Saturday 1 April 2023

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this  time our hosts are our lovely Bleubeard and Elizabeth .Their theme is:

Recycle, re-use and repurpose

I am  sure we all have loads of stuff we could use for this - I know I have! Cardboard, old envelopes, scraps that are too good to throw away, a few inches of leftover ribbon or lace, journal pages that we started but never finished, cut outs from magazines - you name it, I'm sure we've got it!

Today I am sharing 2 A4 pages, made years back and never finished. Today I gave them some finishing touches and added the little girl and the embellishments - taken from another old journal page  - and pasted them onto a pink, paper tote. It looks a bit crinkly just now, as I took the pics before the glue had dried.

I made a few of these totes a few years back, and I think I will alter more of tthem as I have  so many which need to be used....

I discovered thes pics on my camera, I took them some weeks back and forgot all about them:

Canada Geese for David:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm so glad you never finished those lovely images you created. They are both lovely,. The little girl is stunning and really pops against the colors you added around and behind her. It is a fabulous composition. I adore both of these beauties. Thanks for this wonderful first entry using Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

    Great sunrises and lovely daffs in that cobalt blue vase. Be still my heart! What amazing beauty.

    1. Thanks E! I have lots of plans for creations for this month! Have fun! Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Love your new creation today, great idea! We're off to Leah's today, so I can have a break from cooking! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Sarah

  3. You have turned the simple paper bag into something very pretty. Lovely sky shots. Yellow is so cheerful and bright.

  4. Those items were just waiting to be finished, Valerie. Great job. If I had bags like that I'd dream up reasons to go shopping so that I could bask in all the admiring comments. When people asked about them I would casually toss off lines like, "I got them from the Valerie-Jael Boutique," or at times I might refer to the Tups Atelier. People would be so envious. "Personal friend of mine," I would add nonchalantly. Obviously, I would buy only the finest things to put in them. They would never see a couple of potatoes and a turnip, for example. Cannolis perhaps, or Napoleons, or Petits Fours. The shots left on your memory card deserved to be retrieved. The sky is very dramatic indeed and you have captured it well. Thank you of course for including Canada Geese, the invading nobility along the Rhine. Vive le Canada! Vive les bernaches! Vive Valerie! Hugs and kisses with extras for Heike - David

    1. Hi David, I could really imagine the comments if you were to run around with a pretty, pink tote. Nice!. We often have dramatic skies here, and I love taking photos! The Canada geese were included just for you. I think Europe can start exporting them to Canada! Heike says thank you for her kisses from you! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs xxxx

  5. What a great recycle page Valerie. I remember when you made all the bags and I think it's a great idea to get back to that project. I should do the same thing myself. And I really like how you changed the front too. That girl is adorable. Yesterday in your comment about my page you asked about the die which is from Frantic Stamper. Enjoy the start to this new month and the weekend and I'll take pictures to share so you can see North Carolina. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! And thanks for the die manufacturer. . I'm so looking forward to seeing your pictures of North Carolina, I can't travel much anymore, so I love to see the pics of others. Thanks in advance! Have fun, hugs, Valerie

  6. Those altered bags make such a unique and special way to present a gift. Simply beautiful! Love the photos too, especially those daffodils!

  7. Beautiful page and lovely photos Valerie.

  8. Your tote bags are wonderful and would make lovely gift bags. Sky photos and the daffodils in the blue vase are beautiful. Enjoy your weekend

  9. Hi Val, lovely art as always. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Martha

  10. Thanks Martha, enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  11. Great challenge theme it's just the sort of thing I like no! I need! Loving your take on it too. Hugs Angela xXx

  12. I like your tote bags.
    Lovely sky photographs and beautiful daffodils.

    Happy April Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. Wonderful art work Valerie, great use of the paper bags. Lovely photos.

  14. I'm all for the three R's
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  15. das ist eine wunderschöne Idee mit der Recycling-Tragetasche als Seite und es wäre schade diese tollen schönen Himmel fotos nicht zu zeigen , gut dass du sie noch gefunden hast!
    Schönen Sonntagwünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Heute mache ich Ruhetag! Schoenen Sonntag dir! Hugs!

  16. I remember those tote bags they look fantastic..
    Had a great catch up this morning
    I hope all is going well with you Valerie.
    Take care
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I'm back home and trying to find my stride again, things are not easy just now. Hope all is well with you.

  17. Great photos ;) Have a nice day ;)

  18. Nice photos! Have a good Sunday.

    best… mae at

  19. Hi Valerie! I absolutely LOVE your beautiful photos! It's wonderful that you discovered them on your camera from a few weeks back and shared them with us now! I love them all and especially like the daffodils! They are one of my favorite flowers and a beautiful sign of spring! The project you made recycling one of the totes that you made a few years ago is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing this!! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks so much Sharon! Daffodils are my spring faves, too. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  20. I love your altered tote bag Valerie.
    Great photos too!

  21. I just love your blue glass and it always looks so wonderful when you put something bright in it like those terrific daffodils. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks, cobalt blue and yellow are s wonderful combo.

  22. Quite amazing collage.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  23. Fabulous collage Valerie, that little girl is so sweet with all the flowers and the butterfly..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  24. toll, gefällt mir sehr gut.

  25. Fabulous refurbishing of this old tote bag - one of my favourite ways of saving money! Fabulous photos - love those skies..and of course the daffs (bought myself some with the grocery pickup we did on the way back from my uncle's funeral yesterday!) Hugs,Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. We need to save money these days! Hugs!

  26. Valerie, this is a great idea to recycle and reuse and put our previous journal pages and bags into action. Super pretty! Love the pictures - that one of the plane is super cool. Lovely flowers. Many hugz

  27. Oh what a clever idea to decorate the shopping bags with your recycled art, Valerie! That's the best upcycle. They're gorgeous, as are your flowers. XOX


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