Wednesday 26 April 2023

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had a busy day today - an appointment by the oral surgeon for the preliminary examination, and on Thursday next week he will be digging the rest of the broken tooth out of my jaw. First of all I have to visit my doctor, as she has to say if it's okay to leave off the blood thinners for 2 days. I hope she will agree, and then it will be done and dusted! After this I went shopping with my neighbour at Aldi and got my groceries for the week - once again things are getting more expensive each time. After I had had a break for lunch I went to Heike and we drank coffee and had a good natter. Now I'm back home and writing my blog!

Today I am sharing 2 sketches made many years ago, in 1992. I copied them with pastels onto used dictionary pages. Here I added some flower stick-ons. The craft paper in the background stuck itself to the back of the page, so I left it there, it evidently wanted to be recycled, too:

On this one I added some diamond patterning with a stencil:

I am linking to Elizabeth's recycling challenge at AJJ.

And I have a tag for Pinky's anything goes challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And some funnies / thinkies:

And a few photos:

We visited the wild animal park - love the baby boars:

The Mufflon is my entry for Rain's theme of 'twisted' on Thursday:

This is one of my fave photos:

I think it can't get any greener, just love the fresh green in spring:

The coffee bike sells excellent coffee:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous art share, Valerie, love the shadowy women. Great funnies and beautiful animal and tree pictures. Hoping your Dr gives the go ahead and that prices stay stable for the near future (or go down). Hugz!

    1. Thanksy Nancy. People are brimging a lot of excuses as to why prices are rising, but it seems to be just pure greed! Hugs!

  2. Glad to read things are moving along with the broken tooth. Did you get anything fun at Aldi? Does your new sales start on Wednesday or Sunday? Ours is Wednesday. Big huggs, Me.

    1. Thanks Ivy. Just bought the normal things I need for the week at Aldi, and a bit of chocolate for the soul! No sales here just now!

  3. I agree with comment that prices keep going up. It's crazy. Who'd have thought a disease could eventually cause all these supply and cost issues? I love these pages and your drawings on them. Especially the lady in blue and those orange poppies. Nice tag also. And green in the world is really good, isn't it? It's been raining here so once the sun comes back out, I think green will be the color too. I hope you have a lovely middle of the week and good luck with the tooth situation. hugs-Erika

    1. I love this time of year with the fresh spring green, so pretty. My weekl shopping is costing nearly twice as much just now, it must be hard for people who have a very low income. Hugs!

  4. Lovely art older and newer. My favourite is the math problem! Enjoyed the photos

  5. Hi Val, another wonderful post! Love the photos, art, and everything! Have a lovely day, I'm off to work now. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks. Have a lovely day, don't work too hard! Hugs to you all!

  6. Good morning, I enjoyed your post-full of beauty. Love your recycled art pages and tag, and the photos are so lovely. I love seeing the first greens on the trees too-I was noticing all the different shades of soft greens yesterday. I try to really take note and enjoy the trees leafing out in the spring now-slowing down enough to enjoy it all during early spring.
    Happy mid week hugs Kathy

    1. Now we are older we have more time to appreciate the things around us. Have a great week!

  7. Beautiful photos of the animals, bet you had a lovely day. Gorgeous art work too. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, it's a great place for a day out!

  8. I hope all goes well with the oral surgery. I'm sure it will be good to get it over with. Lovely photos, all. And I laughed at the wall phone. Yes, we always knew where it was!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I will be happy when it's over!

  9. I know you'll be glad when the dental work is finished, and I hope it's soon. I love those baby boars. So cute!

    1. I will indeed. The little boars are prett, but when they are grown they can be really dangerous!

  10. Good morning Your Exquisite Valerieness: I can see that today you are determined to get to the bottom of things. Be careful if you see any bums on the street, and don't get behind too much. Better bring up a rearguard action, and hide derrière the bush if you need to - I see there are lots of them on your walks. You must surely know that I am in love with the tag you made for Tag Tuesday. I can only imagine what a wonderful bookmark it would make, nestled neatly into the pages of an ornithological tome, a pleasure unto itself each time the book was opened. I think that Tag Tuesday should be replaced with Book Mark Everyday - and it should be obligatory to have birds on at least half of them. Don't get behind on this! I laughed out loud at the cartoon with the old man and the young woman. I am quite sure this was created with Melania Tump in mind! I remember the remark of a wealthy former Mayor of Toronto who said to his wife, "If I lost all my money, would you still love me?" She replied. "Yes. And I'd miss you too!" Today we went over to see two young Great Horned Owls that are really getting adventuresome and are exploring along the branches. Some crows came and threatened them and momma was there in an instant. The crows were wise not to mess with her or they might have been owlet lunch. I think that is all for today Valerie Dearest, be sure to pass along my greetings to Heike, your co-coffee fanatic. Oh, just one other thing - I hope that you are able to go ahead and have the tooth dug out, awful though it sounds. You'll be happy to have it behind you! Bottoms up! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I think you have really got to the bottom of things today! I had a phase where I painted bums galore, I'll see if I can find the photos! I'm sure owls are very protective of their young, birds and animals guard their young so well, what you can't always say of human parents. Heike was at the hairdressers today, I am sure she looks good now. I will go and have a look see later on. Lucky she only lives round the corner. Today my home-help was here and now everything is clean. Then he drove me to a garden market near here and we bought new containers for flowers on my balcony, and some flowers to get started, and he planted them and cleaned my balcony, too - nice. Now it looks good again! Have a great day, David, take care! Big hugs to you and Miriam! xxxxx

