Monday 4 December 2023

T stands for feeling bad!

Hi everybody!

 As some of you already know, the Covid Monster has caught me. Not nice, but I hope it soon bogs off and leaves me alone! This evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday, and my entry this week is very short:

My choice:

Have a good start in the new week, that's all for today!

Happy T Day take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Take care Valerie. I imagine you won't have a very exciting T day, so I wish you quick recovery instead of happy T day. hugs-Erika

  2. I know several people who have it or have had it recently and 2 of them ended up in the hospital. I hope you are fully recovered soon.

    Coffee for me, please. At least COVID can't stop us from our virtual visits 👍

    1. Thanks so much, let's drink a ☕ ☕☕ coffee or two!

  3. A great entry! Feel better soon Valerie. -Christine

  4. No need to say rest up, I imagine you have no choice. Hope you feel better soonest. Love the artwork. Hugs Deb

  5. Every day is a step closer to feeling better Valerie, don't let it get you down.. darn you COVID!!! Tea to start my day and rehydrate me when I wake and Coffee for the rest of the day to keep me awake.. You can not beat the smell of a fresh cup of coffee.
    Get well son hugs coming your way Tracey xx

  6. Hope you feel better soon and managing to keep warm.
    Carol x

  7. Wishing you a better week ahead as you kick that nasty virus to the curb and start to feel better. For me it's both. I've always been a coffee drinker but as I've aged coffee upsets my stomach for some reason, so I switch to tea now and then for a nice change to the norm. Take good care!

    1. Thanks, Carol, enjoy your tea and coffee ☕☕

  8. I'm stunned, is that what your cold turned out to be? Oh dear, I hope hope hope you are taking intervention medication if for nothing else to help the coughing. Please call for ambulance if you get to feeling worse, it's no joke. Enjoyed all the Jane Davenport in your previous post, I have some stamps and stencils and papers. Feel better, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, it's really no joke, I feel bad. But it will get better! Hugs!

  9. Tea, please. I hope you are feeling better,

  10. Hi Val, hope you are feeling better today. Had a long and hard day at work, so I need my bed. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Sleep well, dear Sarah, hope tomorrow is less strenuous! Hugs!

  11. When I clicked on your link, it went to Chrissy's cardland.

    I can tell you don't feel well. I'll have coffee, just like you. I know it must have taken a lot to get this post created, and I am grateful you shared it with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Sorry, I'm a bit mixed up just now, my head feels like it's filled with clouds. Happy To Day, hugs!

  12. Oh Valerie, I'm sorry that you got COVID - that is not fun at all. Hopefully you will recover quickly. I hope you still like your coffee - that would certainly be my choice, I'm not much of a tea drinker.
    The link you provided went to Chrissy's cardland - I was first a bit confused.

  13. Oh No hoping you get over the covid soon-hugs Happy T Kathy

  14. Liebe Valerie, es tut mir so leid, dass dich das Covid-Monster erwischt hat. Ich hoffe, du kannst es rasch vertreiben!
    Was Tee oder Kaffee betrifft: Ich bin normalerweise eine "Kaffeeschwester", aber jetzt, wo auch meine Gesundheit schon länger angekratzt und momentan zumindest noch mein Hals nicht ganz auf dem Stand der Dinge ist, trinke ich auch gerne Kräutertee. Ich habe von einer lieben Mitbloggerin Zistrosentee (aus der Apotheke) empfohlen bekommen - ein ziemlich potentes Heilkraut, hilft bei bakteriellen und viralen Erkrankungen und noch bei einigem mehr, das heißt, das wäre auch etwas für dich!
    Happt T-Day und fühl dich bitte bald wieder wohl!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    1. Thanks Traude, I've never heard of that tea, but I will ask in the Apotheke, danke für den guten Rat. Alles Liebe dir!

    2. I cross my fingers dass es dir hilft 😊😘

  15. Oh my friend-I'm sorry you have covid. Please get lots of rest. Praying for you.

  16. Just take care of yourself and get well. Sending healing energy your way.

  17. Coffee please! Hope you feel better very soon! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Having trouble commenting. so I will try as anonymous :)
    Tea for me please.
    Sending get well wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  19. I'm late with my catching up Valerie and was sorry to read that you are unwell. I hope you feel better soon, rest and take care of yourself .
    Yvonne xx

  20. I'm sorry to hear you've got Covid. What a bummer! It is making a bit of a come-back. But I get the impression it's not as virulent as a few years ago. Nevertheless, you've got it and it's no joke. I hope you get better soon and I hope there are no lasting health consequences for you, knowing that you have health problems.

    1. Thanks Lisca, it's more like flu than anything else, bit I still feel bad, and have no energy at all. Not even for blogging! Hugs!

  21. The wife and I just came off a bout with the new variant of the flu. I lost most of my hearing, which is partly back, and she is still battling a loss of balance. You will be in our thoughts. Take care of yourself and get well.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings from both of us

    1. Sorry to hear it. I hope you will both soon be better. Love to you both! Hugs!

  22. Oh no, sorry to hear this and hope you get well soon. I can't choose between coffee and tea, I like both. Happy T Day! Elle xx

  23. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with Covid and hope that it eases up soon. Sending all good wishes your way. And big cyber hugs.

    1. COVID is getting better, but still got a bad cough and feel rather down. it will pass! Look after yourself, hugs!

  24. You're still out sick? We all miss you. Get well soon.

    1. Thanks, I still feel bad. Look after yourself!

  25. Oh, ich hoffe, Dir geht es wieder besser - ja das üble C-Virus läßt sich offensichtlich nicht so leicht abschütteln. Alles Gute auf jeden Fall. Und ich bin auch für Kaffee- eine richtige Kaffeetante könnte man sagen - obwohl, gerade in der kalten Jahreszeit mag ich auch gerne einen Orangen/Früchtetee mit einem Schuß Punsch,.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Danke, liebe Violetta. Ich hoffe dass ich im Laufe der Woche etwas machen kann! Dir alles Liebe!

  26. Hi Valerie: Sorry you are still battling this thing and sorry for being so late to get to your blog. I have been visiting my daughter and had little time. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hugs and kisses - David

  27. Sending gentle hugs for this damned thing to buzz off. What a mess it is to get something like this at the best of times but in the throws of winter it must be even worse. Hope youa re having lots of hot drinks and getting lots of rest alongside. I know which is your favourite but neither are mine. I tend to drink red berry type teas/tessanes but my real favourite is Bottle Green Ginger either hot or cold.
    Saying that this non coffee drinker has got a taste for Pumpkin Latte and discovered how to make them for herself.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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