you soon feel better, take good care of yourself. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad I'm not the only one who didxn't get anything done. Enjoy your pizza this evening, hugs to you all!

  11. Oh, I hope you are getting better soon. And some cups of good coffee should help in any way. Have a pleasant time.
    All the best

  12. On the brighter side, you are already making progress! And I hope you continue to improve as the holiday season goes on. Enjoy plenty of coffee.
    best, mae at

    1. I am definitely making progress, and my cough is getting better. I am planning on a very lazy time over the holidays. Hugs!

  13. I LOVE your coffee tag and your coffee memes. I agree about coffee and cats. Just ask my two!!

    Your snowman with the little bird on his head is truly adorable. It is perfect for Pinky's theme.

    It's nice to read you are beginning to get your energy back after having Covid. I hope you continue to improve daily and you are able to rest and relax without coughing. Please take care of YOU and enjoy your coffee for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E! Cats and coffee are good. My cat sometimes sniffed at my coffee and then sneezed, probably to get the horrible smell away from her! My cough always starts at night, as soon as I lay down, but definitely better than it was!

  14. Hopefully every day you feel a little bit better. You just don't want to go backwards. (And you probably wouldn't want to either.) And I'm happy you are back joining in for T. It's good to have you here. Take care, get lots of r&r and of course, have a happy T day. hugs-Erika

    1. You take good care, too. I am being very careful just now, and yes, forwards is on the menu. I have nothing done for Christmas, no presents bought, nada, but I can't change it! Hugs!

  15. If coffee keeps us from the naughty list, I should be fine. And like you, Valerie, I think a cat in the mix is wonderful as well - if only my husband hadn't those allergies, then the cat who lives in my garden would probably be already the boss of the house. I'm sorry that you're still lacking energy, that is an awful feeling, and I do hope that you will feel much better soon. Hopefully you can rest over the holidays - good thing you have more of those than we do in the States - and recover. Your snow challenge tag is beautiful, of course I like the robin on the snowman's head. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Carola. Germany gives us a lot of holidays, that's true, and as I am retired I don't need to work anyway! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Hugs!

  16. I hope you improve more each day Valerie, great coffee images and tag.

  17. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better (if tired). For some reason I am drinking more coffee nowadays. And I love all your coffee images. Yes, it keeps me off the naughty list too.
    Don't overdo it during the holidays,
    Hugs and happy Christmas,

    1. Thanks Lisca, glad you are supporting coffee more! We will be going out to eat or making something simple at home over Christmas, so I will not be overworking, that's for sure! Happy Christmas, hugs!

  18. Schön zu lesen dass es dir beser geht, tolle Kaffebilder sind das alle!
    Ich wünsche dir wieterhin gute Besserung und ein frohes Weihnachtsfest !
    Liebe Umarmung Elke ( Lebensglück)

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir auch gute Gesundheit, frohe Weihnachtstage zusammen mit Deinem Mann, und BIG hugs!

  19. I'm glad you are improving (if not fast enough). Love your "T" offering and all else. Keep on keeping on, Valerie, and hopefully by the time the holidays hit in full, you'll be hitting in full, too!

  20. I pray for your healing everyday. I have heard that it can be difficult coming back from Covid. Rest and allow your body to heal. Love and hugs.

    1. Thanks so much, hope you are healing well, too. Hugs!

  21. Sorry to hear you had covid Valerie, but I am glad that you are recovering and feeling better, I had flu last week and that completely drained my energy so I know a little bit how you feel. I love the meme with the coffee and a cat, my sentiments exactly. Happy T Day! Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle!. Hope you are feeling better, too. Hugs!

    2. I don't think my head is very clear yet - I just realised that I might have sent two xmas cards to some people including you lol. So don't be surprised if you get two cards from me - I need to lie down and stop mailing things!

  22. Valerie i always love your little pictures and quotes..... several always make me smile. I'm sorry your are still so tired.. It can take a while to recover and rest is some of the best medicine... Take care! and have the merriest of Christmases ... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I am just impatient to be well and in action again! Happy Christmas, hugs!

  23. Beautiful tag and I loved reading all the thinkies and funnies ☺️. I hope you're doing ok and sorry I haven't been around this Dcember, we've been visiting family and went to Prague for a few days, it was very Christmasy and we had an amazing time. Wishing you joy and happiness, Merry Christmas! Hugs, Jo x

    1. How nice to visit Prague, it's so lovely there! Happy Christmas, dear Jo! Hugs!

  24. Feel better xxx

  25. I'm glad you're better-and resting too. I loved this post and now I have to have a cup of coffee!

  26. Love your snowmwn and all that coffee, scrummy. I insist you take plenty of rest, everything else can wait. Christmas hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks, I know it can wait, but I still feel bad about it! Hugs!

    2. Pleased to know you are beginning to feel better, I remember the tiredness after covid, hope you can 'perk up' soon! Loving your cute tag...and all of the coffee! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  27. Oh dear, whilst it is heartening to hear you are slowly feeling a bit better it is not good that this dreaded virus took hold of you so much. It just shows how low your immune system must have been to begin with. I hope you can rest and regain your strength.
    Love the tag, very wintry and love all your cuppas.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Neet. I have an auto-immune illness, Sarcoidosis, and this often makes other illnesses/ viruses worse. I have to take cortisone every day. Hugs!


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