Wednesday 20 December 2023

A face, two birds and a snowman

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a piece meant for Wendy's challenge , 'Above us only sky' at AJJ.  The hair of this lady is filled with the colours of stormy sky and lots of stars and glitter. Sometimes I neeed to play with things that glitter and shine! And I wonder what the 2 birds are up to? Has anybody got an idea?

And I have another snowy piece for Pinky's snow challenge at Tag Tuesday. And you still have time to join us there!

And some thinkies / funnies:

The Rhine is still riding high:

This post is also meant for Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh, she is beautiful with her glamourous hair and the birdies are kissing her cheeks..gorgeous Valerie..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. I love the green hair and her face. The Christmas tag is festive and so pretty. I hope you are feeling better. I love, love, love, the history meme. Beautiful photos too. Have a nice eveing.

    1. Thanks Nicole, the history meme is so important! Be well soon, hugs!

  3. Lovely lady and a beautiful tag! Thanks for the thinkies.

  4. I bet those birds are singing to her, trying to calm her nerves and make her smile. I do like all the stars in her hair. The Rhine is certainly high right now. If it goes much higher the sidewalk will be gone from the looks of your photos. And I had to laugh at Randy stuck to the frig. I hope you're feeling at least a little bit better every day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The Rhein will be rising more, we are expecting heavy rain and storms! I hope your dogs don't swallow magnets! Today I was a bit less tired and have achieved quite a lot, so I hope that's a good sign! Hugs!

  5. Have a wonderful week. Also, I love the eye. So pretty.
    Ha! Ha! On the dog stuck to the fridge.

  6. Hi Val, love your gorgeous lady, she's lovely. Hope you are not doing too much, you are supposed to be resting. Be a good girl and have a nice day! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. I am resting, Sarah, at least more than usual! Visited Heike and got the shopping with Andreas, now it's feet up time! xxx

  7. Stormy and starry skies sums it up here. Hope you're improving now? Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, how are you feeling? I am slowly getting better, just always tired, but it will go away sooner or later! Hugs!

  8. Yes, exactly... stars, glitter and Christmas belong together.
    All good wishes for you from Viola

    1. Thanks, you're right, they belong tgether and to Christmas, hugs!

  9. Just loving this latest painting and the birds appear to be approving of her lipstick color! LOL Fun tag with all those cute elements too. Wishing you a great day and good health.

    1. Thanks Carol. I would love to wear lipstick like that, but it makes me look ghastly! (Even more ghastly than usual!) Hugs!

  10. I have no idea what those birds are up to, but I just love that lady's purple eyes and ruby lips. Gorgeous face!

    1. Thanks, I wish my eyes were that colour, too! Hugs!

  11. Those two birds look like roosters, Valerie, and they are gazing up at a beautiful female. No doubt they are wishing that she was a hen and dreaming of a randy romp! I have been told that guys do that sometimes. Girls with sparkly hair are guaranteed to fuel ambition! But the piece about history strikes me most in this post. It goes to the very heart of this notion of censorship in far too many jurisdictions. It’s words are so true, and that poster should be displayed in every public place, in every school, college and university in backwaters like Florida and Texas, and form part of the oath of office when politicians are sworn into office. History is not subject to the personal whims and beliefs of anyone. I am very happy that you are feeling a little better. The world needs the daily wisdom of more Valeries. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, this was specially for you! I hope you don't go n a randy romp too often! And yes, the meme is very important and should be applied to all people wherever and whoever they are. I am sure there are politicians who have never heard of suc h a suggestion, they need to learn! Hugs! xxxxxxx

  12. Fabulous lady, and I think the two birds fancy her lipstick. It looks as if you have had as much rain as us, loads of flooded rivers around here in Herefordshire. Love the dog stuck to the fridge. Thank you also for the e-card, very thoughtful of you. Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy! We have had much too much rain and it's not over yet!

  13. No idea what the two birds are thinking or doing. You obviously had fun creating them though. Love the dog stuck to the fridge door. Love the Norma Marshall quote and the two puppies.

