Saturday 28 January 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wiahing us all a good weekend! Today I have pieces for 2 challenges to share. First off is a journal page for Mia's 'add a photo' challenge at AJJ. I combined 2 photos to makes this. The background is part of a photo of a grafitti wall in Brick Lane, London, which was sent to me by a friend. The 2nd photo was digitally cut out, leaving the lady sitting on the steps, which I placed in front of the wall. Quick and effective!

The second piece is a digital tag for Wendy's blue/green challenge at 

And some photos, thinkies, funnies:

Sorry I'm not writing much just now, my fingers are still very shaky. When I get a new laptop I can add a speeech to text programme, and that will hopefully make things easier!

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Hi Val, good morning. Love your art! I'm enjoying having a lazy time at Leah's, soooo good! Enjoy your weekend, have fun! Hugs, Sarah

  2. That lady sitting on the steps makes a great page. And she had a bright smile
    To start my day. And I am loving Wendy’s new challenge. Hopefully I’ll get some art time tomorrow or Monday so I can plan with those fun colors. I hope you have a super weekend. Hugs Erika

  3. Your new header is smashing, Valerie! And you were very clever to combine the photograph of the sitting lady with the graffiti the way you did. She looks perfectly natural there, as though she had been out for a stroll and decided to take a rest. The idea of using voice instead of typing sounds like it might work well for you. I imagine you will have to enunciate clearly and check what is typed. Often in Zoom meetings they have simultaneous transcription and some odd interpretations of people's words show up on the bottom of the screen, especially if they have an accent, or tend to mumble. You will no doubt summon the clear, precise English of your childhood. Enjoy the weekend that is just getting underway. I glanced out the window when I got up and I will need to shovel the driveway again for the third day in a row. Tonight I am driving friends to the airport in Toronto as they embark on a trip to Tobago - lucky sods! Miriam and I were there seventeen years ago. Great place to visit. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! Glad you like the header, I enjoy playing around with digital programmes. I hope speech to type will help, and I need a programme which supports German and English. My laptop is very old, I can't use it here. Sorry you need to shovel the driveway yet again! Here it has been a cold day but with sun, and that makes it much better! I was never in Tobago, but I would like to. Lucky sods indeed. Have a great weekend, have fun! Big hugs, Valeriexxxx

  4. Awesome art Valerie-the first one so well done with the photos-enjoyed the thinkies and photos hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks kathy, have a great weekend, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Lovely art photos and funnies. My favourite is the hope quote

  6. Klasse gemacht das digitale Bild mit dem Foto und das tag mit den Katzen ist so hübsch Farbe und witzig!Die Fotos sind auch so schön zum anschauen mit dem Zitat!
    Das ist ja toll wenn du so was hast dann kannst du deine Finger schonen. Pass auf dich auf und gutes Erholen weiterhin!Schönes Wochenende dir!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

  7. Your journal page is so seamless. Like the girl and graffiti were photographed together. Love those cats. Take care

    1. Thanks, I was astonished how well the pics blended!

  8. Hi Val, sorry you are still in the clinic, but I'm glad you feel well there and are being well treated. Your art is beautiful, as always! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, I'm happoy we get such good care here! Hugs!

  9. Lovely the combination of colours on your wonderful tag. Hope you are well, hugs Wendy

  10. Hi, Valerie! I like your new header! Your addition of the pretty lady in front of the graffiti wall is nicely done, and I love the kitty tag. I have never experimented with digital programs. Maybe one of these days. Speech to text sounds like it would be helpful for you. I'm sorry that your hands are still shaky. It must be so frustrating. I hope that you are enjoying a good weekend. Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Louise! I love playng with digital effects, so many possibilities. Have a great Sunday, hugs!

  11. Hi Valerie, I've been to the Craft Club today so just getting round to visiting. I do hope you're new laptop does what you want it too. I am loving the tag and that sweet little puppy is adorablde. Our new boy puppy saw himself through the mirror today and he didn't like what he saw but think he has kind of got the idea now but it must feel very strangfe to them. I love the message board about talking to each other. It amazes me when we walk in the park or go to the cafe how many people have their phones out flicking through them just ignoring whoever they are with, how sad is that. Take care and hope your weekend is a happy one. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Glad you had fun at the craft club! My doggies always barked at their reflections. So true, people forget to talk to each other these days, just have their phones in blick. Have a lovely Sunday, hugs!

  12. I love the vibrant colors of the cat collage you did. It's so beautiful. :)
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend,

  13. Super Tag Valerie, love the background. I must get myself organised and get a tag done for this theme..xx

  14. Love your combination photo. The green/blue tag is fantastic- love those cats! Great funnies, thinkies. I love that pile of balanced stones. Hope you feel better soon, hugs Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The stones are beautiful indeed! Happy Sunday! Hugs!

  15. Ładne robisz zmiany w Photoshopie. Miłej niedzieli 💗

  16. These pictures are very interesting 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  17. I wish you well and to feel completely better. I love your photos.

    1. Thanks Debra, have a good start in the new week! Hugs!

  18. Piękne są twoje prace wiadomo dla mnie najpiękniejsze są koty😊 Super, że masz nowy laptop z tak przydatną funkcją. Miłego tygodnia😊

  19. I do like your combination photograph, that lady has such a wonderful smile :)
    Great tag too.

    My good wishes for the new week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, there's nothing like a happy smile!

  20. Looks like a happy cat dancing, in tag you did.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes, they are happy cats! Have a great week!

  21. Love your blog header. Like your colourful tag. That is a cute doggie with such big eyes. So sorry about your shaky fingers. Hope they get better soon.

  22. This is a superb photo entry for Mia's theme. I was delighted to see the lady's smile. It brightened my very cold gray morning. And I love the cats in the tag, too.

    Not sure how those rocks got balanced like that, but that was amazing. I'd love for all my friends with cell phones to see the wifi joke. Please get better soon, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Some people never put their phones down! I'm doing my best to get better!

  23. I love your new banner and the cats, too! I hope every day is better and better!

  24. So much to love here today!! The new header is so cute Valerie! I absolutely love your tags. I have a friend who uses her voice to do her blogging and she has found it very helpful.

    1. Thanks Pinky, I am sure it would be a great help! Thanks for the info! Hugs!

  25. such a beautiful journal page. I adore the tag with the blue and green cats! perfect! please take very good care. xo

  26. Luv your dancing fat cats. So fun tag.



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