Tuesday 12 December 2023

Love of van Gogh....

Hi Everybody!

I am still feeling bad after Covid.  It has left me - thanks be! - but I still have a whole row of health problems, which the Doc called 'Post Covid' and are restricting my crafting possibilities.  I feel like my head has been stuffed with cotton wool, and that is just one thing!!

This lady really has the sky above her, and she is in love with van Gogh, so it is meant for wendy's  'Above us only sky' challenge at AJJ.

I hope to be back with you next week!

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Take care of You hugs
    Love your painting Kathy

  2. It is rife here and no one is taking any precautions any longer. Look after yourself and rest. Love your "blue" phase. {socially distanced} Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, be very careful if you go out! Here we are having a lot of rain, and the Rhine is rising, but still in its bed! Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, sorry you have been feeling so bad. I hope that you soon feel really better. Be good and take your pills! Love your blue lady, she's gorgeous. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. Beautiful painting! Rest is the best cure for that awful thing. You will feel better-praying for you.

  5. Feel better soon Valerie. Lovely inspired piece.

  6. Well, Thank God, Praise Jesus, I thought you were dead. I've really been worried about you. You did not post for a whole week! I hate that you are dealing with the aftermath, but so happy to hear Covid has left your building. PLEASE take it easy to recover fully. I know you are still feeling poorly because your post is so short, haha. But thank you for it, my worried imagination can rest now. Feel better, my friend. XXO

    1. Hi Aimeslee, sorry if I worried you! I am still alive just feel bad. And if I don't blog, then I 'm ill, and short posts are not a good sign. I hope I can get back to normal next week, but please don't worry. I'm a tough cooky! Hope you are doing well. So, look after yourself, and I hope to take up my normal duties next week! Hugs 🤗!

  7. I'm sorry you're having long-term symptoms but hope you'll be fully recovered soon. I'm with your Van Gogh-living lady. I love her hair!

    1. Thanks. I wish I had hair like that instead of my thin strands!

  8. This is sopretty. I love the eye. Sorry post Covid has you. Here is to feeling 100% soon. Huggs, Me.

  9. A gorgeous painting and I love the details in her hair..rest well and take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  10. I do like your painting.

    Thankfully Covid has now left you ...
    Now to concentrate on rest, recuperation and recovery.
    Sending lots of healing wishes to you.
    If I lived nearer I'd come and make you a few get well cups of coffee :)

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I've actually been drinking herb tees this week, as I can't take coffee or milk just now, makes me feedl bad. Catastrophe! Hugs

  11. Your blue lady is beautiful. You and I can start a Covid Club. It's now running through my household. Rest up and take care.

    1. So sorry to hear it, CJ. Hope your patients will have a speedy recovery. My brain is totally fogged up!

  12. Take care and hope you feel better soon.My youngest grandson has been ill for a couple of weeks and now diagnosed with scarlet fever and they say he can go back to school after 24 hours but still not well enough!!!!!
    Carol x

    1. So sorry Carol, poor little boy. Back to school after 24 hours? That's crazy! Hugs!

  13. Your blue lady is impressive and just lovely. I'm so sorry to learn you're still not feeling well but hopefully the worst of it is behind you. Everyone I know is congested with stuffy noses and constant sniffling so you're not alone! Take good care and get plenty of rest and lots of good coffee :)

    1. Thanks Carol. I think everybody has something just now, it's the season of red and runny noses! Stay healthy, hugs!

  14. So sorry to hear you are still suffering from after covid effects, but I am glad to see you creating a post. If you don't feel good you definitely need to rest. I do love your pretty blue lady. She has such a serene expression. Take care of yourself and hopefully you'll be better soon. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Look after yourself, stay healthy! Hugs!

  15. Valerie, I am so sorry that you still feel bad and truly hope and wish that things will improve a lot for you. Lady van Gogh looks very beautiful, thank you for sharing her with us. All the best to you.

    1. Thanks so much Carola, stay well and healthy! Hugs!

  16. Liebe Valerie , danke für dieses wunderbares fantasievolles Kunstwerk trotz dass du so schlimm mit der Nachwirkung zutun hast .
    Lass dich lieb drücken und viel Kraft dass du Geduld hast zu genesen mehr !
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Thanks Elke! Geduld is something I don't have! Hope you are well, Hugs!

  17. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you'll be feeling great again soon.
    Love the stunning blue lady.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

    1. Thanks Veronica, I hope I never get COVID again! Stay healthy! Hugs!

  18. Hi Valerie, I hope you feel better asap. Thank you for your lovely entry in AJJ, she’s beautiful. Take care, Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I will try to get more entries made! Hugs!

  19. This COVID is a nasty fellow isn’t he. Not only does he knock you down he kicks you when you try to get up. Perhaps you will at least develop immunity after this long, unpleasant bout with the dreaded disease. Get well soon, Valerie. We need you and your fabulous women with flowing hair and long necks. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks so much for your words of cheer, dear David. Look after yourself, and hugs to you and Miriam xxxxxxxxxx

  20. I am a Van Gogh fan too, love his early works especially (potato eaters) which are somewhat different to what you normally see. Well, your lady is certainly paying homage to Vincent himself with her lovely blue starry hair and the little buildings you placed in.
    So sorry to hear you are not making a full recovery from Covid. Shows you must have been run down to begin with Valerie and I hope you begin to pick up soon. Do take care and don't try to do too much although I know when you want to produce some artwork it is very difficult to sit there and do nothing.
    Thinking of you
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. There's the best van Gogh museum in Holland, about an hour's drive from here, and they have a lot of his earlier 'brown' works - including several copies of the potato eaters and his wonderful boots painting. Its called the Kröller Müller Museum and is in Hoge Veluwe, a wonderful nature park.

    2. Sounds like somewhere I would enjoy, thank you Valerie x

  21. You are in my prayers and healing ceremony. I love this blue lady. Rest and heal yourself.

  22. Love the lady's "Starry Nights" hair. Beautiful. Take care, Valerie, and God bless.

    1. Thanks, I would love hair like that! Hugs and Blessings!

  23. Hi Valerie, I do hope you're better soon but it does sound as though you're on the right track. Loving the new lady, gorgeous design and good choice of colours too. Take care. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Hi Angela, it will go away sooner or later! Look after yourself, hugs!

  24. Excellent take on Van Gogh. A true artist rendering. Take care of yourself.

    Hugs and Blessings

  25. Piękny portret kobiety. Życzę dużo zdrowia i dobrego tygodnia:)

  26. A super sweet design you made, gorgeous colours. Hope you feel better soon, Bella sends sloppy kisses xx

  27. Lovely painting.
    Covid is running rampant here. Hope it disappears this year.
    Do feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Dixie, here, too. I can't wait for it to go away for ever. Stay well!

  28. I hope all of your post-Covid symptoms resolve soon. Take care!

    1. Thanks so much, Daniella. Today I feel a tad better indeed! Hugs


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