    Hugs and best of Christmas wishes

  14. Just dropped by to wish you a wonderful pain free birthday and happy solstice.

  15. Love the face and Christmas tag-the cat in the bathroom is so typical=if it's on the floor I will lay on it unless it's my bed-I gave two brand new ones to charity shop after a few months and they didn't even have the decency to so much as sniff them !!!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol! Cats and dogs have a favourite bed, always the bed where their people are sleeping....

  16. She looks elegant. The river here (the Mississippi) has been low, breaking some records and causing trouble with navigation.

    I hope you're feeling better.

    1. Last year the Rhine was also almost empty, now it's overfull. But we have no climate problems....

  17. Hi Valerie, I used to keep a cockatiel and he loved to sit on your shoulder and nibble your hair and I think your two have that in mind. I am definitely with Norma Mashall's view of history. Hope you have a very happy Christmas. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Birds can sometimes be very funny. I had 2 budgies, a green one and a blue one, and they liked sitting on my shoulders and trying to unpick my plaits! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, hugs!

  18. Lovely art.
    Great words from Norma Marshall.
    I think it's your birthday soon? Many Happy Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  19. Your lady is gorgeous, Valerie.
    Glad you are getting better.
    May your Christmas be filled with love, laughter, and treasured moments shared with your dear ones. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Veronica, merry Christmas to you and yours!

  20. Well, at first glance i thought they were her ear rings. Now I see they are quite separate from her and can only think they are adoring her. Whatever they are doing they are handsome birds, just as she is a handsome woman. Love her sparkly sky hair.
    Thanks for the funnies/thinkies - lots to think about there with the history lesson especially. I just hope most dogs do not eat magnets, but what a name he has!!
    Hope that damned covid is leaving you by now.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Yes, I think she's enjoying being adored by those birds! And yes, Randy is not a name I would choose for a doggie! Covid is better, just still very tired! Hugs!

  21. I always enjoy seeing your talented artwork especially of the ladies! So lovely. Your inspirational quotes and cute little jokes are always uplifting . Thanks.

  22. Another awesome lady with an expressive face. Hope you're feeling better. Happy Holidays. Sandra

  23. Valerie, I love her lavender eyes, the red lipstick makes them pop. Glad to read in comments you are getting better bit by bit. Don't overdo! This is your new normal for time being. Every time I turn around, someone else I know is getting it. I'm glad I'm still home isolating, even if 4 years come March 1st is a very long time. Knock wood, neither Honey or I have gotten it...yet. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. I could never stop home for so long, I go out whatever the weather. I grew up in London, we had lots of bad weather with rain, fog, smog etc!! I am trying to be good and rest more! Stay healthy! Hugs!

  24. Awesoe river pic. Luv your art today. Happy Holidays.

  25. Green hair and lavender/purple eyes must have been in the universal creative well as that was what I chose for my digital Santa’s. She is lovely.

    1. Thanks so much, I loved your digi work, too, it's a great colour combo! Hugs

  26. Replies
    1. Thanks Annie, hugs and merry Christmas to you and yours!

  27. Lovely post-the art is beautiful. I think the chickens want to be her earrings!

    1. Thanks Debra. I wonder what it would be like to have chickens chattering into your ears all day? My budgies used to love to sit on my shoulders, too! Big hugs!

  28. i so love this post. Thank you for sharing with FFO. I hope you are feeling well and wishing you a very nice holiday.

    1. Thanks Nicole!- Let's both get well and stay well! Hugs!

  29. Beautiful artwork, Valerie - I like both the lady and the tag. The piece about history rings so true, for each and every one. The way we behave it seems that we are not able to learn anything from history but twist and turn it however we like. Pityful and dangerous.
    Have a peaceful and lovely Christmas, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Carola. And their are politicians who love trying to chage history to their advantage! Hugs

  30. Beautiful 'lady portrait" and so creative ~ lovely tag art too ~ and love the two doggies photo ~
    Merry Christmas to you ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. gorgeous face and adorable tag! feel well and happy holidays! xo

  32. Your artwork is exquisite Valerie!! You are so talented! I do love your little snow tag, so cute and plenty to catch the eye. I am hoping you are feeling a bit better by now. I had covid in June and it took me a month to get some descent energy level back. Don't rush things!!

    1. Thanks Pinky. Slowly, slowly I am getting there....Hugs!


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