  11. Hi Valerie, lovely post, as always. Love your art and the pics are gorgeous. I've never seen baby boars before, so pretty. Have a great day, hugs, Martha

  12. I hope you get that tooth sorted ok Valerie, ouch! I love your gorgeous artwork and your funnies made me laugh. Thanks so much for doing another tag for my theme, really appreciate it. xxx

    1. Thanks Pinky, I will be happy when it's over, I'm a coward!

  13. I love that grasshopper with a fiddle. What will cartoonists think of next? LOL.

  14. Great sketches, tags and wonderful photos and tidbits of humor. I hope your tooth issues are soon sorted out and quickly behind you!

    1. Thanks Carol, I will be happy when the dental treatment is over, too! Hugs!

  15. I especially love your tag:)Your photos have such an aura of serenity. I'll be glad when your tooth is fixed and in the rear-view mirror.

  16. I like the poppies place on your art.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  17. Hi Val, there's a little parcel in the post for you! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Oooh, thanks, now I'm curious.....Have a nice day!

  18. Sounds like you've been busy, I do hope you can get your tooth sorted out, what a relief that will be! Loving your sketches, they are so beautiful, you are so talented 😊. I shop at Aldi too and it seems food is getting more expensive everyday. Glad you had a good natter with your friend over coffee, my sister is now drinking decaf coffee and I've been enjoying a cup of two too, so I enjoyed looking at the thinkies and funnies whilst drinking my homemade decaf oat milk latte. Sending you happy and creative wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it will indeed be a relief when the roots are removed, there's a sharp and jagged piece which is not nice at all. Oat milk is good. Hugs!

  19. Love both your pieces Valerie. At first I was happy viewing the figure reclining in blue but then I saw the back of the beautiful young girl with her hair tied up and realised I could not separate the two in my head - both are equally beautiful and you have certainly got a talent for painting. Did you do these in a life class?
    Lovely tag, great funnies and some wonderful photography. I am always impressed by the photographs you take and show to us.
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked the drawings, they were indeed done at a life class, where we took it in turns to pose! I wouldn't do it these days! Spring is always a wonderful time to take photos. Have a lovely day 💗💕💕! Hugs!

  20. Lovely nudes! And the ram's horn is a great illustration of "twisted."

  21. Love this post! So many wonderful photos and I have a big smile on my face after enjoying the funnies. Sorry about your tooth. Hope it all works out.

  22. Love that grasshopper on the Ivy leaf:) Hope you are having a feel good day:)

  23. Lovely art creations and delightful photos ~ awesome sky shots ~ baby boars are cute ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. What a fabulous midweek post, I enjoyed everything :)

    Hope the dentist visit will go ahead okay.

    All the best Jan

  25. Your two sketches are truly exquisite, Valerie, and the dictionary background make them even more special. Very beautiful photos - I always think the spring green is so beautiful, fresh and "unverbraucht". It gets a bit tired at the end of summer - here, we usually don't have green anymore at the end of May. It already starts to get brown in some places despite the wet winter - a couple hot days was all it took.

  26. Yet another delightful post, Valerie.
    Love your art and photos. The funnies made me smile.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks Veronica, hugs and blessings back to you!

  27. Hope your tooth surgery goes or went well! I'm behind in visiting blogs due to my family visiting but catching up now. Wow, you can definitely draw the human form, those are fantastic! And I like how you reused them in new art, too. Love the photos and the wall phone funny made me smile. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, glad you like my girls! Hugs!

  28. Ahh, I see you must have had a nudes phase in your art career ... well done, Valerie and this with or without models ? :) Your Tag is gorgeous and so Earth Day. I love it on the background piece even though that makes the little hole useless. So the first Funnies and Thinkies is quite an accomplishment for somebody ... very clever and I can't imagine being able to cut the scene out of a leaf. George has to be filthy rich without a doubt, skinny jeans don't work for me either and the guy who left his tire behind (and yes, it had to be a guy) must think the police don't know who's car they left the lock on, Ha!
    I love the fresh green of Spring and your photos are magnificent, your animals are cute and I too love the up shot of the trees.
    As for your broken tooth ... I do hope you are able to get it out, but don't fret if they say no because those roots will slowly work their way out on their own. It just takes a long time and you have to be careful not to swallow them if they drop while you are sleeping :) Be well, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. I still love drawing nudes, but don't have models anymore, and my fingers can't always do fine lines without shaking. Back in the day I went to a life course, and we had to take it in turns to be the model of the week - a bit daunting at first, but you get used to it! I have an appointment on Thusday to have the root dug out, the doctor says it's no problem, only takes 10 minutes and all sooo easy. Let's hope he's right! Have a great new month! Hugs!

  29. love the way you created the flowers :) And the baby boars are sweet. :)

  30. Hi Valerie! I love your "twisted" photo, the animals are so wonderful! Oh by the way, my skinny jeans don't work either lol...that made me giggle! Beautiful nudes!


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